The U.S. currently has 59 areas of land in 27 different states that are designated as National Parks by the federal government. The National Park Service Organic Act was signed into law in 1916 "To conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations."
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Run it like a business. Charge realistic entry fees. Restart the WPA. Get fit healthy people working to preserve park improvements and access.
Why should a citizen who never wants nor can afford to visit these places be held responsible? They should be offered and run by private enterprises with feasible plans for mainteneses from reasonable attendance fees. The only roll the Government should with them is crime and regulation of attendance fees the same way they addressed the airline industry.
The national parks are the people's parks and not BIG government. Preserving and protecting YES... Handing that responsibility over to the Fascists NO!
They should be preserved, but the gov should have more important bills to pay
Cost too much for government to do this...hire privately to preserve and protect
Someone should protect them, but I don't know if the best caretaker is the government.
Allow limited logging and possible drilling and mining and allow more public access
The majority of superfund sites are owned by the government. They have proven unreliable when it comes to protecting the environment.
Yes, allow limited drilling and forestry, using best practical ecological means, as well as use hunting to control over population of some species.
The gov does own too much land. Each state should be able be have eligible voters decide if some land should be opened for recreation or industry, or sale to pay down the national debt (non-citizens or foreign countries should never be allowed to own any part of the USA).
The government seems anal about some factors of park management and tends to go more politically based and also more profit based. Their "experts" on fire management, where applicable, appear to be uninformed on issues and make many mistakes on fire control issues.
The Federal Government cannot be trusted.
Choose more wisely which lands deserve to be declared "Parks." Remove the ultra-ego's of the N.P.S to declare any property a "Park" because of an inflated individual ego!
Parks should be administered, but they should not be expected to remain unchanged.
It is my view parks should have portions that would be farmed for timber for example and refurbished. Use the example of Epcot using hydroponic growth for food. If they were a self sustaining by using their products for monies that would only be given back to the parks. I have seen where trees die because they have not thinned out, so not touching something does not always guarantee the best solution.
Secondly, the states that have these parks should have a vote in the decision making.
Yes, but no more new acquisitions, the EPA stops over- regulating and the government should sell land back to private citizens whenever feasible
National Parks are okay as is, but Bureau of Land Management lands all need to be auctioned off.
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