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19.4k Replies

 @9RYK7QT from Utah  answered…7mos7MO

Are the supposed terrorists committing these acts on US soil? If so, the constitution already provides them rights and they are subject to the laws. Already decreed by the US Supreme Court.

 @9GTFMB2 from Utah  answered…1yr1Y

They schools be given rights as a human but not all constitutional rights after communing terrorism on the country

 @9DYQVLL from Utah  answered…2yrs2Y

 @9DC7S5Y from Utah  answered…2yrs2Y

I don't really have an opinion on this as I feel it is a small issue compared to a lot of problems facing citizens.

 @8ZZCK34 from Utah  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8YPBMXL from Utah  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but must strive their way to becoming a U.S citizen to give the fair trial as any other U.S citizen.

 @8DGC4LL from Utah  answered…4yrs4Y

They are led to believe what they are doing is right, most likely due to having been forced to only accept minimal points of teaching. They do not know any better. But that does not make evil acts any less evil. Try them in a fair court of law that will see them as a whole, a person. A person with flaws that knows only how to be who they are, nothing more, and nothing less. They can't know to do anything different if they aren't taught.

 @8CG65VZ from Utah  answered…5yrs5Y

Depending on the accusations, torture may be acceptable if critical info is being withheld. Trials stay within the military or federal courts after that.

 @9B7PBKK from Utah  answered…2yrs2Y

They should be treated fairly and as people, following the rules of the international declaration of the rights of all people.

 @99YCYFW from Utah  answered…2yrs2Y

 @98TTKG3 from Utah  answered…2yrs2Y

It depends on if they have been caught doing some suspicious things or if you’re just biased

 @96YTZQCIndependent from Utah  answered…2yrs2Y

If they are on US soil then yes, I feel as though they have a right to a trial just like anyone else in the country.

 @8HTHJ5YPeace and Freedom from Utah  answered…4yrs4Y

The suspect is not commenting on the act. Without good evidence then they cannot take either rights.


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