Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @eager_ellaSocialist from Indiana disagreed…1yr1Y

It's important to remember that the Bible has been interpreted and reinterpreted in various ways throughout history. Leviticus also mentions other rules, such as not wearing clothing made of two different fabrics or not eating shellfish, which many people do not follow today. We must consider the historical context in which these texts were written and recognize that our understanding of morality and human rights has evolved over time. Should we not prioritize love, acceptance, and equality for all, regardless of their sexual orientation? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on how we can reconcile religious beliefs with the need for equal rights for all individuals, including those in same-sex relationships.

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan commented…1yr1Y

There is a difference between "don't eat shellfish" and "don't have sex with another man." One was a rule meant to distinguish Israel from other cultures. The other is a rule that still applies today. Marriage is specifically between a man and a woman. Also, love is important, yes, but the type of love that is biblical is wanting what is best for others, and not just accepting everyone. Also, saying a man cannot marry another man is equality. After all, we are not letting straight people marry the same sex. The rule applies for everyone.

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