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Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?

No, and I believe a mother and father family structure is best for the child

 @8KMFTLX from Kentucky disagreed…4yrs4Y

A Mother and Mother family structure can be just as good for a child as a Mother and Father family structure. Theres no difference between the two structures except for what the parents have in their pants.


 @8N6HCV9 from Oklahoma commented…4yrs4Y

Exactly. People make excuses as to why this doesn't make sense or would "turn the kids gay" or "not be healthy" or isn't "normal", bu that's all nonsense. The thing that matters for being parents is your love for your child--not your gender and the gender of your partner.

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan disagreed…1yr1Y

Children need a mother and a father. So yes, having two. fathers is unhealthy.