Try the political quiz

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If freedom of speech is a natural right, where, if at all, should lines be drawn, and who should draw them?


There shouldn't be a line. Freedom of speech is what it is. Now when people act on these hate words through action then it should be dealt with.

This one question stirs so many people up. You can't punish someone for beliefs or creed. It will trickle down to a who said she said match at the end of everything.

Actions speak louder then words cause they can cause physical harm. This is a questions that intice to cause division among Americans to keep us off the bigger problems America is facing today. It effects less then 1% of Americans. Yet it is an everyday issue on are media outlets cause it attracts attention. Let's attack housing cost and Rent. Unregulate the market so we can create more condo and townhouses. Prevent big corporations from buying swath of real estate all because a few years ago interest rates won't ever be that low again.

 @9JB6N5ZRepublican from Nevada answered…5mos5MO

If it gets violent and people get hurt that is where they should draw the line. I think law enforcement should draw them.


because if it gets violent then that's stretching your rights too far its only freedom of speech not freedom of violent.

 @9JB6RVP  from Washington answered…5mos5MO

The freedom of speech is a right everyone has and lines should not be drawn.

 @9JB6LK7 from New York answered…5mos5MO

If the speech leads to danger or harm of the people of this country DIRECTLY, then yes there should be consequences, lawsuits, and a restriction of freedom of speech. Also, in private businesses where it is a private estate, there should be limits considering the constitution and these amendments is more about the federal government's powers and restrictions, rather than the people's restrictions. Also, if it's a private estate, then the people who violate the terms and services of the PRIVATE estate should face allegations and potential lawsuits for their actions.


If you were to witness a rights violation in public, what would compel you to act, and how?

 @9KTYJY4 from New Jersey answered…3mos3MO

Another human being getting violated would compel me to act, I would try to prevent it.

 @9KTYJ8ZDemocrat from New Jersey answered…3mos3MO

I would be compelled to act because it would be taking away the rights of others who deserve those rights.


I wouldn't know what to do, I'd probably record and report and maybe say something depending on the situation.


How would you prioritize which 'natural rights' to defend if you couldn't choose them all?

 @9L5Y3VY from Colorado answered…2mos2MO

 @9L5YR2F from Kentucky answered…2mos2MO

I would chose life because the individual and collective rights of self-defense and self-determination

 @9L5Y6NY from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I think that the natural right to practice any religion, have a family, and make a living should be prioritized.

 @9L5Y63B from Kentucky answered…2mos2MO

Natural rights need defended to the point except if someone becomes a sex offender


Why do you think it is crucial, or not, to fight for the rights of people you've never met?

 @9JF29JPLibertarianfrom Maine answered…4mos4MO

I belive the UN has a very good idea of what exactly human rights are. But they are terrible at enforcing them especially in the middle east.

 @9JFTP58Socialist from Maine agreed…4mos4MO

The UN is generally a very loose organization, that sees itself as this great enforcer of justice and human rights. But the US and the greedy European countries contribute to it's failures, since it rarely gets authorized to move in. And if it does, it barely does a change. Simply because the US and European country's political interests are the main motivator, and not the protection of human lives.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Well that’s mostly because it’s not strong and independent, it’s not a fully global body either. It’s “military” is built off of volunteers, and they’re poorly trained or unruly at best.

 @9JJNQ9BRepublican from Michigan disagreed…4mos4MO

I'm not sure about the UN but everyone should get the rights we have all agreed to have regardless of who they are or what they've done.

 @9JF2FSB from West Virginia answered…4mos4MO

Because they are still people at the end of the day. We all have the same bones in our body. They’re human.

 @9JH4BPS from Illinois agreed…4mos4MO

they could come from a different country and they could need help trying to make a better living for themselves

 @9JF26F5Democrat from Indiana answered…4mos4MO

because everyone deserves the name natural rights. it is things you deserve for being brought into this world.


How does the idea that some rights are 'natural' affect the way you think about new issues, like climate change or internet privacy?

 @9K8Z7NB from South Carolina answered…3mos3MO

In newer times, we are slowly having our rights taken. So fighting for your rights and voting the right person is crucial

 @9KGSYCSIndependent from Illinois agreed…3mos3MO

Artificial Intelligence takes control of human intellect and originality and needs to be regulated.

 @9KBCS5X from Nevada agreed…3mos3MO

The concept of natural rights can shape perspectives on new issues like climate change or internet privacy, influencing whether individuals prioritize certain rights regardless of circumstances.

 @9K8ZHZX from South Carolina answered…3mos3MO

 @9K8ZGVZ from Massachusetts answered…3mos3MO

I think about God given rights. I think that climate change doesn't really have an impact however internet privacy does.


Do you believe you have rights that no government should be able to take from you; what are they?

 @9H5FZ5XDemocrat from Illinois answered…7mos7MO

 @9H5GJPV from Michigan answered…7mos7MO

 @9H5G9RHRepublican from New York answered…7mos7MO

 @9H5FVP7 from Tennessee answered…7mos7MO

Yes there are certain rights that are not supposed to be taken from us such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Also the freedom of press, assembly, and privacy.


Why do you think some communities or groups might interpret natural rights differently?

 @9HVN7FLDemocrat from Minnesota answered…5mos5MO

 @9HVN6GMWomen’s Equality from Virginia answered…5mos5MO

can identify the fundamental liberties that all human beings require to pursue happiness while living in close proximity to others


If you could start a movement to better protect a certain right, which right would it be and what would be your first step?

 @9L4VNN9 from Missouri answered…2mos2MO

my first step would be to take action where I see a problem. Speaking up about a woman's right to choose attending meetings, voting, etc.

 @9L4VG5G from Minnesota answered…2mos2MO

maybe the movement to stop genocide thats currently happening in gaza, take it to social media maybe?


Should everyone around the world have the same natural rights, or are some rights specific to certain cultures or societies?

 @9HDBHV5Greenfrom Washington answered…6mos6MO

Some cultures have a great religious background that shapes how their society functions, therefore some countries may prioritize other rights. But base human rights are integral.


How do you feel when you see natural rights being violated in the news, and do you react?

 @9KN3T2KWomen’s Equality from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

It makes me sad , because no one should have their natural rights violated its unnecessary an unfair

 @9KN3SKR from Texas answered…3mos3MO

I disagree with it I don't believe that "Natural Rights" should be violated because that is something that is state in our constitution as Americans.


Imagine a world where everyone completely respects each other's rights; what does it look like?


How do you address conflicts between your rights and the needs of the environment?

 @9LHV4RR from Wisconsin answered…2mos2MO

 @9LHTFLQLibertarian from Maryland answered…2mos2MO

while i am a liberaterian i do believe that there needs to be some regulation


How has your understanding of your own rights influenced the way you view authority figures?


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