Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @IndependentIslandRepublican from Virginia agreed…1yr1Y

Ok, but without providing data and statistics, this isn’t going to go anywhere. It’s just making a moral judgment on others and I’m going to guess you aren’t the type of person that likes others trying to persuade you by their standards of morality.

There are many positive stats to back up this idea. Maybe start with…

  • the positive outcomes of children adopted into loving families
  • the emotional well-being of mothers who have chosen adoption over abortion
  • stories of successful adults who were nearly aborted
  • the societal benefits of an expanding younger generation …  Read more

Also, a big issue pro-life advocates have with this proposal is how financially devastating it is to the mothers. Maybe include a plan for…

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…1yr1Y

This is a complete violation of individual freedom and bodily autonomy.

The fundamental right over deciding who can or cannot use your own body, for any or no reason, is one of the single most important rights you can have as an individual. Frankly, if you even think that anyone should be allowed to use other people's bodies without their consent in the first place, then you are a danger to society.

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