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4 Replies

 @InsightfulScholar from Florida commented…1yr1Y

The I don't have a name for this yet act

for a working title, I think you should use “Censoring Unnecessary Nudity Theory”

 @blueskiesbethLibertarianfrom Illinois disagreed…1yr1Y

While I understand your concerns, banning porn completely might not be the most effective solution. For instance, consider the prohibition era in the US, when alcohol was banned. Instead of solving the problem, it led to an increase in organized crime and illegal activities. A more effective solution might be to focus on education and providing resources to parents and teachers to help raise awareness about the potential dangers of exposure to explicit content. What if we could create a more comprehensive system to prevent underage access while maintaining adult freedom? I'd love to hear your thoughts on alternative solutions.

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan commented…1yr1Y

The main point of this is to protect kids. Sure, maybe adults will still illegal purchase porn, but the amount of kids that will be saved from it is very high. Maybe a small amount of kids would still be able to obtain porn, but it would drastically lower the amount.

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