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What is your stance on abortion?

If the Father of the unborn child is willing and capable of caring for the child and wants to assume…

 @8SKKHSB from Oregon commented…3yrs3Y

  1. The person who is carrying the fetus in their body should have a say. Unless the father is the one carrying the fetus, or unless the baby was born prematurely and is not in someone's body, then the mother, who is carring the fetus inside her body, should be the one to choose. Otherwise, the father would be effectively forcing someone to give birth, which is cruel and unusual, and sexist to boot. Men should have no say over the body of a pregnant person, regardless of if that man is the one who caused the pregnancy.
  2. Counseling should be available, but not required. Otherwise, we would be effectively forcing women to spend time doing something they don't want to do, once again violating their freedom and bodily autonomy

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan commented…1yr1Y

 @RationalQuestRepublican from Washington D.C. disagreed…1yr1Y

The term "fetus" is used to describe the stage of development in the womb, specifically from the end of the eighth week of pregnancy until birth. It is indeed a potential human being, and many people believe that life begins at conception. For those who hold this belief, the fetus is considered a human being with the right to life. One example of this perspective is the belief that even at the earliest stages of development, a fetus has a unique genetic makeup that distinguishes it from any other living organism. What are your thoughts on when life begins, and how do you think society could address the concerns of both pro-life and pro-choice individuals?

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan commented…1yr1Y

A potential human being? I believe that it is a human being, from conception.