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8k Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...11yrs11Y


 @9HPF2XY from Minnesota  agreed…12mos12MO

I think we need to keep a limit on our populations or they will grow out and become a problem. They could increase inflation and decrease the jobs for the people in the country and give less space.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...11yrs11Y


 @Wisconsinite591Progressive from Wisconsin  agreed…2yrs2Y

I believe that the United states is inherently a multicultural place, one where the diaspora of its citizens is an inherent benefit, not a negative. There is no need for immigrants to NEED learn english but to do well in a nation such as the US it eventually happens naturally.

 @passerby92 from California  agreed…4mos4MO

Agree, extra laws where the desired outcome is already self-reinforcing just makes these processes more rigid and bureaucratic, wasting time and taxes.

 @9F7YG9FDemocrat from California  agreed…1yr1Y

in order to help people who come into this country knowing nothing and understanding nothing you need to provide translations for them

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...11yrs11Y

No, we should embrace the diversity that immigrants add to our country

 @9GYTYRRDemocrat from South Carolina  disagreed…1yr1Y

We can embrace those cultures that line up with our own core values. But those that are slanted toward Islamic terrorist apology should not be tolerated and those on visas that vocally support terror groups like Hamas on college campuses, social media, etc should be deported.

 @9GB2GPT from Ohio  disagreed…1yr1Y

The incoming immigration pose a type of confusion to those who are natural born U.S. citizens. With the difference of language and background, there are more instances that make certain situations difficult for the natural citizens of the United States.

 @9FMVL95 from Illinois  disagreed…1yr1Y

Any and all are welcome to immigrate into the US but do so legally and share your culture openly. Do not force anyone to do anything, you are welcome here with open arms but do not expect us to change our ways to accommodate you. There has to be a base line of what is the "United States of America", anything that deviates from that (and is legal) is encouraged just do not assume we will change just for you.


Any and all are welcome to immigrate into the US but do so legally and share your culture openly. Do not force anyone to do anything, you are welcome here with open arms but do not expect us to change our ways to accommodate you. There has to be a base line of what is the "United States of America", anything that deviates from that (and is legal) is encouraged just do not assume we will change just for you.=

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...11yrs11Y

Yes, but the government should provide free language learning courses

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...11yrs11Y

Yes, and remove multilingual translations from government documents and services

 @9FMVL95 from Illinois  agreed…1yr1Y

We do not have an official language but we should, and it should be American English. Privately anyone can use any language but government should only use American English.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...11yrs11Y

No, but remove multilingual translations from government documents and services

 @592P6L6Republicanfrom Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

Do you think if you moved to Mexico the Mexican government is going to teach public school classes in English or Vietnamese or Sri Lankan? If you want to live in the USA you must assimilate and learn the English language. How on earth can an immigrant contribute to our society if he is not able to read our road signs?

 @95CXMF7Democrat from Florida  disagreed…2yrs2Y

The United States does not have an official language.

 @9XH53CN  from Texas  disagreed…1mo1MO

focus on majority language instead of official languge

The US may not have an official language, but it has a majority language. English is the majority.

 @4Y97QNDfrom New York  answered…4yrs4Y

No, America doesn't have an official language. If you move to Sweden is it required to learn Swedish? No, it's just suggested

 @9JTNSV7 from Michigan  answered…10mos10MO

Yes, all residents should know English on at least a basic, conversational level in order to get around.

 @4Y847STIndependentfrom Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

No, but schools, hospitals, government services, etc. should not be required to provide translation services; with the exception of those immigrants who have, or plan to have children - they should be required to learn English and teach it to their children, who will be required to attend American schools.

 @8LTW4PN from Tennessee  answered…4yrs4Y

 @9RDK878 from Wyoming  answered…5mos5MO

No, but they’re going to need to learn English if they’re going to be successful. English is still the 1st language in America.

 @9ZQ5ZC9 from Nevada  answered…3wks3W

No, but they should be encouraged to learn English. As a compromise, natural born citizens should learn a second language.

 @8GZ92VF from Georgia  answered…4yrs4Y

 @9TZT2PD from New York  answered…3mos3MO

It shouldn't be anything that is legally required but immigrants should try to learn English because it is our official language.

 @9S2PDWW from Virginia  answered…4mos4MO

A person who comes over from their country, carries with them, their countries, culture, and language. It is as sacred to them as his sacred to almost everyone who has ever come to the United States. We must not tell them they have to give it up, but we also must tell them that they are in a different country which has its own language and culture. we must provide education courses, so people can learn our language and our customs, and we should make it so that there are less language translations for government Documents and services. But it should not be done without consideration for the fact that some people come to this country and they are either too old to learn a language or they are too fresh to have learned it as well as a person who Has been speaking their whole lives.

 @9DHFLPS from Texas  answered…1yr1Y

Absolutely. English should be our nation’s official language and all foreigners should be required to take a literacy test to gain citizenship, drive, or buy property on U.S. soil. All who fail the test should be immediately deported.

 @9TJ497HSocialist from Kansas  answered…3mos3MO

Yes, but not in a superior way, rather that English is the main language and without it, many immigrants may struggle to understand certain parts of American life.

 @9H73QHGConstitution from Massachusetts  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but provide multilingual translations from government documents and services to immigrants until they become citizens

 @dxmongxrlIndependent from Tennessee  answered…4yrs4Y

No, but the government should provide free language learning courses for immigrants who wish to learn English

 @9CNS3TY from Michigan  answered…1yr1Y

 @947HHNKIndependent from Massachusetts  answered…2yrs2Y

No, this goes against our country's values of freedom and diversity. We don't have an official national language for a reason.

 @9RCJGBN from Georgia  answered…5mos5MO

Only if they're applying to become a citizen, then Yes, and remove multilingual translations from government documents and services

 @8FJJWJC from Massachusetts  answered…4yrs4Y

No, but it should be highly encouraged and the government should offer free language learning courses

 @9FCQ77Z from Oregon  answered…1yr1Y

No, but do not offer any support with language translations

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia  commented…1yr1Y

English shouldn’t have to be the only language people use, especially on the governmental level. It’s the responsibility of the government to provide for those that need it, and if they don’t know English, they can’t make it as easily through society. That’s an open and flagrant breach of its role for the people.

 @98CWG7Q from California  answered…2yrs2Y

 @B22WT65  from Alabama  answered…3 days3D

Yes, for illegal immigrants, the main education you would receive from the one month program toward either documentation or US citizenship process would include this English course, that would teach you basic english, but the language learning courses would be provided for free, and inside the housing/sanctuary area.

Yes, for legal immigrants, are given free english education courses, and they can learn, if their main intention is to stay here for longer periods of time as not as an expatriate but have intentions to become a US citizen, then yes they should be required to learn English.

 @9ZZZ7QW  from Texas  answered…6 days6D

No, and spanish should be taught in schools as it provides Americans opportunities with our neighbor. It will also increase our relationship with our neighbor, Mexico

 @9ZWJR4Y from Florida  answered…2wks2W

I don't think it should be forced but definitely encouraged and given the proper resources to do so.

  @JcawolfsonIndependent  from Pennsylvania  answered…3wks3W

No, but they should be strongly encouraged to learn English; maybe those who do learn can streamline the process. The government or corporations should provide free language learning courses. Regardless, we should embrace the diversity that immigrants add to our country, yet continue to maintain the multilingual translations from government documents and services.

 @9ZH9WGQ from Tennessee  answered…1mo1MO

depends on the age like say they were really old or something then no but if there like 1-2 yers old and haven't learned really any thing than yes they should so that they can be tought easer and any age between they can decide or at lest have a say in it

 @HaruJPDemocrat from Maine  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but if there is a population that speaks another language and makes up more than 20%, it is also worth recognizing their language as one of the official ones

 @9ZF8G6JNo Labels from Texas  answered…1mo1MO

They should be required to learn English, while they speak their own language. They should not be restricted to English only.

 @9ZDDKSS from California  answered…1mo1MO

No, it is not possible to require people to learn a language. However, immigrants should learn English.

 @9Z9X35TProgressive  from Texas  answered…1mo1MO

I think they SHOULD, but it doesn't need to be required of them. English is a hard language to learn.

 @9Z9L7HP  from Ohio  answered…1mo1MO

I don't feel it should be required however I do feel that it is very helpful and it should at least be free if they want to but still only legal immigrants should be here. People that got here the right way

 @9YNBFXG from New York  answered…1mo1MO

I think whether or not it should be “required” to really just depends on how often and imperative direct communication with English-speakers would be in their line of work/everyday life, and even then I think it would just be highly recommended WITH free language learning courses to whoever wants it.

 @9YN4J9JRepublican  from Kansas  answered…1mo1MO

They should not be required, but all government forms should be in English. No company should be required to have signage in any language other than English.

 @9YMPRYKDemocrat from Washington  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but they should not be mad if there is something the immigrant is not understanding or learning correctly.

 @9YMPCPJ from New York  answered…1mo1MO

Whether or not they should be *required* to genuinely just depends on how relevant direct communication will be in their environment/line of work. And yes, the government should provide free language learning courses regardless.

 @9YLSNKM from Ohio  answered…1mo1MO

We should not force anyone to learn a language they do not want to learn. I think it would be beneficial but it needs to be a choice.

 @9YLFGXN  from Maine  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, depending on the job they are working in if it is a job that requires high amounts of communication and teamwork then yes bake English should be learned

 @9YKZMRW from Oklahoma  answered…1mo1MO

No, we don’t have a National language so we can’t require immigrants to speak one. We should encourage learning English

 @9YJXVB5 from Texas  answered…1mo1MO

I don't think it should be required, however I think the government should provide free language learning courses

 @9YG7WD4Socialistfrom Montana  answered…1mo1MO

yes and the gouvernment should provide it but it should not be a requirement for them to speak English in public

 @9YH9HH5 from Missouri  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, if they are still in school or the school should provide a translator. If they immigrate later, then no as long as they have translation if necessary.

 @9YH4KVSDemocrat from New Jersey  answered…1mo1MO

ESL should be a mandaotry course taken by immigrant students, not because its what they "should" be speaking, but to give them an advantage when talking to U.S. Citizens

 @9Y95FJG from Illinois  answered…1mo1MO

They dont have too but seems kind of dumb not to. Shouldnt get special treatment because they dont understand

 @9Y53XMQIndependent from California  answered…1mo1MO

Federally, yes they should be required to learn to speech English. However, states should be allowed to have multilingual translations matching their demographics.

 @9Y4XXKDLibertarian from Wisconsin  answered…1mo1MO

depends on the job they are doing. If they need to speak with someone then yes. if they are doing farming or construction leave that up to the owner of the company

 @9Y4GDVQ from Michigan  answered…1mo1MO

if they are coming here to start a new life and be apart of society then they should at least try to learn

 @9Y3V45C from Colorado  answered…1mo1MO

Yes Americans are required to learn a second language in schools BUT we should also be learning to accept their culture and understand to embrace them. And allow them to be their most comfortable self.

 @9XXMS4Q from North Carolina  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but offer English classes under stipulations that they are following through with all requirements to become legal.

 @9Y28B22 from Connecticut  answered…1mo1MO

Yes. I think that any person moving to a new country should learn the language, or at least know basics.

 @9Y22DS7No Labels from Maryland  answered…1mo1MO

yes because it is necessary to survive. However, it does not mean they must forget their native language.

 @9XXD4RWfrom Virgin Islands  answered…1mo1MO

si, ma dovrebbe fornire dei corsi gratuiti e rimuovere le traduzioni multilingue dai documenti e dai servizi governativi

 @9XVKXVS from New Mexico  answered…1mo1MO

not everybody can learn it but it should be encouraged so that they are able to fit in society properly

 @9XSN3WYfrom Pennsylvania  answered…1mo1MO

Each citizen in the United States should have to speak English or Spanish fluently to gain citizenship.

 @9CM996SIndependent  from Arizona  answered…1mo1MO

Yes. This is an important aspect of assimilation that allows immigrants to interact with society, acquire jobs, go to school, function in public, and commit to societal norms.

 @9XS95GJ from New York  answered…1mo1MO

Yes and all citizens should be required to learn another language. This training should be free of charge for all citizens and should be a lifelong privilege.

 @9XRT8H7 from Iowa  answered…1mo1MO

No, but it should be encouraged, and the government could offer free language courses to support immigrants who choose to learn English. While learning English can help with integration and opportunities, it’s important to respect cultural diversity and avoid imposing language requirements.

 @9XRNGTF from Texas  answered…1mo1MO

No, only for essential vocabulary related to driving/operating vehicles, if they're licensed to drive

 @9XR8H4P from Illinois  answered…1mo1MO

I don't think it should be REQUIRED but I do think that the opportunity for immigrants to learn English should be available and free.

 @9XQV887 from New Hampshire  answered…1mo1MO

No, but provide free or discounted access to translation services and English classes for immigrants who want it

 @9XNKP3N  from Kentucky  answered…1mo1MO

Incentivize while providing translation services. Require in education where other languages do not have resources or are not provided.

 @9XLKZP9Independent from New Jersey  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, not because that’s the only language they can speak. But because we can communicate with them better.

 @9XKDBTZRepublican from Arkansas  answered…1mo1MO

Yes but it shouldn't affect them if they cannot a lot of immigrants have made it big in the U.S. with only knowing a tiny bit of English

 @9XHNKFV from Washington  answered…1mo1MO

No, but there should be available resources for them to learn as it would be beneficial for everyone

 @9XH7JQD from Missouri  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but provide free courses, and promote having our citizens learn the languages of our immigrants to help foster unity

 @9XHFG4X from New York  answered…1mo1MO

No, but we should invest in providing good ESL programs and education to all immigrants who want it.

 @9XH52ZV from Wisconsin  answered…1mo1MO

they should have to know enough to have a conversation but they shouldn´t have to be completely fluent.

 @9XFX75V from Tennessee  answered…1mo1MO

No, it shouldn’t a requirement, but the government should provide the option of free language learning courses.

 @9X9N6FC from South Dakota  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but the immigrants hsould have to pay for it but keep it at a reasonable price and give access to them when they are in the process of becoming a citizen.

 @9X8KHVG from Ohio  answered…1mo1MO

Shouldn't be required but just encouraged as English speaking people are encouraged to learn Spanish, or at least key phrases and terms.

 @9X7D932Libertarian  from Texas  answered…1mo1MO

Should be different for each state. Texas no but it should be taught in schools for free. Places like Minnesota yes

 @9X66QNL from Delaware  answered…1mo1MO

Immigrants should be required to learn English for their benefit but if they choose not to do not force them to.

 @9X2QSJ6Democrat from Illinois  answered…2mos2MO

We should have them have access to free diverse learning and free English courses, but still be able to speak their native language.

 @9WZQN22 from California  answered…2mos2MO

Yes, we should add English courses to their resources while keeping diversity up. Speaking English is basically a necessity in America, and without knowing it, it could cause further racism and discrimination overall.

 @9WYV8H9 from Mississippi  answered…2mos2MO

I believe that if an immigrant is bringing a family whether from Europe, Central America, etc...they should be required to reach at least some proficiency in English, but if just a man or woman, shouldn't be enforced unless perhaps not living within a community or looking for work in the U.S..

 @9WV884F from Indiana  answered…2mos2MO

Mostly yes, because over 90% of the U.S. population speakes English. The only reason I'd say no is because the U.S. technically doesn't have an official language.

 @9WTXTVM from Wisconsin  answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but the government should make it attainable and only required to take the course for a year max and more if desired.

 @9WSZXX6  from New Hampshire  answered…2mos2MO

I think its complicated, because immigrants bringing their own language adds more to our culture and diveresity, but also it is difficult to live in america without being able to speak english, so i think the govenrment should provide basic language courses for free


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