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197 Replies


How do you approach a discussion knowing there will be conflicting opinions?

 @9JH667C from Minnesota  answered…1yr1Y

Try not to support one side too much or there will be many conflicting opinions against it.


Stating your own opinion is very important, if the other side has information that is helpful to their views then people can discuss with each other.

 @9JH5PGL from Kentucky  answered…1yr1Y

Keep my views on topics open but still defend my ideas and opinions

 @9JK66C5 from California  agreed…1yr1Y

stand up for what you believe and keep an open mind to others opinions and be open to side with one another if their argument is stronger and makes more sense.

 @9JH647Q from New Jersey  answered…1yr1Y

The primary argument for the big tent approach is rooted in intellectual humility: properly recognizing the limitations to what each of us knows.

 @9JH5SXT from California  answered…1yr1Y

I simply state my opinion, why based on my life experiences and values I stand for this particular claim, then listen carefully to others


How would you handle a situation where two valuable but opposing ideas are presented?

 @9JYWCTF from North Carolina  answered…1yr1Y

I would try to see the middle ground and incorporate both ideals to were the values of both are somewhat represented.

 @9JBKWMR from Georgia  answered…1yr1Y

I would list out the ways that both ideas help the environment, community, government, etc. and go based on that. If one idea has more benefits than the other, then I'd more than likely would go with that idea, unless the downsides are worse than the benefits. Otherwise, I'd go with the second option, also depending on the benefits and downsides.

 @9JCKRL9Democrat from Washington  answered…1yr1Y

well first i have no idea at all but if I'm making a choice i would take the time to understand the options before i make a decision

 @9JBLBRN from Mississippi  answered…1yr1Y

The use of the big tent is good for a wide diverse aspect to attract a larger audience for politics, but it can be taken and used for the sheer purpose of using people for their votes.


Why do you think it's important for different generations to be represented in decision-making processes?

 @9KCV32Q from Georgia  answered…1yr1Y

all generations are affected by the decisions being made

 @9KJJKYH from Alabama  agreed…12mos12MO

All generations are affected. Even the youngest generation that may not be heavily affected now WILL be affected when they’re older. Additionally, all generations are impacted but in different ways and scales on any and all topics!

 @9K8LDKV from Georgia  commented…1yr1Y

Not every generation have the same perspective so we have to make sure every generation is included, once they are of age

 @9KCTTQ9 from Connecticut  answered…1yr1Y

Different experiences and viewpoints from different generations will create a more unbiased decision making process.

 @9KCV6JXPeace and Freedom from Minnesota  answered…1yr1Y

Can lead to increased performance and profitability. Engaging members of all generations in conversation might lead to improved decision-making. Managers can build strategies to increase effectiveness when interacting with different generations.


How can embracing a wide range of opinions lead to stronger, more innovative solutions?

 @9KZFK2T from Illinois  answered…12mos12MO

 @9KYDPD8  from Texas  answered…12mos12MO

Keeping an open mind is beneficial for everyone because considering other’s opinions is important when in a debate or discussion.

 @9KYHMPY from Washington  answered…12mos12MO

If we diversify our government, there will be less of one sole group that has the most power. There will be more minorities, and the majority of people will cease to exist.


Can you describe a time when diversity within a team led to creative or unexpected solutions?

 @9HTZ5S6 from Oklahoma  answered…1yr1Y

My first thought is the United Nations. This is an example of various diverse cultures coming together and creating solutions to problems all over the world


What does it mean to you to have your ideas embraced in a group with diverse views?

 @9KCVHCJSocialist from Washington  answered…1yr1Y

My ideas and opinions should be considered and heard, but should also be understood to not be the only "correct" opinion.

 @9KCTSYX from Iowa  answered…1yr1Y

I think it would be nice if all different types get together and embrace each others idealizations and have a respectable conversation about that.


What is the power of having both loud and quiet voices heard in group discussions?

 @9HV22XQ from Utah  answered…1yr1Y

The quiet people tend to think deeper about the conversation and let their answers marinate while the loud people tend to be more blunt and just say what on their minds, leading to a conversation with lots of mixed input.


In what ways do you think varied perspectives can strengthen a team's decision-making process?

 @9KCXSKX from New York  answered…1yr1Y

Others ways to strengthen a team's decision-making process is to bring different people together and explore different opinions, comments, and ideas.

 @9KCV2GSProgressive from Iowa  answered…1yr1Y

It helps because more people means different and more solutions to different problems


How does your school or local community demonstrate the principles of including a range of opinions and backgrounds?

 @9LHZC7M from New Jersey  answered…11mos11MO

It does not specifically advocate for any party, yet still teaches both in an unbiased way

 @9LHZ4RF from Colorado  answered…11mos11MO

i’m not sure, because my school has a lot of diversity in several areas, but it is not used to influence or bring awareness to any political standings or events.


What's an example from your life of finding unity in diversity within a community or club?

 @9JHC6FX from Florida  answered…1yr1Y

 @9JH5RH3Women’s Equality from Utah  answered…1yr1Y

unity in diversy is achieved through respect and understanding of differences between people, seeking common points that can unite a group


How might diversity within a political party lead to internal growth and stronger policy proposals?

 @9KZZPY4 from Georgia  answered…12mos12MO

 @9KZZNHXRepublican from Georgia  answered…12mos12MO

If there is diversity within a government then new ideas can come about and not just one party can take over and possibly become a dictatorship.


Why do you think some people are afraid of including too many different opinions?

 @9HH4JLR from Michigan  commented…1yr1Y


How has a teacher or coach created a sense of unity among diverse individuals?

 @9HPDWRS from Florida  answered…1yr1Y

creating a "Big Tent'' or fostering unity among diverse individuals is often a commendable approach. ir involves embracing inclusivity and recognizing the value that different perspectives bring to a group or community. this can contribute to a more collaborative and supportive environment.

 @9HPDR5DPeace and Freedom from Minnesota  answered…1yr1Y


What are some potential downsides to a group that only welcomes like-minded individuals?

 @9HN63R3Libertarian answered…1yr1Y

There is no diversity of opinion and no challenge. It is healthy to be faced with adversity to strengthen your views.


Why might some group members feel hesitant to express opinions that differ from the majority?

 @9HM6Z9BIndependent from California  answered…1yr1Y

There is still the risk of separation and too much majority within the “tent.”


Does a 'Big Tent' approach dilute a political party's core principles or strengthen them through diversity?

 @9HDX9J4 from Indiana  answered…1yr1Y

I think it might strength because it's based off of everyone else point of view not just one persons.


What's the importance of having friends with different backgrounds or beliefs?

 @9HM6LK4 from Colorado  answered…1yr1Y

More views and opinions within a group of friends because as you talk to one another, you can share different ideas and opinions as to how to resolve or what you think about it


Why might an organization choose to deliberately include members with opposing views?

 @9J3QH2S from Texas  answered…1yr1Y


What's a situation where you've witnessed the power of diverse thoughts coming together?

 @9HM6R99Republican  from Idaho  answered…1yr1Y

Muslims and Christians standing in opposition to radical sexual teaching and indoctrination of children in primary schools.


How can teams or clubs at school ensure that everyone, regardless of popularity or confidence, is heard and valued?

 @9L8MZB3 from Alabama  answered…11mos11MO

Everyone should be able to argue their case on why they should be accepted to the group and have an anonymous vote in a hat


When have you felt that your unique characteristics were an asset to the collective wisdom of a group?

 @9L6M28N  from Tennessee  answered…11mos11MO

Political parties should have a broad range of different people but there should also be more political parties since the two parties only actually represent a small portion of the population. There would be a lot better representation if there were 8 major parties compared to 2 major parties.


Does bringing in diverse perspectives under one political 'tent' promote unity or create confusion and conflict?

 @9H3Z22H from Texas  answered…1yr1Y

I believe, in general, "Big Tent" ideologies are smart because if there is a party or group that have diverse perspectives, it has a higher chance of reaching more people and for citizens to be able to agree more issues.


What strategies have you seen be effective in preventing a large, diverse group from fracturing into smaller, less inclusive subgroups?

 @9LBJDYDDemocratfrom Guam  answered…11mos11MO

It can be beneficial to a country's inclusivity, but at times there are cultural groups or ideologies who are against it which breaks its main objective which is to make inclusivity for all, one of its strategies is to create an open environment for all and making sure all needs are catered while their ideas are unified and preserved which is a good strategy after all.


Can a group be truly strong if it only surrounds itself with similar viewpoints?

 @9JH52Q9 from Ohio  answered…1yr1Y


What creative solutions have you found when trying to include and represent everyone's voice in a group decision?

 @8Z5SKCG  from Alabama  commented…11mos11MO

You can usually get good ideas from a wide multitude of people, but the issues begin to arise the longer the group is established. In the beginning we inheriting try to find what we have in common, and tackle those issues with precision that makes everyone happy. But the longer the group is established, the more we begin to see our differences. Which leads to nothing more than strife and confusion amongst people watching from the outside.


Why is it beneficial to have varying viewpoints when tackling a complex issue at school or within your circle of friends?

 @9L7VLDP  from Idaho  answered…11mos11MO


What are some ways that having various life experiences represented in a group has been beneficial?

 @9K96PHQ from Florida  answered…1yr1Y


When has a compromise been key to finding common ground amongst a wide range of views?

 @9KFRHCB from Missouri  answered…1yr1Y

When the federalists and anti-federalists argued about the role of an executive, and how strong they should be.


When has listening to a wide array of voices led to personal growth or learning for you?

 @9KCKBYX from Pennsylvania  answered…1yr1Y

You should have an open mind when it comes to everyone's opinion so that you can decipher what views you share.


What role do you believe respect and understanding play in discussions among people with varying views?

 @9KN8QHX from Utah  answered…12mos12MO

I think that it is very important to respect other people's view even if you do not agree.


Have you ever felt empowered by a group's acceptance, and how did it impact your contributions?

 @9JQMJF4 from Texas  answered…1yr1Y


What role do shared human experiences play in uniting people with different political beliefs?

 @9KYD3HJ from Illinois  answered…12mos12MO

They allow people from opposing sides to relate to one another and work towards a common goal


How do you think a group benefits from actively seeking out and listening to minority voices?

 @9KNG4QS from Florida  answered…12mos12MO

I think its important to listen to minorities, but we should listen to the majority.


How did it feel the last time your unique perspective was celebrated in a team setting?

 @9JR4ZTGSocialist from Maryland  answered…1yr1Y

However, the Big Tent ideology is not without its challenges. Balancing the interests and views of a diverse coalition can be difficult, and there is often a risk of internal divisions and conflicts. Despite these challenges, the Big Tent approach remains a popular strategy for many political parties seeking to maximize their appeal and influence.


What does true inclusivity look like in a group or organization, based on your experience?

 @9JRR8R4  from California  answered…1yr1Y

I think this gives the decent representation for the most amount of people.


What could schools do to better include a wide range of student voices in decision-making?

 @9JGYVKG from Pennsylvania  answered…1yr1Y


How would you build consensus in a classroom representing many different views on a topic?

 @9L3YMMXWorking Family from Wisconsin  answered…11mos11MO

Building consensus in a classroom with diverse views can be challenging but do-able by finding common ground, focus shared on other perspectives, and goals.


What strategies can a group use to make sure minority voices are not just heard, but also acted upon?

 @9J7MYD5 from Utah  answered…1yr1Y


Have you ever changed a group for the better by introducing a unique perspective of your own?

 @9J6RJGS from California  answered…1yr1Y

Yes when you have friends, you have to talk to be on agreements with each other. I usually introduce the fact that just because we aren't constantly talk doesn't mean we aren't friends. My friends take this information and use it maybe when they haven't heard from me.


How can we encourage more voices to be heard in conversations that typically lack diversity?


In what ways can a 'Big Tent' ideology within a political party influence the party's actions and policy outcomes?


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