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45.1k Replies

 @937FJVT from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

American History, with all of it's flaws should be taught in schools. CRT is a graduate level course. Re-branding our history to whitewash it is morally apprehensible.

 @9H6D758 from Illinois  answered…1yr1Y

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  disagreed…1yr1Y

Yes, we cannot end racism until we acknowledge that our institutions, laws, and history are inherently racist

lol no it's not and you clearly don't understand what CRT is...

 @Joey993  from New Jersey  disagreed…1yr1Y


Yes he does, it clearly targets White children for their race.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  disagreed…1yr1Y

Yes, we cannot end racism until we acknowledge that our institutions, laws, and history are inherently racist

Again, no it doesn't. Critical Race Theory is merely a model of analyzing history and law through the lens of race and how racism affects these things, even today. This idea you have in your head about CRT being some kind of indoctrination tactic that teaches children that all white people are evil and solely responsible for all the problems in the world is blatantly false and nothing more than a ridiculous conspiracy theory scare tactic created by right-wing media groups and other lunatics on the internet. Maybe just google it next time before sharing your ignorance with the entire world...

 @Joey993  from New Jersey  disagreed…1yr1Y


The only form of institutional racism that exists targets White people (also capitalize White next time). We must teach our children to be proud of who they are. We invent, create and spread our civilization without apologizing. We turned a continent of tribes into an industrialized nation with space travel.

 @Joey993  from New Jersey  commented…1yr1Y

 @9WW3N8G from Illinois  answered…5mos5MO

I believe that students should be taught the historical facts of the US History, not the white-washed version they receive now. They should be taught to critically examine both sides of all issues and decide their own opinions.

 @9WLC592 from Illinois  answered…5mos5MO

We should teach some of the elements of our nation's past with the acknowledgement they are lessons for us to learn from and never repeat.

 @9SWLXZB from Illinois  answered…6mos6MO

I understand still teaching the racial part of America, but no current white should have to feel bad for something they had no part of. We should be racially colorblind.

 @9SSGFVY from Illinois  answered…7mos7MO

Yes, as long as other theories are taught alongside it. No, if other theories are not taught alongside it.

 @9LMN8KK from Illinois  answered…11mos11MO

Not specifically critical race theory, but throughout schooling children should be taught the truth about the origins and policies of the country and the mistakes that were made. They should understand that is it something that cannot be ignored or changed, but they are not specifically bad people for it.

 @9L8H8HLWomen’s Equality from Illinois  answered…12mos12MO

Yes but in ways that is child friendly such as zootopia for younger kids then slowly open up what’s been happening

 @9GTTST7 from Illinois  answered…1yr1Y

I believe that CRT should be spoken about occasionally in school, but not taught. Students can learn about CRT by doing their own research.

 @9GJ5NDG from Illinois  answered…1yr1Y

Yes kids should be taught about racism in America's History but the main goal of teaching it should be the desire for change and avoiding future racism not being stuck in the past

 @9DVLJMJ from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

 @9DRDY94 from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

No, but make sure they understand that prejudice still exists in out systems.

 @9D5R3QWLibertarian from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

 @9D5DVSPIndependent from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

No, children should be taught history with political biases/agendas being interjected so they can form their own opinions. Students should however be taught to be kind and accepting of others, and any kind of discrimination is bad.

 @9375BWN from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8Y8MLF2 from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

 @9GF894Y from Illinois  answered…1yr1Y

The idea of what exactly critical race theory Is should be brought up in 9-12 and on. This includes other such political buzzwords.

 @95SNWCT from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

No, because crt is a law theory for law students. Children should be taught age appropriate lessons on race

 @95774DHIndependent from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

 @93Y8XNR from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

 @93GYYRT from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

It should be an elective depending on whether the kid wants to be politically involved at that time

 @9374989 from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

Critical race theory is not taught in K-12, and not proposed to be part of the curriculum for k-12

 @92TPFYQ from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

No, unless it is in a critical thinking course or a relevant course or extra-curricular dealing with race issues.

 @92NSGXX from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

Real critical race theory? Or just the general acknowledgement that racism has occurred as part of America’s history?

 @92NFZXH from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

Both CRT and current theories should be taught together in order to provide ideas for students to form their own opinions based on

 @92KSQTX from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

Let local school boards and parents determine curriculum for their own respective school.

 @928GSWN from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

 @923GC53 from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8ZHMMD6 from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

CRT is a college level theory and probably wouldn’t be handled appropriately in a K-12 setting. However, k-12 history should absolutely engage with topics like systemic oppression and racial bias.

 @8ZDMP5F from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

Critical race theory is a college level law class. Children would not understand it even if they were taught it.

 @8Z7ZT5BPeace and Freedom from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

All the above. People need to learn Christ like love while being welcome to preserve their own values while being at peace with the world around them

 @8Z2TW9Y from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8YSS49J from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

Regardless of yes or no more diverse views are needed in school and systemic racism does exist in our laws and institutions, no crt needed to learn and know that truth.

 @8YPYW9XAmerican from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

I think we should, but not starting in kindergarten, maybe more in middle school or a year before.

 @8YB6MJ4 from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

No, but racism and other similar issues should still be taught in school.

 @8Y75BS7 from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8Y64XQ6Democrat from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

Critical Race Theory isn’t relevant, but teaching an accurate account of abuse and plight of black commnuties in America should absolutely be part of the public school curriculum.

 @8XZHN9J from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8XYMR8N from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

We shouldn't be taught inherently to be racist or be taught ideas surrounding it, but we should still understand that they have their own culture and respect that.

 @ebarron2000Democrat from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

CRT is a college-level curriculum and thus has no place in K-12. The fundamentals of the program may be acceptable to teach to kids, but the notion that a higher-level curriculum be taught in K-12 is ridiculous.

 @8XGC78P from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

It is not the burden of the school system to teach students all but core curriculum. That is on the parents.

 @8WXCBND from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

Since their shouldn’t be public education private schools should have the ability to decide if they want to teach it

 @8WWQKK9 from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

to an extent. all facts would have to be 100% true rather than opinions.

 @8WTTMWY from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

No, CRT is graduate level content. K-12 should be taught a comprehensive history curriculum.

 @8VYGVSM from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

no because we are born with seeing them as equal until we say stuff in school about how we are aren't equal with each other, It think it should be on the parents to teach their kids that everyone is equal.

 @8VNPTQ6 from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, they should be thought the truth about US history and they also should be raised color blind to avoid racism in the future.

 @8TPHTQG from Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

 @swzissman from Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes but we need to also teach how we have moved forward while fighting our past

 @8Q279Y8 from Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

I guess they would then have to teach children the reality of drug ridden american, and all the addictions poor and color people face. Then bring them to a indian reservation, to show that america still segerates the most volurnable endangered human genome in america.

 @8NV4LPB from Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

To the extent there is any law the discriminates directly on the basis of race that should be changed. However, I think most laws can be applied in a racially discriminating fashion if applied by a racist government official. Anytime there is room for discretion it will be applied in a racist way whenever possible.

 @9CZPJNW from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

Critical race theory isn’t being taught in K-12, it is a concept taught in law school universities.

 @9CFHRR2 from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but not until like half way through high school, also they should mostly talk about situations where laws were discriminatory and times where people fought to revoke the laws and the history of this happening in the US

 @9B755SQ from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

 @9B3W6SL from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

 @99W5BJF from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

This question is deliberately misleading as it is currently not taught ANYWHERE at the k-12 level considering it is a post-law class that very few universities offer. Remove this garbage question.

 @99QVTQZ from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

 @993B7CTDemocrat from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

Critical Race Theory is not truly taught in K-12, it is a topic taught in law school therefore this question has no proper answer

 @98SQYNZ from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

 @97ZM5ST from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

No, but they should be aware of differences in race,culture and ethnicity

 @97T7S3PProgressive from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, if by “critical race theory” you mean acknowledging that racism exists in our history. Critical race theory by its actual definition is not taught in K-12 schools and no one is advocating that it be.

 @97LZJF4Republican from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

One should not be “racially colorblind” nor be taught that because they are this skin color they are a victim of bias, we should see humans as humans regardless of skin color, and know that all people are deserving of rights.

 @97KVF5T from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but with the true definition of Critical Race Theory, not the dogmatic definition

 @97J26XY from Illinois  answered…2yrs2Y

 @8YW66Q4 from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but cristal race theory should only be taught as an ap or higher end class, not a requirement class.

 @8YRHHXHWomen’s Equality from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but make sure the kids associate racists with other people and not themselves. I remember thinking I was racist just because I was white. However, it is good to teach kids about it to make them aware but able to make the right choices for themselves on the matter.


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