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32 Replies

 @9GQ5LY7Independent from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

I feel it's inhumane to deny people medical care simply because they were not born in the United States.

 @9GHPHKB from Oregon  disagreed…1yr1Y

Healthcare should be **** ing free, there are so many people in debt due to this, raise the taxes make healthcare free.

 @9GNGF2J from Illinois  disagreed…1yr1Y

I feel like everyone should have the right to healthcare and have the ability to have every vaccine or medication that everyone gets

 @9GNLWN6 from California  disagreed…1yr1Y

Many immigrants come to the U.S. based on the idea of the American Dream. It's sad to see that they cannot even be achieved solely because they are immigrants. Immigrants are people too and not every single one is a threat to society. They deserve basic human rights and one of those is affordable healthcare.

 @9GJJHFH from Iowa  disagreed…1yr1Y

Many immigrants come to the U.S. based on the idea of the American Dream. It's sad to see that that cannot even be achieved solely because they are immigrants. Immigrants are people too and not every single one is a threat to society. They deserve basic human rights and one of those is affordable healthcare.

 @9GVQTPTWomen’s Equality from Hawaii  disagreed…1yr1Y

The government should continue to subsidize health care in the position of Immigration Healthcare because it will not only support the people who are immigrants, but it will also help those who truly need it.


People who have come to the United States have come to seek a better life from poverty and dangerous harsh conditions within their home country & if they have no medical care or money for medical care then they would be left with unhelpful diseases with no one to cure them.

 @9GX287XPeace and Freedom from Connecticut  disagreed…1yr1Y

First of all those with income below 200% FPL2, the uninsured rate dropped from 18.1% in 2019 to 17.1% in 2021. Secondly as of 2023, half (50%) of likely undocumented immigrant adults and one in five (18%) lawfully present immigrant adults report being uninsured compared to less than one in ten naturalized citizen (6%) and U.S.-born citizen (8%) adults. Third of all, More than eight in ten (81.6%) uninsured people were in families with incomes below 400% FPL in 2021 and nearly half (48.2%) had incomes below 200% FPL. Finally, As of 2023, half (50%) of likely undocumented immigrants and one in five (18%) lawfully present immigrants say they are uninsured. All from KFF. This is all to help people in need.

 @9GMGVXS from West Virginia  disagreed…1yr1Y

Many immigrants come to the U.S. based on the idea of the American Dream. It's sad to see that that cannot even be achieved solely because they are immigrants. Immigrants are people too and not every single one is a threat to society. They deserve basic human rights and one of those is affordable healthcare.

 @9GLBMJB from Indiana  disagreed…1yr1Y

I think it is important to consider that access to health care is fundamental for everyone regardless of their immigration status by guaranteeing health care for immigrants can promote public health and equality and providing health care to those who need it can prevent the spread of disease .

 @9GM2PG8Women’s Equality from California  disagreed…1yr1Y

In this world we are all equal and as humans we should have the right to be provided with health resources no matter who we are.

 @9GD49XY from Virginia  disagreed…1yr1Y

People who have come to the United States have come to seek a better life from poverty and dangerous harsh conditions within their home country & if they have no medical care or money for medical care then they would be left with unhelpful diseases with no one to cure them.

 @9FFTXHM from Arizona  disagreed…1yr1Y

I think that the only difference that immigrants have is status and papers. Otherwise they are like us they work hard help the community

 @9F7TC77Women’s Equality from Colorado  disagreed…1yr1Y

I think the government should help and support all of the people who are residing in the United States equally even though they are immigrants.

 @9FB25ZH from California  disagreed…1yr1Y

It is stated in the constitution that everyone has the right to be happy and healthcare should be a part of that

 @9G8KFBNLibertarian  from California  disagreed…1yr1Y

Immigrants who step foot in the U.S. come here to seek a better life, they want better for themselves as well as the rest of their families. Overall I stand with the government giving them the help that is necessary.


If the immigrant has a deadly disease and isn't cured then the immigrant could die. We don't want them to die even though they aren't a citizen. We should cure the immigrant only if the immigrant has a deadly disease.

 @9GKTKXN from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

Beyond individual and federal costs, other common arguments against universal healthcare include the potential for general system inefficiency, including lengthy wait times for patients and a hampering of medical entrepreneurship and innovation [3,12,15,16].

 @9F6QTB9Democrat from Michigan  disagreed…1yr1Y

The government should never subsidize healthcare position on Immigration Healthcare because immigrants are apart of our country as well and its not only morally right but affects all of us as a whole in the long run.

 @9F8S3WH from Illinois  disagreed…1yr1Y

That people that are immigrants should be able to have healthcare because they could be seriously injured or sick.

 @9GJHXZS from North Carolina  disagreed…1yr1Y

Because just as Americans, Immigrants do what is possile for a country they weren't born but try to life on a better enviromint.

 @9GJ8W87 from California  disagreed…1yr1Y

All of people have right to have medical check. But some part of people do not have enough money to check. For this, government has to help them to get medical check and healthcare.

 @9HPND9Z from Illinois  disagreed…1yr1Y

I disagree with this because some immigrations could become legal and deserve to be treated like others

 @9F7RLH4 from Louisiana  disagreed…1yr1Y

Because race is irrelevant, I believe the government should focus more on assisting immigrants who wish to become citizens of the United States.

 @9F7K46Q from California  disagreed…1yr1Y

The gov shouldn't subsidize healthcare for immigrants because without regarding their citizenship status, they are apart of the country and doing so would dehumanize them.

 @9F83SZLLibertarian from Wisconsin  disagreed…1yr1Y

I would say yes to giving healthcare for Immigration Healthcare because some people are just hurt and need to get help no matter what they are.

 @9F6VMCQ from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

People fleeing their home nation for one reason or another not only deserve healthcare because they're human and in America, but because aiding those immigrants can help prevent public health crises in the US.

 @9F7T2YX from Georgia  disagreed…1yr1Y

they’re part of our country as well & we’re all as one they help with out country so they deserve our help

 @9LVQBRF from California  disagreed…10mos10MO

Due to recent events the people have realized the government has the money to aid the people as they make the money and budget.

 @9GMC66W from North Carolina  disagreed…1yr1Y

me parece que como humano tendria conpacion por ellos, y que puedan obtener atencion medica como cual quier otro persona

 @9GL3DL2 from California  disagreed…1yr1Y

The position that the government should never subsidize healthcare for immigrants is based on several key arguments, such as concerns about cost, potential strain on the healthcare system, and the principle of prioritizing citizens' needs.

 @9GKTKXN from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

Conservative policymakers have long exploited the intersection of immigration policy and health care policy to undermine both.


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