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141 Replies

 @9FBGZ3HIndependent  from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

It provides an unfair advantage due to the fact that most athletes transitioned after puberty leading to them being stronger and faster than female athletes.

 @9FBQQ8D from Indiana disagreed…9mos9MO

This means that you are saying that people who were assigned male at birth are stronger and just better at sports than people assigned female at birth, which is not only transphobic but also sexist. There are many times when female people have beaten male people, such as Zhang Shan in the Olympics during 1992.


This means that you are saying that people who were assigned male at birth are stronger and just better at sports than people assigned female at birth, which is not only transphobic but also sexist

However, on average research has suggested that men tend to be stronger, while women tend to be more flexible. I have nothing against a woman joining a male league like the MLB provided they can compete on the same level and pass the same standards. Why not?

Men in women's sports, well... Leah Thompson has proved problems...

 @9GD7SGM  from Arkansas agreed…8mos8MO

There are many studies you can point to for either argument, though to go study vs study is to get nowhere; ask yourself why you would think women have to have a division in the first place.

Ask yourself, now, why you believe a transperson, someone who likely has undergone hormonal procedures, should not be included in the division of their gender.

I encourage you to say as you think. Lets not tiptoe around the blatant sexism and phobia rooted in the opposition to this belief. This is, at the end of the day, an issue with the way which things in the sports world are handled and classified rather than an issue with individuals.

 @9GF9ZP5 from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

Biological men contain a much higher physical ability in comparison to a female. Allowing Transgender athletes to compete against their desired sex would only create an unfair advantage against the biological women.

 @9GFG4MH from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

The XY and XX chromosome are genetically built different, and that's just biological facts. XY are constructed in a manner to be able to preform better in higher intensity sports. It can also be statistically proven that XY are at a much higher competitive level that XX have not preform as well in. So, transgender should not be able to compete in the gendered sport that is opposite assigned at birth. Conflicts over the

 @R1ghtWingAriannaSocialist from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Many trans women undergo hormone replacement therapy which significantly decreases their testosterone levels, often to levels lower than those found in cisgender women. This therapy can also decrease muscle mass and bone density, which are key factors in athletic performance.

A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that transgender women who underwent hormone therapy for 12 months had an athletic advantage over cisgender women that was only marginal.


But you admit this is the case, that there is some level of advantage?

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington commented…2mos2MO

 @9GFQHYNRepublican from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Even though a transperson has undergone hormonal procedures, they will always have an advantage over women. So, it is not fair to them, especially when the women they train maybe their whole lives in a certain sport. They should have the spotlight. It is a competition between women. Men have their own competitions. Just because you are a transperson, your biology plays an important part, so you should be respectful and not play in women's divisions and basically be fair play.


Each gender is born with physical and mental advantages and disadvantages, so it is scientifically unfair for men to compete in women's sports, as well as women in men's sports. It is also sexist, because each gender has their own sport, and for one gender to transfer over to the other gender and dominate in the sport is socially unfair.

 @9F8NPVD from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Men and woman have different anatomy and therefore should not be directly competing with each other.

 @9F8MSQDRepublican from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Transgender athletes should only be allowed to compete against other athletes that are the same gender that they were assigned at birth.

 @9F8F2K5 from Nevada disagreed…9mos9MO

It is unfair to allow transgender females to play with females especially if they have already gone through puberty due to the hormone and testosterone levels.

 @9FFG477 from Utah disagreed…9mos9MO

Men and women's natural builds helps them be more skilled at different things. In order to have a fair challange transgender athletes should not be able to participate in a sport that was not there born sex.

 @9F7DCPC from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

No matter how much hormones one receives males will always be naturally physically bigger stronger than women making unfair. Lia Thomas went from being ranked in the 3 or 4 hundreds as a man to number 1 as a women

 @9FG3DKVRepublican from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

men are made stronger genetically and it gives a completely unfair advantage and takes away from the women's work they have dedicated to their sport.

 @9G92BQD  from Alabama disagreed…8mos8MO

You are born with your gender and if you ¨identify" as other things sure go for it but if a guy ¨identifys¨ as a girl that would not be fair to women

 @9G977T2 from New York agreed…8mos8MO

Transgender athletes should have to be on a team with the gender they were born. A male has different athletic abilities and physically different and therefore gives an unfair advantage to both teams because of that advantage.

 @EmpathicCapitalist from Maryland agreed…8mos8MO

This reminds me of the case of Fallon Fox, a transgender MMA fighter who faced a lot of controversy. She was born male but transitioned and competed against cisgender women. Critics argued that she had an unfair advantage due to her being born male, with potentially different muscle mass, bone density, and other physical characteristics. It's an ongoing debate.

 @9G982R2 from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

i completely agree with this statement. you can be whoever you wont but dont disturb the rights and environment that women have to succeed in sports by adding biological men.

 @9F9X4WXRepublican from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

A woman don't stand a chance of winning when competing against a guy that grew up with male hormones and have much more testosterone in his body.

 @9G5JP5W from West Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

No they should not be allowed to be able to compete with the athletes that differ from their assigned sex at birth because there is an XY chromosomes. Males have 1 X and 1 Y women have 2 X's. If they are assigned a male they should have to compete in male sports if they were assigned female they should have to play female sports. They have hormonal differences.

 @9GS3JPV from Oregon agreed…7mos7MO

"A new report has found that trans women do not have any biomedical advantage in elite sport. They have no advantage over any other women, such as cis women. However, social factors such as nutrition and training qualities can affect this result." An exerpt from a report on trans athletes on the website GenderGP

 @9GR9KVB from California agreed…7mos7MO

It has been statistically proven that the hormones that Transgender athletes take decreases or increases the amount of testosterone that athletes have which puts them on equal footing as the other cisgender athletes.

 @9FGCV2Q from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

If you were a woman who spent your entire life training to be a professional athlete and a man who scientifically will have better genetics joins your league and says hes a woman just so he can beat you in your sport.

 @9F4MFGB from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

I do not think transgender athletes can compete in sports with the opposite sex that they were genetically born

 @GrasshopperBillGreen from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

I understand your perspective, but it's important to consider that athletic ability is a complex matter that isn't solely determined by one's sex assigned at birth. Take the example of Fallon Fox, a professional Mixed Martial Arts athlete. She's a transgender woman who has competed successfully against cisgender women. Her success is due to her training and skill, not just physical attributes. How can we create a system that respects both the rights of transgender athletes and maintains competitive fairness in sports?

 @9F7259R from Iowa disagreed…9mos9MO

my counter argument is girls should compete with girls and boys should compete with boys no matter how you identify.

 @9G42QGLDemocrat from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

i think it is unfair especially in the women's sports department i don't think it should be allowed for a transgender women to be allowed to play against biological woman because with certain physical things it's just not fair to biological women. not saying i don't support transgender people.

 @9GR85DPSocialist from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

hormones affect the body in more than just appearance,sweat%20and%20urine%20will%20change.

 @9NBQBJ4Libertarian from Louisiana disagreed…1wk1W

Sports compete based on physical prowess. Gender identity does not impact this. Separating by sex is, in my mind, no different than separating by weight class. The only fair way to allow trans athletes to compete with outside of their sex assigned at birth is to remove all gender seperation in sports

 @9MJJ9N5 from Missouri agreed…3wks3W

Only about 1.03%-1.6% of US adults identify as transgender ( and So, you have at most 2% of the US population that is trans, and approx. half of them will be transgender men (female to male). Transgender men, if anything, would have a disadvantage against cisgender men since they have not had testosterone for as long. The remaining ~1% of the population that tran…  Read more

 @aboutaweekago  from Idaho disagreed…2mos2MO

Men and women are too biologically different to make them compete in most sports fair for all parties. I think generally, the argument isn't completely relevant, since I believe people should play whatever sport they desire but accept the potential risks associated with each sport.


They should be in the same category with their sex that they were assigned at birth, because it is unfair if a person who is biologically a male, to race against females because they are obviously going to be better.

 @9HJ452TPeace and Freedom from Texas agreed…6mos6MO

Each gender is born with physical and mental advantages and disadvantages, so it is scientifically unfair for men to compete in women's sports, as well as women in men's sports. It is also sexist, because each gender has their own sport, and for one gender to transfer over to the other gender and dominate in the sport is socially unfair.

 @9HCNV5K from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

A man literally has a genetic advantage over a women in terms of physicality, it is unfair to the actual bilogical women.

 @9H27GF2 from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

It's simply biology. Males have way higher muscle increase, endurance and strength compared to females. They also have narrower hips and joints, which allow more explosive reactions and skills. Its insane and completely unfair to the women who have to compete against a biological man and this is supported by facts.

 @9GLKGL4Peace and Freedom from Arkansas disagreed…7mos7MO

They should still have to go against the gender they were born with its unfair to the gender they became.


Men and woman have different anatomy and therefore should not be directly competing with each other.

 @9LV6CVZDemocrat from Pennsylvania agreed…1mo1MO

Yes, the reason for that is because they have dreams and are allowed to be who ever want to be whether that's running in the olympics to being a chef.


Female athletes are put at an unfair advantage because most athletes have already hit puberty which leads to them being bigger, stronger, and faster.

 @9HPGJQL from North Carolina agreed…6mos6MO

 @9GSFNWX from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

It provides an unfair advantage due to the fact that most athletes transitioned after puberty leading to them being stronger and faster than female athletes

 @9FLVFTP from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

I think it is very unfair for females that were born male to compete in women's sports because they obviously have a clear advantage over the other female athletes. If it is such an issue to some people, then maybe we should have transgender teams.

 @9FL9J53from Guam agreed…9mos9MO

Restricting transgenders on competitions based on their current gender is a clear violation of their rights, and everyone must have equal rights including the LGBTQ+ people as well.

 @9JD9J58Republican  from Louisiana disagreed…5mos5MO

It is completely unfair. Even though those athletes identify as the opposite sex on the outside, they still have the internal DNA and build of their real sex. Men are scientifically stronger than females. It is not fair for women athletes who have been working hard to be good suddenly having to compete against a biological man.

 @9GQYL88 from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

There are countless women who generate too many of the wrong hormones naturally and debates already exist around those women. It is repetitive and pedantic because this is just the same argument with a different minority in the crosshairs.

 @9G4VW74 from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

say that the transgender athlete is a boy most of the girls might be uncomfortable playing with that team mate. They also have different hormones then girls do it would just never make since for a man to play in a game full of women even if there transgender.

 @9FRX8P3 from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Yes because yea they changed their gender but guys have more strength then a girl does so even if you change your gender your not changing everything meaning it would be unfair.


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