In the U.S. police budgets are set by elected officials at local and state levels. In 2020 elected officials in New York, Seattle, Los Angeles and Minneapolis approved plans to reduce police budgets in response to the nationwide protests following the killing of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis. After the budget cuts many US cities saw a rise in crime, with murder rates up by double digits in many cities. In the last three months of 2020, homicides rose 32.2% in cities with a population of at least one million, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Quarterly…
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Yes and so should civilians
Yes, but only in response to extreme situations and with strict training on how and when to use the equipment.
yes but only in extreme situations with strict training on how and when to use
@9DZC43NRepublican 2yrs2Y
Yes but only in extreme situations (which are clearly defined and limited) and with strict training and regulation.
Yes, only in extreme situations and with strict training on the equipment.
Yes, but with strict training and only in extreme situations where it is logical
Yes, only in extreme situations and with strict training
Yes, but only in response to extreme situations AND with strict training on how and when to use the equipment.
Everyone should have access to military equipment.
With the right training on how to use the equipment, along with an extreme situation, I'd say yes.
Yes, but only in very high-crime areas, and there should obviously be strict training with said equipment, and how and when to use it.
#4 Engaged Demilitarize the Police
All this "defund the police" nonsense is stupid. I'm sorry that you had one bad encounter with an officer but that does not mean they all are like that. What this is is discrimination. You people are saying that because you met one bad cop, they all are bad. That's like saying because I met one black criminal that means all black people are criminals, but they're not.
Only with proper training, and jn extreme situations such ax Marshall Law or national emergency. Times like 2020 or January 6th.
they should be allowed to have them and proper training but they need to have a higher agency come into play before they use there's unless they need to for public safty
No, if a situation occurs where millitary grade equipment is needed, the best response would be to send in the military/ millitary specialists.
Yes, The police department should be able to use military grade equipment only when necessary and if there is extreme harm.
Yes, nut with strict training on how and when to use the equipment and on only certain pieces of equipment.
Yes, but only in response to extreme situations and only by individuals with strict training on how and when to use the equipment
No. Specialized equipment should be handled by higher-ups that have specialized training. and military-grade weapons should be used in extreme situations only.
I think that the equipment they have is enough and having them have military equipment is to much like it would a lot
Yes, but only in extreme situations with proper and strict training on how and when to use the equipment
No, because the police is the police the military is the military. If all police has military grade equipment, they should just be in the military.
Yes, but whatever the police are allowed to carry, the second amendment should cover civilians rights to carry the same weapons.
No and yes because I believe that some officers can be reckless and that if this were to be implemented that the officers should go through immense training to learn when to use this equipment and how.
I believe they should be allowed to but only in certain circumstances and with the right knowledge of what they're doing.
Yes but only under extreme situation and have bullet that DO NOT shoot through the target so it doesn't hit someone
Yes, For swat teams and bomb squads. They need training but they have to use it for extreme. Military grade doesn't always mean good quality.
Yes, but only in extreme situations with super strict and intense training on how and when to use it
Yes because let say there's a pro Palestine protest and one of protesters are carrying weapons or most of them so I believe that polices should use lethal force against them if the guy attack them first but not RPGs or something just lethal.
Yes, but only when there is a situation when they need it and only if the people are trained to use it
Police should be trained with military-grade equipment for events like mass shootings, but if the situation is esclated higher than that they should work alongside the military.
yes, but in situations that call for it, and only if they have the right training and they know ho to porperly use it.
I believe this question is a fallacy in and of itself as using the term "military grade equipment" is a very broad term and can be used and is used as a scare tactic. For example it includes AR-platform rifles and flash bangs which I do believe they should have access to but by just saying "military grade equipment" it implicates not only that but the rest of the United States arsenal in order to wet people's pants and get them to say that they shouldn't have that equipment. So yes I do believe that they should have access to some forms of "military grade equipment" but not all forms.
depending on what military grade equipment we are referring to i don't think police should be using claymores to blow chucks legs off along with the neighbors dog, however assuming the proper procedures have been emplaced i think equivalent force or 2 stages above should be legal for police -from the military doctrine-
Yes, but only in response to extreme situations and only if strict training on how and when to use the equipment is done
This question is too broad and not relevant. Define “military grade” if this means body armor than yes the police should receive this, if this means machine guns then no they should not
Yes, but only involved with the most dire of circumstances with strict training and only decorated ethical officers
Yes, but only if absolutely necessary in extreme situations and they need to have professional training on how to use the equipment
I think yes to an extent, I don't think they should be given tanks but they should be given equipment to fight against threats that need military equipment
yes but only in response to extreme situations and required strict training on how to use the equipment. Along with putting a limit on the equipment they have access to.
@9TXRS32Republican 6mos6MO
no, i've seen cops abusing their power already, it would be too much for them to have military-grade equipment, because what if a criminal gets their hands on it, chaos gonna happen
it would depend on if it was that serious of situation or not and if you are properly qualified and know what your doing with such items
No, If people steal the weapons then they can use it for bad thing a maybe even sell them to the Chinese.
Never. They should use what is made for police departments. not anything else. they become more armed, and most likely be more dangerous and terrifying if they get higher grade equipment.
Yes, but with strict training on how and when to use them and only used in response to extreme situations
yes, but only in extreme situations with lots and lots of strict training on when and how to use equipment
yes i think it should be allowed but only for certain people who have had extensive training and for certain situations only.
It depends on what the definition of ẗhat means. Shoukd they recieve grenades and a Saw m249 light machine gun? No, but tear gas for riots that get out of control could be understandable if its used right.It depends on what equipment police departments acquire.
yes, but individuals with the equipment require strict training and a rigorous selection process to acquire such equipment
In places with a lot of crime maybe, when someone hears the police has a machine gun then it will maybe make them think twice about committing a crime.
A unit that is trained for those situations should be present to be a immediate response against the threat although in everyday patrol no.
The police should have access to the same equipment as the rest of the citizenry. If the citizens can own military grade equipment, so can the police
depending on the crime; it should be handled by other agencies with the right mental and physical training. the police should have enough to protect them, the people on their calls, and the person that needs their protection.
This is a yes and no situation. I feel like capitol police should, but your local everyday officers no.
there is no definition of police grade or military grade stated, so no, in cases we’re “military grade equipment” is required for things like protests or enforcement should be left for the national guard.
@87B4G4T 8mos8MO
Police should only be allowed to have what a citizen is allowed to own. If a citizen can own and use it then fine.
I believe the police should be allowed to use the weapons they have, and if the military needs to be involved, so be it
Yes, but only with the right training in response to extreme situations that call for the use of such equipment
Yes, but only if the officer handling it has a military background or has gone through a lengthy class on how to properly use and when to use the equipment. Also the equipment should only be used in very specific scenarios.
It depends on the situation. If you have a bomber who is trying to blow the whole city up then yes, but if you have a criminal with a gun then they should use standard equipment
Yes and no; some police officers are racist and if they were to have military equipment, it would probably be used to kill an innocent man because of a “miss understanding”. Yes though because there are people that have extreme weapons that could kill an officer and the officer has nothing but a 9mm to protect himself/herself.
Yes, they should be able to use military equipment, but they should be limited to what military grade equipment they should be able to use.
Yes in terms of a pedophile or a terrorist but not against a person of color or a person who isn't resisting.
Yes, however severely limit the access of the police to what military equipment they use, and also implement strict training on how and when to use said equipment.
Yes, but only in response to extreme situations and after strict training on how to use the equipment
A mixture of these two: Yes, but only in response to extreme situations Yes, but with strict training on how and when to use the equipment
You only need better stronger equipment for cities and areas with a very high crime rate. Some small town in the middle of the US doesn't need 5 cops and a full arsenal with a police station.
I think it depends on how large the city is and hoe high the crime rate is.. big crimes, viscous gang
Yes, but only with a high skill level and wisdom, and should always carry them to any reports to scare criminals into line
Only certain kinds of military equipment in response to extreme situations, with prior extensive training on how and when to use said equipment. examples such as night vision equipment or Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, but not tanks or missiles
Yes, but citizens also the government should not infringe on citizens rights to military grade equipment
Yes and No, extreme situations should be handled by higher agencies with specialized training, but the police should still have a smaller amount of that training so as not to have the situation worsen while they wait for higher agencies to arrive.
Yes, so long as the citizens resident in that area have equal access to similar military grade equipment.
Yes, if received as military surplus and/or significant price reduction and approved by city or town
"Military grade equipment" would be referring to things like fighter planes and battleships. In this context, it is a made-up term by the Democratic Party to push a gun control agenda.
Have both police and the community have military-grade equipment so the community and the people help on themselves and be independent from the state
yes because the police need bigger guns because they have been getting shot lately a lot of them dying and if they have bigger guns from military they will be more protected
Yes, but a special unit that is properly trained, that can go out and be able to use in extreme condition. With only certain equipment.
Yes as long as it is just guns and maybe the main road vehicles no tanks and things. Criminals have fully automatic weapons so we are letting the criminals have the upper hand.
Yes and no. If they use it in a situation when it’s not required to use it then no. If the situation is about when the criminals fight back with weaponry, then that would be a proper situation
i think that the police force should have tanks that fire bean bag slugs to stop high speed car chases
Military grade differs from a verity of different things. It could mean the use of MREs to what type of metal is used in swat cars.
@9HJKJHZRepublican 1yr1Y
What exactly is "military grade equiptment"? If we are talking explosives and such, then they should only be used in extraordinary circumstances. If we are talking tactical vests and armored vehicles, then that is fine for police to use.
Yes and No, They should be allowed to use military grade equipment but only if they have past or have had military training to use that equipment
Yes if it's used in extreme situations and they have strict training on how and when to use the equipment.
Yes, because we can’t deploy the US military on domestic ground, and when, taking on domestic threats, we need the same equipment, but not missiles, which the government uses to bomb enemies, and places where collateral damages are imminent.
yes but only when the response is extreme and if they have proper training on how to handle a military grade weapon.
@9GT4MZNRepublican 1yr1Y
Yes, but the term military grade only means higher than usual quality in toughness, durability, and efficiency meaning sometimes it's not that much better.
Define “military grade equipment”. equipment needed to keep community and LEO safe when combating violence should be readily available
yes all Police departments should have at least 1, M249 military grade machine gun and be armed with riot gear, Humvees and AR15s chambered in 55.6
I think that different situations have different remedies. So a higher risk situation calls for a more potent force to stop it. So yes they could have it, but it's a last resort.
Yes with high training and a knowledge of when the proper time to use higher-grade weaponry is obtained.
Yes, but only in response to extreme situations, and only if higher agencies with specialized training and equipment are not able to respond in time.
Yes and no yes because if it is like armor or body protection but guns and other things like that no
I think yes for the two listed above examples of extreme situations, and extremely strict rules on training and obtaining the privilege to do so. Very few people should be trusted with that responsibility.
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