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5 Replies

 @9GZNQ24Republicanfrom Virgin Islands  agreed…1yr1Y

American tax paýers fund healthcare so it should be exclusive to American citizens. There is however a moral duty to help a person with a healthcare emergencý, American or not. After treatment, the illegal aliens can be deported.

 @9LZ6TR6 from Missouri  agreed…10mos10MO

These are still humans hurt no matter if they are from Canada or Mexico they are in need of help and we can help them.

 @9FPBG4ZRepublican from Florida  disagreed…1yr1Y

If they were following US laws they should be able to remain in US territory and be required to obtain citizenship

 @9GN6ZGF from Massachusetts  agreed…1yr1Y

As long as they are in the country legally and have no criminal record in their home country, they should be given healthcare just like every other law-abiding citizen in America.


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