Try the political quiz

245 Replies


How important is it to you that the place you live actively works to prevent inequality among its citizens?

 @9H4X6SM from North Carolina answered…8mos8MO

I think this is very important so workers can be kind and helpful to each other and not resent each other.

 @9H4XM5K from Texas answered…8mos8MO

Very important as there are many people trying to take away my rights for different reasons.

 @9H4XMTJ from Washington answered…8mos8MO

It is important that the worth and will of each and every laborer is kept in mind. Regardless of education or skill if the ability to operate as a society is null without previously stated workers then they are necessary to pleasse.


I don't care as long as i can be myself and live my life the way i want as long as i am not forcing or physically bothering others.


If you saw people in your school or community being treated unfairly, what actions would you take?

 @9HYBHCVDemocrat from California answered…6mos6MO

Let people know what is happening to them so something can be done about it.

 @9HYDQKKIndependent from Virginia answered…6mos6MO

It's best to take this matter through a process in order to find and enact the best solutions with people in higher positions who have the means and experience to do so.


i would speak out and called them out and tell teachers, after i would talk to the victims to see how they are doing.

 @9HYBQJXPeace and Freedom from California answered…6mos6MO

I would go to that school or community and reveal their corruption if they don't change their policy.


When thinking about historical movements, do you believe people are more driven by a desire for national identity or for social equality?

 @9HGZKFYConstitution from California answered…7mos7MO

 @9HH4WHJ from Indiana answered…7mos7MO

I believe people are more driven by national inentity than social equlaity


Would you be willing to compromise some personal benefits for the greater good of a community; why or why not?

 @9HMBVK6 from Kansas answered…7mos7MO

I would be, this would most likely be in the way of paying more taxes, which eventually I would reap the benefits in with free/reduced healthcare, free/reduced education, or public infrastructure.

 @9HMBM3XDemocrat from Kansas answered…7mos7MO

It depends on what the benefits are. If I had to give up things that are super important, I would be unhappy.


I would be willing to compromise some personal benefits because I feel it could change the community for the greater good


How might the values of shared work and cooperative living resonate with you in today's society?


 @9HMC4JY from Florida answered…7mos7MO


Have you ever felt a sense of pride from working towards a goal with a group, and if so, what was the project?

 @9HVFKMH from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

 @9HVF2KG from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

Zionism was primarily a result of the Jewish aspiration for the re-establishment of the Jewish state.

 @9HVFLM3 from Texas answered…6mos6MO

It wasn't really a project but I did work with a friend on achieving higher ranks in a video game.


How would you reconcile the desire for national identity with the principles of equality and worker's rights?

 @9HMBH3B from Florida answered…7mos7MO

 @9HMB9BS from Ohio answered…7mos7MO

Why would i possibly care about jews living in israel i dont care where they live as long as we arent gassing or flaming them. jews deserve to live idc where


What personal benefits do you think could result from living in a community-driven by equal rights for all?

 @9HXSD6Z from Tennessee answered…6mos6MO

Feeling safer in a way and not worried about others thoughts if u may see yourself differently.

 @9HXRS8R from California answered…6mos6MO

Feeling safer in a way and not worried about others thoughts if u may see yourself differently.


What are the potential benefits or downsides to a society where economic decisions are made collectively rather than by individuals?

 @9HMBXB4Democrat from Alabama answered…7mos7MO

I believe that it might be more difficult to keep more people involved in the process, but after participation has been normalized, we will have a greater number of people making collective decisions. I also think it would help the economy because there would be less people being underpaid for their work.


i do not support zionism US has made decisions without asking its peoples we have lost our fathers idea of a country.


If given the chance, what social or economic problem in your community would you address through collective action, and why?

 @9HM9YBP from Michigan answered…7mos7MO

the creation of institutions in Israel that exist today, such as the Israel Defense Forces"

 @9HM9C9P from North Carolina answered…7mos7MO

A big problem in the keys is overpopulated goliath grouper populations and they are still restricted to harvest. It is vital to the stone crab population as well as many other species that this number is diminished.


Would you be willing to live in a community where everyone shares ownership and profits equally, like a kibbutz?

 @9H543CCMountain from Rhode Island answered…8mos8MO

I would be willing to live in a community where everyone shares ownership and profit equally.


Can you share a time when acting in the interest of your community also significantly benefited you individually?

 @9KQ8M2VDemocrat from California answered…4mos4MO

I have no clue what that is if I'm being honest. Also I don't really have a community persay, like an HOA or other things in likeness.

 @9KPL5FY from California answered…4mos4MO

it benefited me because it showed me how much I can help a change along with a lot of others


What does 'unity' mean to you in the context of achieving common goals at school or in your community?

 @9K9FHHK from Colorado answered…4mos4MO

Evreyone working together in order to make a better environment/ goal especially with gun violence in schools today.

 @9K8NRLC  from New York commented…4mos4MO

Students going out of their way to know others, find out each other's strengths and equally contrite to a project.


What does 'fairness' in a community mean to you, and can you share an experience where fairness impacted you?

 @9JQ9CS6 from California answered…5mos5MO

Fairness is the impact of everyone being treated equally as a status quo, not impacted by any outside factors.

 @9JQ8FDM from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

Fairness means everyone minds their business, if something disturbs the other then talk it out. Fairness has helped me co-exist with others without a problem


Would you prefer a world where everyone's job is recognized as equally important, and what might that look like?

 @9L5VRHC from Alabama answered…3mos3MO

 @9L5VRB5 from New Hampshire answered…3mos3MO

I would prefer a world where more important jobs pay more, but low income workers should still be given bigger wages.


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