Try the political quiz

220 Replies


What would a public space designed with inclusivity at its core look like to you?


A nice and healthy park, with staff from the community helping to take care of it.

 @9JQ7WXR from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

One of natural occurence, as forced inclusivity is impossible without it failing. Create cultured, beautiful public spaces with no worry of offending outsiders, as a nation is made for its people, not others to trample on it.

 @9JQ8P3P from Maryland answered…5mos5MO

The government should operate independently of religious beliefs, however laws prohibiting bodily harm to any individual should be enforced regardless of religious practices. This should include injury and murder based on religious practices.

 @9JQ88QRPeace and Freedom from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO


How might your life be different if the media represented a broader spectrum of beliefs?

 @9JBCBL8 from West Virginia answered…5mos5MO

Life would be similar to the way things are today life is already very influenced by social media

 @9JF8QTYRepublican from Texas disagreed…5mos5MO

While the media may portray all spectrums. Those pre considerations you uphold will take over majority of your screen time. Therefore a balance level of exposure is necessary.

 @9JB5VSPWomen’s Equality from Texas answered…5mos5MO

 @9JB64LNWomen’s Equality from Oklahoma answered…5mos5MO

My life would be different because more people would be controlled by the media.

 @9JB5DH4 from Arizona answered…5mos5MO

It would give everyone the chance to choose what they believe. People would be more open-minded and aware of what was happening in politics, it would be easier to talk to them.


Is it possible for religion to be completely separated from politics, and should it be?

 @9H3M723 from Connecticut answered…7mos7MO

 @9H3MQWB from Texas answered…7mos7MO

It should be but it would be difficult considering most people derive their values from religion.

 @9H3N2KS from Virginia answered…7mos7MO

I don't know about this, I think religion sometimes shapes people's choices and opinions, and politics is sometimes to do with opinions.

 @9H3MTHZRepublican from Florida answered…7mos7MO


What kind of challenges do you think leaders face when trying to remain neutral on religious matters?

 @9HYQWPY from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

Leaders may face pushback from the opposing side. They may also face hardship when trying to explain their point of view or belief.

 @9HYRMHY from New Jersey answered…6mos6MO

Leaders have faced trying to keep religious freedom out of any democratic debate which they have done a very good job of by establishing nonsectarianism. It's the separation of religious beliefs and politics.

 @9HYQRD2Independent from California answered…6mos6MO


How does the principle of religious freedom intersect with nonsectarianism in your daily life?

 @9HVLY48 from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

protects people's right to live, speak, and act according to their beliefs peacefully and publicly

 @9HW4656 from South Carolina agreed…6mos6MO

everyone has a right to do what they believe is right and some people may not agree and that's ok were not going to agree on everything but there's no reason to fight over it just agree to disagree

 @9HVM4PK from Massachusetts answered…6mos6MO

I strongly support religious freedom. The government must protect the right to exercise freely.

 @9HVM2SX from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

I don't really know, but I think everyone should be free to have whatever beliefs they want.

 @9HVRFD8 from New Hampshire agreed…6mos6MO

The original colonists came to the “new world” because of religious persecution. No one should be forced to believe/do something because someone else does.


Should religion play any role in how a country is governed, and why or why not?

 @9H4QTQW from Michigan answered…7mos7MO

No, this country was made to have freedom of religion, and if other countries adopted that I think they'd be more successful. I understand if you want someone to follow a religion but at the end of the day that's someone's personal choice and you can't truly force it on anyone. That's why I think America is so successful, and it's because we don't force any religion on anyone, we can try to guide them to one, but we cannot force them.

 @9H4Q2TPRepublican from Illinois answered…7mos7MO

Yes and no. I think the government should have certain religious morals but they should not push a certain religion on anybody.

 @9H4QH7J from North Carolina answered…7mos7MO


What impact do you think nonsectarian policies would have on the way communities celebrate their local traditions?

 @9HYPZYJ from Hawaii answered…6mos6MO

To be honest, it just all depends on how the person feels about their decisions, because religions may affect this.

 @9HYPRTN from Colorado answered…6mos6MO

If nonsectarian policies are enforced, I believe that restricts a lot of different cultures that gather around that.


How could embracing nonsectarian values influence the way we approach global conflicts?

 @9HLK43C from Wisconsin answered…7mos7MO

maybe more people can respect religous differences. People have no right to **** talk other religions no matter what there religion or people say.


How do your personal values influence your stance on religious neutrality in government?


What’s a piece of advice you’d give to someone struggling to navigate a diverse belief landscape?

 @9L8H2P9  from Tennessee answered…3mos3MO

You should listen to what your gut says and trust your opinion. Don't let the people you're around sway your opinion, especially if you are unsure because people have told you your opinion is "wrong"

 @9L8GTDQ from Minnesota answered…3mos3MO

If it is law, it should not be connected in any way to any type of scripture.


How can we ensure fairness in media coverage when reporting on issues involving different belief systems?

 @9LGF3XK from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

 @9LGF2Q8 from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

It’s a long process that starts with educating news consumers. Require journalism as an elective in junior high and high schools again. Make students take at least one semester to learn to evaluate truth in media This will lead to the demand of more non- biased reporting from media outlets.


How would you feel if public holidays were adapted to be more inclusive of all beliefs?

 @9J6NZFVProgressive from Colorado answered…5mos5MO

YEs, but undertsand that Christmas was originally a Pagan holiday called Saturnalia. "Christ" had he been a real person and born when the stars were described as pointing to Bethlehem would've been sometime in September or August.

 @9J6NCL5 from Nebraska answered…5mos5MO

This is America, we are going to do things the American way. Although we have people that want an experience of a culture we have restaurants and certain amusement parks that will show that.


Can you envision a global event that embraces nonsectarian values, and what would it look like?

 @9HYQPVN from Georgia answered…6mos6MO

I can envision a global event that embraces nonsectarianism but I cannot see the world adopting nonsectarianism as a whole. I feel that some racial prejudice and religious differences are too deeply rooted to be changed this far into the future. The global event would most likely be similar to any other movement for unity, and it would be met with lots of backlash.


Do you think nonsectarianism can lead to better relationships between people of different faiths?

 @9H7C49PRepublican from Texas answered…7mos7MO

No I do not. Faith is important in every aspect of Humans life. Even atheists believe that there is nothing. Everybody is going to think they are right and there is no separating that.


Do you think nonsectarian values should be reflected in workplace policies, and if so, how?


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