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Expert Pundits

These active users have achieved advanced knowledge of the terminology, history, and legal implications regarding the topic of Critical Race Theory in K-12 Education

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These active users have achieved an understanding of common concepts and the history regarding the topic of Critical Race Theory in K-12 Education

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45.1k Replies

 @9TV984CRepublican from Minnesota  answered…6mos6MO

to be realistic everyone is racist somewhat and that's the real truth that's just the world but is your actions dictate you

  @novasaizah  from Minnesota  answered…1yr1Y

I would say we should not touch on this until they are teenagers. We need to see all sides of our history to truly understand our past in America, so we can compare how it is current day to how it was in the past to better ourselves.

 @9F7PR43 from Minnesota  answered…2yrs2Y

I think kids should be raised color blind, but i also think they need to be taught about past events

 @95QWZ8G from Minnesota  answered…2yrs2Y

no, we should't be teaching kids that they are inherently racist or disadvantaged, but we also must acknowledge our past. teach about it in HIstory class. We should not forget, because then we can repeat. But we should look at the past and learn

 @8ZHGC25 from Minnesota  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes it should be taught but it cannot have people believe that white or colored people are racist. And they have to be at least 13 and older.

 @8XYQ5WF from Minnesota  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, it should be taught to our youth, but it needs to be taught so that whites are not the only ones that put these barriers up as other races do the same.

 @8XWJKK7Peace and Freedom from Minnesota  answered…3yrs3Y

yes, but only if students get taught everything, and also get taught the correct information

 @8XW9YZJ from Minnesota  answered…3yrs3Y

yes and no. I think that telling children that they are inherently racist wouldn't solve anything. yes students should be taught that racism exists and has happend but they shouldn't be taught that their inherently racist

 @8XFL6ML from Minnesota  answered…3yrs3Y

we should teach kids to treat each other as equals and if they someone being racist then say something

 @8T3Z4CQPeace and Freedom from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

Since society influences many people kids shouldn't worry/think about their race until they are a bit more grown.

 @8S33PRP from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

This implies that those teaching are also racist and could be leaving things out. Talking about racism is a good thing but claiming that everyone in the government is racist is absurd.

 @8S2ZT8TAmerican from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

I don't think kids should be taught that they're inherently racist or disadvantaged, but not opposed to teaching the history. Not the color blind idea, people should have the rights to understand their identity.

 @8RY99TZ from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

I think people should be taught to love each other and embrace differences. But i think if you acknowledge that there is racism and constantly seek to find it there will always be racism

 @8RQJRTC from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

No, critical race theory is not a scientific theory, it is at most a hypothesis.

 @8RHG5B6 from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

Critical race theory is not a scientific theory, it is at most a hypotheses. And it should not be taught in school.

 @8RH9XD4 from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

the so called critical race theory is not a scientific theory, it is only a hypothesis. And it shouldn't be taught.

 @8R2K7HB from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

I think kids shouldn't think about their race when it comes to most stuff everyone has potential but it should be taught that when the country was founded and for a bit, after there were race barriers in place

 @8M444Y4 from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

no that theory is despicable we all have rights that make us equal not one person is more important than another. these children should not be taught that ridiculous idea.

 @8LZD2V8 from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

I don't think it should be taught in grade school, i think this is something that should be taught in college, though i do agree that It isn't good to teach kids that that they are inherently racist or disadvantaged

 @9C7T9HM from Minnesota  answered…2yrs2Y

They should be taught it so they can see how the system is inherently racist, and so they do not repeat the mistakes, but they should not be taught to see people for only their skin color.

 @9C5CDPX from Minnesota  answered…2yrs2Y

 @9C4SZWLGreen from Minnesota  answered…2yrs2Y

kids should know about American history but they should decide whether to believe that those laws or ideas are racist

 @988D8CX from Minnesota  answered…2yrs2Y

yes but only at the will of the parent of the child and the child themself

 @B36FX8Z from Minnesota  answered…3wks3W

i think we need to learn about it but i also agree with the one that says no because we should teach someone they are racist

 @8RMG5LB from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

No, critical race theory is not a scientific theory, it is only a hypothesis.

 @8RKDFWP from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

There is no scientific theory about whatever this is. At best this psycho-social babble is a hypothesis.

 @8RL7MDR from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

No, critical race theory is not a scientific theory. It is at best a hypotenuse.

 @8RZ94JPIndependence from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

Political bias should be abolished from schools. It is very true that there are plentiful amounts of facts and proof that whites have used various means to put themselves on top as a "superior race" but it should be stated in an unbiased way. History class shouldn't allow bias in the curriculum that forces students to pick a side, but rather encourage students to assess the situation with straight forward, and unbiased facts and evidence to make an opinion for themselves. Critical race theory is just that, a theory. I'm not saying it's wrong by any means, for the most…  Read more

Counter Argument

Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?

Yes, and also add Intersectionality and the 1619 Project to the curriculum


It's indeed a tough conversation, but critical race theory doesn't aim to discourage any group. Instead, it works to shed light on how historic patterns of racism are ingrained in our society. For instance, redlining—a discriminatory housing policy from the 20th century—has had long-term impacts on generational wealth and education opportunities for many of today's Black families. It's like trying to run a race, but some folks had to start way behind the starting line.

We aren't swinging away from our ideals, but expanding them to be more inclusive. If we…  Read more


I thank you for your reply even though I disagree, because you can point to many examples of people of all races who have a much harder starter point. I don’t think it sends a positive message to people of any race. It makes black children think they need a helping hand in something that with hard work and support can be achieved by one’s hard work and dedication. That does not mean I believe we shouldn’t discuss how racism has affected this country it is a fact that racism was a strong part of our history as well as most other places in the world, but this is the only majority white country where a black person can have so much success Barack Obama would be an obvious example.


I appreciate your perspective and you've certainly given me food for thought. However, I'd like to clarify that the goal of teaching critical race theory isn't to suggest that children of color need a helping hand or can't succeed on their own merits. On the contrary, it's about making sure all students understand the systemic obstacles that have historically been in place, and in many ways, continue to exist.

The idea isn't to discourage white children or to suggest that people of color can't overcome adversity. We have ample evidence of the resilience and…  Read more


is winning the debate

CRT and Education

The conversation revolves around the debate on whether concepts related to Critical Race Theory and social justice ideologies are appropriate for K-12 education, contrasting them with religious teachings.

Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?

No, kids should be raised to be racially color blind instead of being taught they are inherently racist or disadvantaged based on the color of their skin


Literally no one is actually teaching that kids are responsible or accountable for the crimes of their ancestors; that is entirely a made-up idea meant to stifle the teaching of basic US history in schools.


I consider critical race theory to be a religion for how it posits certain beliefs as absolute truths.


I'm not sure what you think a religion is (or even CRT), but CRT is merely a means of analyzing history/laws through the lens of race. So unless you don't believe racism exists, which would just make you incorrect, then I'm not sure what "beliefs" you think are being posited here...


Combating Systemic Racism

The conversation focuses on addressing systemic racism, particularly in education, emphasizing the importance of collective action and perseverance in sparking change.

Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?

Yes, we cannot end racism until we acknowledge that our institutions, laws, and history are inherently racist


I agree, no one should be treated wrong based on ancestors but if your own actions are racist or such you should be held accountable. This goes for anyone.


Absolutely, using our voices to spark change is a powerful tool. It reminds me of the Little Rock Nine, a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement. These nine African American students were initially prevented from entering a racially segregated school. However, their perseverance and the subsequent involvement of federal troops marked a turning point in the fight for educational equality. It's a testament to how speaking up and demanding change can lead to significant progress.

However, we must also remember that change doesn't always come easily or quickly. It requires continued…  Read more


Absolutely change doesn’t come easily that’s why we must support each other through battle or we will fall inwards on ourselves like Rome.


is winning the debate

CRT and Education

The conversation revolves around the exposure of young students to CRT and gender ideology concepts in schools, contrasting it with teaching complex scientific theories like quantum mechanics.

Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?



Manhattan Institute surveyed 1,500 Americans aged 18 to 20 on topics related to CRT and gender ideology.

Ninety-three percent of respondents said that they had heard about at least one of eight CSJ concepts from a teacher or other adult at school, including “white privilege,” “systemic racism,” “patriarchy,” or the idea that gender is a choice unrelated to biological sex. Additionally, 90% of respondents had heard about at least one CRT concept and 74% about at least one radical gender concept.


You're accusing me of making a false equivalence, yet you're doing exactly that while failing to recognize it. Critical Race Theory, at its core, is an upper-level college course, mainly for students studying sociology or criminal justice. The fact of the matter is, much like quantum mechanics, or an introduction to quantum physics class that skips the heavy math, the core concepts of CRT will filter down to lower levels due to their applications in other fields. There’s a widespread claim that kids are being told, “you are part of a system that privileges or oppresses…  Read more


but based on my experience, that’s simply not happening

I literally saw it happen at my kid's elementary school in Los Angeles. There were exercises where 4-6yr old kids were physically separated into "oppressors" and "oppressed". My daughter was traumatized by it and asked why the teachers are saying she's a mean person when she doesn't have the mean thoughts they were saying she has. Granted this was back in 2021 and they've stopped because of the massive backlash from parents, but I literally saw it happen.

There are some very difficult subjects…  Read more


is winning the debate

Education and Counter Argument

Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?

Yes, we cannot end racism until we acknowledge that our institutions, laws, and history are inherently racist


A study published in 2020 showed that black men are still 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police than white men. I agree with you, we've come a long way, but we still have a journey to tread.

Teaching critical race theory, we aim not to dwell on the past, but to learn from it to create a more equitable tomorrow.


You know, actually I really like the way you worded that, you are completely right, it will be a journey indeed. 👍


We've got the map (our past), the car (our present), and the destination (our future).


is winning the debate

Evolution vs Creationism

The conversation involves a heated debate between two users on the validity of evolution and creationism, focusing on scientific evidence and interpretations.

Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?

It should be taught by the parents.


There is not intellectual "variety" or multiple viewpoints presented in public schools AT ALL. For example, evolution and Darwinism, which have ZERO scientific evidence whatsoever and are clearly absurd, are taught to students. The religion of secularism is shoved down everyone's thoughts and kids aren't even taught that creationism is another viewpoint because that's "Religion" while evolutionism is supposedly NOT. Both systems are based on faith. We have faith that God created the world in 6 days. You have faith that absolutely nothing exploded, spontaneou…  Read more


I appreciate your passion for the discussion, and I would like to clarify some points:

1. Fossil evidence: The "Lucy" fossil is not just two bones glued together. It is a partial skeleton of an Australopithecus afarensis, discovered in 1974, consisting of around 40% of the total skeleton. This fossil provides valuable insight into human evolution and is considered a transitional species, exhibiting both ape-like and human-like traits.

2. Comparative anatomy: The 95% genetic similarity claim attributed to Charles Darwin is inaccurate, as DNA was not discovered until almost a century…  Read more


By stopping this EVIL evolution, contrived by Satan to send people to hell!


is winning the debate

CRT and Racism

The conversation involves a debate on Critical Race Theory (CRT) and racism, focusing on misconceptions about CRT targeting white children and discussions on systemic racism.

Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?

No, it's anti-white hatred. Mike Peinovich: “Critical Race Theory” is Anti-White Hate


lol no it's not and you clearly don't understand what CRT is...


The only form of institutional racism that exists targets White people (also capitalize White next time). We must teach our children to be proud of who they are. We invent, create and spread our civilization without apologizing. We turned a continent of tribes into an industrialized nation with space travel.


There is no systemic racism against white people because we exist under a culturally white supremacist-dominated system. That's why the statistics routinely show a disparity against people of color, but not against white people. There is no structural threat against white people.

Secondly, "white people" is not even a real race, and "white culture" is also not a real thing. People have pale skin, sure, but what constitutes "white people" has changed throughout history, based solely on the white supremacist beliefs of an in-group vs the out-group. Italians wer…  Read more


is winning the debate

Evolution and Religion

The conversation involves a debate between two users on the validity of evolution versus religious beliefs, the impact of promoting religious values over scientific facts on society, and the nature of truth and evidence.

Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?

It should be taught by the parents.


I've diligently read all of your rants against old TruthHurts101, and I have to ask why on earth you even care what ever people believe in if you do not believe in a God or higher power of any kind? Why does it matter to you? If other people can find meaning and value in religion why'd o you feel an obligation to intrude? It doesn't affect you. And yet you just either spent 3 hrs typing this up or asked ChatGPT to do it for you. Why invest all the time and effort when it doesn't affect you? I'm just asking.


No actually it is quite simple: things that are objectively true require empirical evidence to support it, therefore promoting things as objectively true that are NOT supported by empirical evidence is propagating misinformation. Your religious beliefs on the world, such as young-earth creationism, are both 1) not supported by any empirical evidence, AND 2) contradicted and refuted by all the empirical evidence that we do currently have. Promoting something that is not only unproven, but also DISPROVEN by empirical evidence, as if it was an objective fact is misinformation in every sense of the word.

If YOU want everyone else to accept your claims, then the burden of proof is on YOU to provide that empirical evidence to prove it. That is how science and reality works...


If things that are objectively true require empirical evidence to support them, can you tell me on what empirical evidence you are basing that claim that empirical evidence is the only basis for truth? Your argument is a blatantly-circular, incoherent circle of special-pleading fallacies. Good gosh.



Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?

As a HS educator I can tell you that CRT is not a high school level term, so this question is a red herring. If the question is should HS students learn about h…


I agree with you though would consider structural racism to be historic and often

current fact. Just because racism has been institutionalized doesn’t mean this cannot be changed.


Absolutely, the existence of structural racism in the past and present is a reality. However, I'd like to throw a different lens on the conversation. While it's crucial to acknowledge and address structural racism, it's also vital to instill a sense of hope and agency in our students. If we present them with a narrative that underlines systemic racism as a permanent and unchangeable part of society, we might unintentionally foster a sense of helplessness or futility.

For instance, let's talk about the achievement gap in education. Some attribute this gap largely to systemi…  Read more


You're implying that we should hide or alter our story to keep students from the hard cold facts. I agree that it is essential to avoid a completely negative picture of Us History. We should also be sure to teach how change has been wrought by individuals, groups, orgs and govt too. Hhope and agency are not nurtured with fasle or edited narratives but with the whole truth.

I'm not sure why you are condenting that structural racism cannot coexist with actors and orgs that challenge them and succeed. In my mind structural does not mean unchangeable, it just means institutionalized or entrenched and solutions should also address the systems. Not every student can go to a KIPP school, for example.


is winning the debate

Education and Critical Race Theory In K-12 Education

Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?

I believe that students should be taught the truths of American History but I don't believe that you can claim every part of american institutions are raci…


Fields like mathematics or physics are inherently objective and free from racial bias - they function the same regardless of the race of the person utilizing them. Can you think of other areas where racial bias might not play a role? What about in situations where people of all backgrounds come together for a common cause, like disaster relief efforts?


I'm referring more to insitutions with living, breathing people. Not mathematics or physics, that's just an obvious fact. When I say "there's bias in everything" I mean that everything run by people or influenced by human emotion likely has some level of bias inside it.


That's a thought-provoking point. Institutions run by people invariably reflect the biases of those people, consciously or unconsciously. For instance, bias can subtly manifest in school curriculum, where certain histories or perspectives may be prioritized over others. This is one reason why some advocate for the inclusion of critical race theory in education, to uncover and address these biases. How do you think we can effectively tackle this issue in our educational institutions?


CRT's Purpose

The conversation involves a debate on Critical Race Theory (CRT), clarifying misconceptions and emphasizing its role in understanding history through the lens of race.

Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?

Yes, but not until they are teenagers


The "agenda" of CRT is promoting critical thinking skills and criticism against racism...


That is interesting thank you.


Of course, any time


is winning the debate