Try the political quiz

199 Replies


Would you feel more or less connected to your community if everyone had a similar cultural story to yours?

 @9J37FR9 from California answered…5mos5MO

I wouldn’t feel connected. I mean something like this doesn't matter to me.

 @9J2ZR4RRepublican from Florida answered…5mos5MO

I'd feel more connected but less special since if everybody was the same nobody would be unique. There'd be nothing interesting to learn about others.

 @9J32877Republican from Nevada answered…5mos5MO

I would feel more connected, but I would love to learn about other cultures too because I do love to learn.

 @9J326Y6 from California answered…5mos5MO


Would the lack of cultural diversity affect your sense of freedom and choice in daily life, and how?

 @9HHJ726 answered…6mos6MO

I support the idea of independent cultures but not as something that makes someone fundamentally different from another, more as an expression of the way people who has experiences like yours let those experiences effect their creativity and expression

 @9HHJ65V from Colorado answered…6mos6MO

The lack of cultural diversity would affect our population and people's upbringing views on racism.

 @9HHHP78 from Missouri answered…6mos6MO


The idea of cultural diversity would make it so that many cultures of different kinds would acknowledge others and try to connect despite the differences. Which with different cultures would create more diverse society.


How would you describe the ideal community where everyone feels a sense of belonging?

 @9JQGQ3M from Texas answered…4mos4MO

Simple everyone is friendly to one another and nobody is on edge anytime they go out

 @9JQLH69Democrat from Illinois agreed…4mos4MO

Everyone has the right to be able to go outside and not be worried about if they are gonna get killed today or the next.

 @9JQLDM8 from Arkansas agreed…4mos4MO

Crime and political discourse cause fear and discomfort in public, but if society could lessen crime and learn to cooperate no matter the political and ideological differences.

 @9JQGF3K from California answered…4mos4MO

I think everyone should feel welcome no matter what is going on. I think people should feel like they always have a place here.

 @9JSRKRT from California agreed…4mos4MO

An ideal community is somewhere everyone feels safe and comfortable. Since everyone belongs, no one has any fear of being ousted.

 @9JQKVYH from Alabama answered…4mos4MO

 @9JQH3DD from California answered…4mos4MO

Include different cultures and allow anyone to experience said cultures from theirs. Never discriminate against anyone and be open-minded, see how other people live day by day.


Does the thought of multiple languages spoken in a country make you feel enriched or concerned, and why?

 @9H84VLG from California answered…6mos6MO

It is clear that I feel comfortable with the thought of others speaking multiple languages in a country to influence multiculturalism in this free nation.

 @9H84WPK from New York answered…6mos6MO

I have no problem with people speaking whatever language they want it doesnt bother me

 @9H84S5NCommunistfrom Guam answered…6mos6MO

No problem with multiple languages as long as a) everyone also speaks and reads English (that should be a legal requirement) and b) if anyone present doesn’t understand the alternate language English is spoken (that should be basic etiquette in organized collectives like companies,
Sports and government etc)

 @9H847TZ from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I think that understanding language is a valuable proposition, as long as it doesn't compromise the development of their primary language and socialization skllls


How would the absence of diverse cultural holidays impact your experience of the year?

 @9J7F92K from New Hampshire answered…5mos5MO

I celebrate any group that is positive and nonviolent to express their holidays, etc.

 @9J7GLLH from Texas answered…5mos5MO

It can deteriorate the cultural integrity and allow younger generations to be taken away from their heritage.

 @9J7FQ7F from Nebraska answered…5mos5MO


How does sharing a cultural tradition with someone else make you feel connected to them?


Sharing a cultural tradition allows you to connect on a deeper level, because you share something that not everybody does. You have similar experiences of eating the same food, or having that same crazy aunt. It ties you together not just on the surface, but deep within your soul.

 @9JGXTM2 from Texas answered…4mos4MO

It makes you feel more connected because you learn more about their ways.

 @9JGXLTX from Florida answered…4mos4MO


What is one personal value you hold that you would want everyone in your society to share, and why?

 @9JBGM3G from California answered…5mos5MO

Pro-Life, I believe that too many unborn children are being murdered every year. These innocent children didn't get a chance in the outside world. Many of these children too are also being murdered while heaily in the late stages of being created, with faces and legs already heavily developed.

 @9JBGFJXRepublican from California answered…5mos5MO

the trans-inclusive stuff and all the flags because its redundant and stupid

 @9JBGF5B from Oklahoma answered…5mos5MO

God, people say he is not real and it is all a lie but even if it is, we will all live our lives forgiving others and living in grace.


How might the way we celebrate personal achievements like birthdays or graduations change in a more culturally uniform society?

 @9JS7X2V from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

It will probably be the same, however we will see how they are celebrated elsewhere as well.

 @9JSQ375Democrat from Illinois disagreed…4mos4MO

A more culturally uniform society will create a cookie-cutter celebration of every single achievement.


 @9JS5ZS6 from West Virginia answered…4mos4MO

I believe that there needs to be more support for personal beliefs and to recognize that we are all individuals and we all should be able to celebrate special occasions and achievements in our own way. I believe our society is becoming too sensitive to pushing belif systems on others and people are becomeing too defensive with people who are making an effort to not say things that are harmful, but it is taken the wrong way. We should all respect each other's culture, and want to allow others to be able to celebrate in the way that they feel they should for their own personal reasons. People tend to let their own cultural beliefs and religious beliefs get in the way of allowing for someone different to have their own.


In what ways do cultural celebrations and traditions influence your sense of home and belonging?

 @9HHNYGF from Idaho answered…6mos6MO

Cultures should be accepted in all communities culture is an essential part of life and should be preserved and protected. They help all feel at home.

 @9HHNRBCLibertarian from Florida answered…6mos6MO

They're a huge part of feeling connected to my heritage. Experiencing other peoples culture is how I learn more about the world.

 @9HHP34H from California answered…6mos6MO

In response to this I feel like many families should have the freedom to celebrate whatever traditions and celebrations they have.

 @9HHNXJ2 from Texas answered…6mos6MO


Do you believe that children raised in a culturally single-minded society are at an advantage or disadvantage?

 @9H4S7PFProgressive from North Carolina answered…7mos7MO

I think they are at a dissadvantage because they want know how to interact properly with people outside of there community, which, depending on what they do for work ect, will become a pretty big problem for them.

 @9H4T3PW from Minnesota answered…7mos7MO

They kinda have a disadvantage, they don't have other people around them with other culture believe so they don't get to see what other people believe in and how it could be something you are interested

 @9H4SDP6 from Minnesota answered…7mos7MO

i think neither we should stop making everything about gender and race. people that work and have a heart will get somewhere in life.

 @9H4S35NConstitution from Arizona answered…7mos7MO

a disadvantage because the will not be able to do anything because there religion will not let them


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