Try the political quiz

17 Replies


How would you define true patriotism in today's society, and how might it differ from past definitions?

 @9RB6489 from Utah  answered…7mos7MO

This party likely would not align with many of my views. I strongly support workers unions, environmental protection and taxing the elite.

 @9RB62CV from New York  answered…7mos7MO

Patriotism is a love for one’s country. One seeks to raise up the country and wave its flag proudly, not tearing it down and burning it. I didn’t realize the definition of the word changed. This word is not exclusive to a certain group of people.


In what ways do you believe the government should support veterans and their families?

 @9RCHLVM  from Florida  answered…7mos7MO

Giving them the respect and necessities they need in order to provide and honor them.


How does the current political climate affect your feelings of national pride, if at all?

 @9R6NM5LIndependent from Kansas  answered…7mos7MO

Honestly, my national pride is affected by the ineffectiveness of our government. I believe the ridiculousness of political parties are a side effect of the nonsense that’s gone on in three branches of government.


What measures would you like to see implemented to ensure fair and democratic elections?


What policies do you think best support the ideals of freedom and why?


Describe an experience where you felt your values aligned or clashed with what you perceive as your country's values.


How should individual rights be balanced with national security, in your opinion?


What does the American Dream mean to you, and do you think it's achievable for everyone?


How important do you think it is for a country to have strict immigration policies, and why?


What role should the government play in regulating big corporations to protect small businesses and consumers?


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