Try the political quiz

259 Replies


Describe how you would feel living in a world where no one is judged by their race, gender, or sexual orientation.

 @9KHZ8DK from South Carolina answered…3mos3MO

Everyone would have the same opportunity as everyone else

 @9KJ5BLK from Georgia agreed…3mos3MO

I believe that everyone should be treated equally no matter their sexual orientation,race,or gender because in the constitution it states that all men are created equal and we need to fulfill this.

 @9KJ4YVS from California agreed…3mos3MO

If the world we all grew up in was more accepting it wouldn't be such a big factor in our political and social environments.

 @9KJ4T84 from North Carolina agreed…3mos3MO

men have higher car insurance than women, which shouldn't be based on gender, but only on personal driving habits. there should be a base rate and a trial period, in which if you drive well your rate stays.

 @9KJ455NWomen’s Equality from Washington agreed…3mos3MO

Everyone no matter gender, race or sexuality has the right to work, have education, and start families.

 @9KHZDYC from Texas answered…3mos3MO

I feel like everybody is born different and can't control the way they were born so I would feel great to have all these factors eliminated

 @9KKKWD9Democrat  from Texas agreed…3mos3MO

I feel nobody should be judged , however gays should not have the same rights as heterosexual individuals when it’s comes to marriage etc. Also we should not as Christian have to mute our beliefs for those that chose a different path and Lastly it should not be pushed in TV, Music, ADs and definitely not schools

 @9KHZCBL from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

In a world where no one is judged is what we should have. We have become so hateful towards each other. We live on a flaoting rock and we are concerned with how people want to express themselves. Come on people.

 @9KJ3Z5J  from Missouri agreed…3mos3MO

People are so concerned with who someone is into romantically or sexually, that we forget about important topics like global warming.

 @9KHZ639 from Ohio answered…3mos3MO

I feel great if everyone is created equal based on Race and biological gender. We should consider what god wanted us to do: follow his teachings and commandments to the main point.


If a friend from a marginalized group shared their experience with you, how would that influence your actions toward social reform?

 @9KHWXLB from Washington D.C. answered…3mos3MO

I think that the experience can be a higher because the reform can be a social then anyone else.

 @9KHX2MS from Texas answered…3mos3MO

 @9KHX5NZDemocrat from Florida answered…3mos3MO

 @9KHX238 from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

I think I would look into possible ways to help support that group through social reform laws


How might your understanding of different cultures affect your perceptions of global social progress initiatives?

 @9KHWJWKGreen from Texas answered…3mos3MO

Being more aware about other cultures can lead to more diplomatic and smart leaders who don't mistreat foreign countries. Treating everyone as a human and recognizing that America is not the main character of the world will bring down fascism and overt militarism in America and replace it with a proud sense of nationalism whilst simultaneously making our ties to other countries stronger, which in turn will improve our trade and economy.

 @9KHW5TB from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

Because America is a first-world country it is our duty to help worse off countries with aid that they request, as long as it has no negative effect on the American people

 @9KHW4HM from California answered…3mos3MO

It depends on what it means I don´t fully understand what supporting or not supporting that would do, for technology and scientific advancements, yes but certain social standards can be confusing.


How does the push for a more inclusive society benefit everyone, not just those who feel marginalized?

 @9JRZWDP  from Indiana answered…4mos4MO

Exclusion of people, ideas, perspectives, speech, and more, will hinder progression. We should be accepting of all people and their ideas. We should not attempt to uphold inclusivity through the goal of achieving equality of outcome; rather, we should strive for equality of opportunity and accept the people are different in many ways and similar in others. Patterns of employment, culture, politics, etc., are not inherently bad. These are only bad if the option to deviate from these patterns is not offered.

 @9JRZQ7Q from Georgia answered…4mos4MO

it benefits all because it advocates for a more equal government and social progressivism will continue to encourage civil activism for a more fair and transparent government.

 @9JRZR7MWomen’s Equality from Ohio answered…4mos4MO

 @9JRZQ5S from Indiana answered…4mos4MO

It creates and implements more inclusive policies and elevates a diverse set of role models. Leaders from diverse backgrounds often develop more creative insights, proffer alternative and comprehensive solutions and thus make decisions that better serve the American people.


When was the last time a conversation about social issues made you view a topic differently, and why?

 @9HZ4BFK from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO

The topic of abortion made me look at who is in charge of the country differently because it is a lot of men making decisions for women. Men cannot be the ones making decisions about what women should do with their bodies.

 @9HZ78HB from California disagreed…5mos5MO

Both the man and the woman should get to choose as it is also the mans child, but I can get hy people would feel differently as it is the womans body, and it can cause great harm to the woman.

 @9HZ4JCN from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO

 @9HZ4RT6Socialist from Virginia answered…5mos5MO

 @9HZ8L9KRepublican from Mississippi answered…5mos5MO

i don't know how i feel about any of the options but i'm also not sure what i would say as a "better answer"


How do you think life would be different if everyone's basic needs were met regardless of income?

 @9HJ5QL4 from Kentucky answered…6mos6MO

Their would be less crime rates because there would be no reason to do harm. Not only that it would help many citizens in their problems and give them a boost.

 @9HJ5JNC from New York answered…6mos6MO

I think then everyone would truly have the foundation to grow and better themselves

 @9HJ68RQ from New York answered…6mos6MO

Something like that sounds like communism to me, great in theory but doesn't turn over well in practice. People will manage to make an uprising out of it, unfortunately, however I would not be opposed to something like having all basic needs fulfilled. It is not guaranteed that this would happen, however it is likely due to the fact that there are people who have superiority complexes and/or will try to call imbalances.

 @9HJ5KGWRepublican from Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

Everyone's lives would be too easy and this would lead to soft people running the country, leading to tough times.


If you could create a new law to improve fairness in society, what would it address?

 @9HGYP5F from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

No critical race theory or woke agendas should be pushed. We should however teach the history of where we’ve been and how we improve as one nation with no biased agenda

 @9HGWV6F from Indiana answered…6mos6MO

It would ensure free healthcare for all, including HRT, Abortion, etc. alongside ensuring no discrimination based upon race, gender, sex, or any other such immutable aspect of a person.


How has a teacher or mentor opened your eyes to an aspect of social inequality?

 @9HX6QC2  from Texas answered…5mos5MO

My mother has shown me that even though women and men can live and work in the same environment, that sometimes women are treated less that men and even paid less for doing the same amount of work.

 @9HX6PFK from Virginia answered…5mos5MO

One day I will always remember and be thankful for is the time that my History teacher and English teacher sat all of the girls down and talked to us about how we are treated in the workplace, expectations for us, and how to fight back against these. (they did this for the boys too)


When have you seen someone change their opinion on a social issue, and what prompted the change?

 @9J273WG from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO

 @9J252HD from Washington D.C. answered…5mos5MO

When they are just going along with what the majority says and do not really understand what they are aupporting


Can a society be truly progressive if some people disagree with the changes, and how should those disagreements be handled?

 @9J27XGL from Michigan answered…5mos5MO

 @9J26PZL from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO


How can engaging with diverse perspectives change the way we address social issues?


What does 'equal opportunity' mean in your daily life, and in what areas do you see a need for improvement?


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