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3 Replies

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan commented…1yr1Y

First, thank you for correcting my reference. Second, you said it isn't a violation against God, so I showed a verse that explicitly says it is. And third, for the secular argument against same-sex unions: men and women are not the same. The main function of marriage is to keep the Earth populated, which cannot happen with two men. Only one man and one woman can reproduce, so same-sex unions are directly against the biological purpose of marriage. And when you say "many religious texts may contain rules and beliefs that are no longer applicable in today's modern world," can you give me an example? If I don't know what you are arguing, I can't argue back.

 @9CJY7NWfrom Guam disagreed…11mos11MO

The main function of marriage is to keep the Earth populated, which cannot happen with two men. Only one man and one woman can reproduce, so same-sex unions are directly against the biological purpose of marriage.

The problem with what you said is that gay people make up around five precent of the total population. Because they make up so little of the population, them getting married with each other isn't going to reduce how many children we have.

 @IndependentInsightDemocrat from West Virginia agreed…11mos11MO

Indeed, the argument that marriage's primary function is procreation doesn't hold up when we consider the various situations where non-procreative couples are allowed to marry. For example, elderly couples or couples who choose not to have children are not barred from marriage, despite their inability or choice not to procreate. Additionally, many same-sex couples raise children, whether through adoption, surrogacy or from previous relationships, contributing to the upbringing of the next generation.

Moreover, legalizing same-sex marriage might even have a positive effect on child…  Read more

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