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24 Replies

 @iluvb00bs from Florida commented…3yrs3Y

not always the choice to get pregnant

 @93QNXYQ from Missouri commented…2yrs2Y

the idea that its okay to be having unprotected sex when you cannot financially afford a child is so irresponsible and so ignorant that the only answer is DONT HAVE SEX until you are mature enough to do it responsibly. Sex for young girls at ages under 18 shouldnt be considered a right. If a girl has not even finished high school when shes having sex then she needs to understand that she either is going to have a difficult time financially caring for a baby, or that shes going to have to put it up for adoption. She is ill prepared to make those chouces herself. Again...thats not a vood enough reason to have an abortion.

 @98C8N6P from Utah commented…1yr1Y

what about in the cases of rape or incest? What if the mother DID plan for a baby, but in early pregnancy is having complications? Your argument is just shaming women for having sex, nothing pro life about that.

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan commented…1yr1Y

Just because you don't want to have a kid doesn't mean you can kill it. Rape is an awful thing, but the father's sin doesn't justify killing his child.

 @98C8N6P  from Utah commented…1yr1Y

what about in the cases of rape or incest? What if the mother DID plan for a baby, but in early pregnancy is having complications? Your argument is just shaming women for having sex, nothing pro life about that.

 @bigmackk from Iowa commented…2yrs2Y

the choice was in the action of having intercourse, the risk is pregnancy. When you decide to get intimate, <u>and I actually mean in the case where both parties consent,</u> you consent to the risk. If not, its like consenting to jump off a bridge without a bungee chord but not consenting to severe injury or death.

 @8VC2Q88Democrat from Virginia agreed…2yrs2Y

While it usually would be the mother's choice, I do understand that there are cases where the mother didn't have a say in this or was misinformed. I disagree with abortions because I believe mothers should be held accountable for their choices and that abortions got in the way of that, but in cases where there is no accountability and the mother did this against her will, I do want to keep abortion as a thing because I believe that a woman should have a say in stuff like this, but to ensure she will commit to these responsibilities before doing the act. To infringe on that freedom is unacceptable and will be corrected.

  @CrowWatchingJustice party member from Utah commented…2yrs2Y

Bold of you to assume they weren't on birth control. 85% are btw.

 @99VD6VGConstitution from Washington commented…1yr1Y


Of course the assumption here is that they aren’t on birth control as we are discussing pregnancy. Can you get pregnant with birth control? Yes of course. But can we assume broadly that most people who get pregnant are not using birth control? Yes we can.

 @8YH9W65Progressive from Tennessee commented…2yrs2Y

It's not always a womans choice to get pregnant. And also, why do people buy drugs, electronics, and other things when they are financially unstable? Abortions should be normal healthcare, financially unstable or not.

 @99VD6VGConstitution from Washington commented…1yr1Y

This is something no one seems to get. No matter where the baby comes from, even if you wanted it, it's still as much a baby as it would be if you wanted it! Merciful heavens! Don't murder to make you feel better about something someone else did to you! You have no right!

 @8ZF6XM4Women’s Equality from Washington commented…2yrs2Y

Then it's also her choice to get an abortion. Plus sometimes she never asked for one so why get one.

 @8YNQ7WZDemocrat from Utah commented…2yrs2Y

 @963DDV5 from Colorado commented…2yrs2Y

Pregnancy isn't always an option. It could have been an accident, or she could have been assaulted, raped ect.


This comment is mind boggling. Sure it could have been an accident. That does NOT mean that pregnancy is not an option.

Pregnancy is always an option. You can make your case to say that the woman should have the option to terminate, but saying being pregnant isn’t an option is just scientifically illogical.

 @9BQ3LNQ from Pennsylvania commented…1yr1Y

not every pregnancy is intentional. People who are financially unstable often can't afford birth control or will have a hard time paying for it and therefore more likely to get pregnant.


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