Critical race theory is the claim that American institutions, laws, and history are inherently racist. It argues that white people have put up social, economic, and legal barriers between the races in order to maintain their elite status, both economically and politically and that the source of poverty and criminal behavior in minority communities is due exclusively to these barriers.
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It should be taught in college
Not super necessary and very complex for kids to try to understand. Not against it but just don't see much point.
I believe it shouldn't be taught to kids below high school, and I also believe that it should be a class that you sign up for and not a class you have to take. And it should explain all sides of the storys not just one side
Critical Race theory should be taught at the college level, however, the truth about slavery, the plight of Native Americans and all immigrant stories in this country should be taught as part of EVERY American History Book... this is ALL AMERICAN HISTORY. TRUTH ABOUT ALL INVENTIONS, DISCOVERIES, CONTRIBUTIONS OF EVERYONE ALL RACES. WE ARE ALL AMERICANS AND A PART OF AMERICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE.
I think you can teach about how this all started but talk about the strides we have made as Americans to include all races and cultures and the benefits being “non-white” can have
History should be taught in full, with all of the things that happened, but people shouldn't just go discriminate against others based on what their ancestors did.
The one about ending racism by acknowledging that our history is racist, as long as the teachers specify that the kids are not like that anymore and they can be who they are
I agree that when they are teenagers but, I believe children should be raised racially blind and then taught that our institutions, laws, and histories are inherently racist or disadvantaged based on the color of their skin
No. Teach historical fact, without inciting hate or placing blame on people who weren’t alive to commit atrocities against others. So, whether they be good, bad or ugly. Teach historical facts.
Slowly build on teaching children at a young age to condition them and teach them about acceptance, but not actually give them course work until they reach middle school or when they become teenagers
I think older kids should learn and learn both sides without any sort of bias to form their own opioun.
No, kids should be raised to not even think about race as it does not matter unless there are prejudices in the system that limit certain races.
It's not being taught and hasn't been taught in K12. It's only been taught as an advanced law school class. Fake issue.
Critical Race Theory is a college level educational course. Students should be taught the REAL history of America
This is a graduate level course, conceptually it would not make sense to teach this in k through 12.
Yes to a degree that teaches inclusion, educates about racial injustice but not heavy handed to bring shame onto white, black or other racial groups.
CRT is grad school level material and has not been taught in K-12.
That said, K-12 has a duty to our society to teach an accurate version of history and about current efforts to make our society more equitable - including intersectionality. It also behooves our schools to teach a culturally diverse and representative curriculum.
Yes, but when they are older. Other classes should be added before that like financial (taxes), cooking, and other life specific classes.
CRT just isn’t something taught in schools but I think race based issues should be taught if that’s what your asking.
critical race theory is an academic theory taught in, like, college! i agree talking about race is important especially at younger ages but if we wanna be real pedantic about it, it's never been taught in k-12
Critical race theory is not being taught in K-12. This question should be rephrased to something like "should K-12 students be taught about the role of systemic racism in our nation's history and its effects on present day problems?"
An honest history discourse that teaches about the history of institutionalized racism is required. In this country, people were enslaved based on their race. Laws were passed based on race. It is important to teach these facts.
Kids should be taught to accept others no matter their race. The only thing that makes someone bad or good is if they harm others in any way. Race plays no factor on who can harm
I believe it is important to address this subject in class but also address it at an appropriate age.
I don't understand the concept of what it is.
Parents should decide for their child
I agree it should be taught but depending upon the situation, what other classes can be added as well? Personally I would prefer more funding towards agriculture or a career class for children. But with that being said I do see the value in it. Especially for younger children.
It was never actually taught.
That question is WAY too loaded.
This isn't critical race theory, it is history. Teach history as it happened including the ugly parts & our countries shameful & appalling history of slavery, Jim Crow era laws & their contributing present day effects. Also teach about the subjugation of women & the ongoing discrimination & cultural effects which prevent the equal success of women.
Yes, we should teach the racist history and the laws and policies that were enacted. with a more in depth view of the effects as students get older.
Yes, but not until the anti-Semitic or anti-Zionist aspects are removed.
No, and K-12 education should be made consensual, not compulsory. Bullies only exist in education because they're forced to be there.
Yes and no. K-12 education should teach that racism was something that has happened in history and something that people may still face today, but they should also be taught that race doesn't really exist through anthropological and DNA evidence.
I think it should be taut in junior and senior years of school, because the younger age could be too young for that kind of information.
Yes, as long as it's not anti-Semitic or against Zionism.
Absolutely no, its made up.
we need to not teach kids the lie that just because one kid is black doesnt mean he is worse of that the white kid its all in how rich or poor you grow up its dumb that we think the colred are privelaged everyone is treated the same and everyone has same amount of opertunity
I started learning about slave trade in social studies in 6th grade, about 28 years ago. There is an age kids can understand it. K-12 is too wide. It should start somewhere in the middle. I'm no expert: Somewhere between 4th and 7th grade.
Yes, but CRT must be acknowledged as a buzzword created for the sole purpose of demonizing teachers and controlling what history is taught in schools.
Yes but correctly, the theory itself does not define a specific race a racist but instead shed light that the foundation our society is built upon is indeed racist-this theory should not be taught to students as a single race is born racist nor should it be taken this way.
if the students want to learn about it sure but make to sure read all of the book and not a quarter of it.
Yes, but also teach the fact that it is not a theory.
@94CC8H5Women’s Equality3yrs3Y
I think kids should be educated to love anyone no matter the race and treat everyone the same.
Yes, as long as it isn't anti-Semitic or against Israel.
Critical Race Theory is an advanced post education course.
CRT is not a thing when it comes to K-12.
This is a bad question. CRT is not taught in K-12, it is a college level curriculum. But that requires that someone WTF CRS actually is.
Yes, but it needs to be taught in the right way to where guilt is not put on anyone.
No, it's college level/graduate level material
Yes, but only if it's not anti-Semitic or against Israel.
Yes, it should be taught so that kids understand what it is, but it’s not right for kids to be taught that they are inherently racist or disadvantaged simply because of the color of their skin.
Yes, with very rigorous standards about how it is taught
Yea but make it clear it’s a theory.
intersectionality but like not cringe
CRT should be taught in Law School. The effects of racism in our society should be taught in middle school and up
Yes, as long as it isn't anti-Semitic.
No, but they should be taught to celebrate and appreciate other races and taught how to be inclusive and avoid those racist tendencies.
once they are mature enough
Yes, but we should focus more on raising kids to be racially color blind, and avoid teaching them that they are inherently racist or disadvantaged based on the color of their skin.
It should be a course that is an option to take in high school classes but the curriculum should highlight historical events and current laws, not opinions.
This is a difficult question. Students should certainly learn about this perspective, but complete reframing of history according to a single theory is likely a too-restrictive view.
CRT is appropriate in college setting.
Yes, a simplified version to the younger grades that is easy to understand so we can have young people acknowledge the racism racism of our country and then a more advanced for high schoolers
I think that I need more information
Yes, but it should serve more as a Middle or High school course accompanied with the components of ethnic studies as well.
@8VZ373MWomen’s Equality3yrs3Y
I think it is important to start teaching kids younger about the critical race theory so they can be more aware of it and too start to be the change.
I believe that they should be raised as racially color blind but still lean about racism as they get older.
No, but it should be considered when creating curriculum for some other subjects , especially history.
I disagree that source of poverty is exclusive due to racism. The word exclusive is the problem here.
Regardless of the actual content of the theory, childrenshould be taught a clear unbiased history of the institutional successes and failures of the United States with regard to diversity, equity and inclusion.
Yes, under the condition that it's not anti-Semitic.
Critical race theory is not taught in K-12 schools. It is a law school course, and it is also taught to teachers in order to help them be better teachers.
Yes, but only as an elective class
No, this is damaging to our children and is extremely racist especially to the white community
I think it should be taught that you can draw a line threw slavery and the jim crow era to today to show the suffering of African Americans and other minorities but I don't agree with the idea of America is racist.
No, but history should not be whitewashed and censored.
Absolutely not. I won’t say that the system is perfect because it is far from, but breathing life into “racism” prolonges the issue. If we truly want to destroy the idea of racism and actually start treating each other like we are supposed too then we need to stop breathing life into the problem. You will only make the infection worse if you continuously pick at the wound.
Acknowledge the superior race
@8NTWY8ZWomen’s Equality4yrs4Y
yes it should but they start learning like from young by there parents because teachers don't tell you everything
No, this is an advanced topic usually taught at the post secondary level.
No, unless the anti-Semitic aspects are removed.
No, not until the anti-Semitic or anti-Zionist aspects are removed.
No, it should not be taught plus schools that are funded by the government and schools that are run by the government should be banned.
If you know anything about anything you know that CRT isn’t what’s being taught in schools. It is for law students. I do think however that a comprehensive and holistic view of our nations and worlds history is necessary and that includes acknowledging racism in all facets.
Yes, as long as it isn't anti-Semitic or anti-Zionist.
No, CRT is a college-level theory
Only if K-12 education is comfortable with the possibility of its students no longer valuing this country, and possibly believing that the American Revolution was a mistake
I think that we should teach kids to be color blind now, but we should also teach them the history from the past through the 1619 project being integrated into the curriculum.
Yes, as long as the content is safe for children when they are in grades 1 through 6, and as long as schools are comfortable with their students no longer appreciating their home country and considering having better lives in other countries.
Teach kids not treat others any differently regardless of what race they are.
Yes, unless it's anti-Semitic or anti-Zionist.
It's just a theory and you can believe what you want. Calm down.
Yes, but students have the choice to learn about it or not.
It literally never has been and never will.
The definition of the critical race theory is completely misunderstood.
they should be taught about what has been done in the past, but still as that was the past, lets overcome this and end the racism done previously
@972B9TDWomen’s Equality2yrs2Y
i want to say acknowledge but at the same time i want to say racially colorblind because sometimes racism doesn't even start until you call "tell the difference."
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