Try the political quiz

263 Replies


What does 'the pursuit of happiness' mean to you in the context of personal and economic freedom?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington answered…3mos3MO

Pursuit of happiness means exactly what Thomas Jefferson meant it to mean – private property rights and the freedom to do what you will with your property.

 @9K9N6V3 from Texas answered…3mos3MO

Pursuit of Happiness means that all American Citizens have the right to do whatever makes them happy or whatever suits their best interests(personally and economically), as long as it is within the parameters of the law and does not harm others or effect others in a negative way.

 @9K9MHTB from Texas answered…3mos3MO

 @9K9MPGY from California answered…3mos3MO

I am able to get whatever I want in life as long as I Putin the work and pursue with extreme persistence.


How might your approach to education change if it was solely based on free-market principles?

 @9LFNTP4 from Wisconsin answered…2mos2MO

Those disadvantaged financially still have a right to quality education.

 @9LFMVZH from Kansas answered…2mos2MO

It would be different since the schools would have more freedom so they would have more opportunity to grow.

 @9LFMPBT from Idaho answered…2mos2MO


When thinking about your privacy rights, how do you balance them against the potential need for government surveillance?

 @9L2LMKNfrom Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

Libertarians are self-serving idiots, surveillance is needed to to keep the general populace safe. There have to be limits of course, but it is absolutely necessary.


In a fully libertarian yet capitalist world, greed and hate can result in people stripping away others' civil liberties

 @9L2LTSR from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

There has to be a line drawn that the government cannot cross unless there is a legal need to.

 @9L2LNKW from Florida answered…3mos3MO

Have the government ask for information on suspected individuals, do not give them outright access


How much government control do you think is necessary for ensuring public safety and well-being?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington answered…3mos3MO

Very, very little. Only things that are necessary are enforcement of contracts, laws against crimes, a police force, and a military.

 @9HCSK2V from Wisconsin answered…6mos6MO

 @9HCR2H9 from Arkansas answered…6mos6MO

I think a little more than keeping the peace is enough. It keeps the peace and well being of the country but it does not give the government too much power.


How would your friendships change if government surveillance diminished and privacy increased?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington answered…3mos3MO

 @9KM9JJM from Delaware answered…3mos3MO

 @9KM8MZ4 from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

My friendships would grow because we would feel free to speak our minds


What's an area in your life where you wish there was less government involvement, and why?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington answered…3mos3MO

Taxation (which is, to say, THEFT) If government stopped taxing people, we'd be the most prosperous, freest society on earth again.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

do I have to explain surplus value theft again?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

No, because its' a myth

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

Precisely the same logic is used for taxation, and fixing surplus value theft fixes taxes entirely, so please, tell me how exactly this is a myth.

 @9JHB2ZG from Kentucky answered…4mos4MO

 @9JHB26P from Kentucky answered…4mos4MO


How would you cope if a public service you rely on became privatized and costs increased?

 @9HWKNTBLibertarian from Alabama answered…5mos5MO

I would be upset but you Shays find ways to adjust. Have to cut the costs out of something else.


If public schools were entirely self-funded, how do you think that would affect the education system?

 @9KYKXKK from California answered…3mos3MO

I think that more rich neighborhoods would have nicer schools and less rich would have less care.

 @9KYKPVD from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

Schools would not have as much money to provide students with the necessary school supplies, nor would they have money to put on shows or interesting activities for the students.


What personal experiences have shaped your understanding of freedom and its limits?

 @9JCHZKRIndependent from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

Our country is in shambles with many businesses and political choices being influenced by the feelings of a small but loud group of "victims" creating rift between people who just want to live and people who will blame everyone but themselves.

 @9JCHC6J from Massachusetts answered…5mos5MO

Personal Experiences such as being allowed to do something and being restricted to not doing something have helped me understand the amount of freedom that the US has given it's citizens. It allows it's citizens to have enough freedom to be satisfied, but not enough so they can start abusing it and every gets out of control.


Describe a situation where you feel collaboration in your community has been more effective than government-led initiatives.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington answered…3mos3MO

Building neighbourhood roads. I feel much happier about funding road construction – even enthusiastic about it – when I am voluntarily choosing to do it, rather than having my money stolen from me by the government to fund a road I don't want. But if the neighbourhood all chips in – private road construction.

 @9HVTQWPWomen’s Equalityfrom Guam answered…5mos5MO

I think when it comes to the maintenance of the community and the structures within it. I think people within are doing a great job with that.


Can there be too much individual freedom, and if so, what's an example that concerns you?

 @9HRDKK2Women’s Equality from Maine answered…5mos5MO

yes, people take a lot of stuff for granted and take what they have and abuse it

 @9HRDHTW from Florida answered…5mos5MO

In order for individual freedom to be viable again, individuals must first take individual responsibility for their actions. We are long way from that as a society and heading i the wrong direction.


How do you think reduced government employment would impact job opportunities in your field of interest?

 @9L4MLSV from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

I don't think it would impact it much since my field of interest is dance and the arts.

 @9L4M6T4Peace and Freedom from Mississippi answered…3mos3MO


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