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Would you rather live in a world with complete safety but limited freedoms, or one with risks but full personal autonomy?

 @9KZN6QR from Illinois  answered…10mos10MO

I would live a life with risk with full personal autonomy

 @9L3YDPPRepublican from Tennessee  agreed…10mos10MO

I think having freedoms and potential having to make more risky decisions is better than your life being run by the government in a communist society.

 @9KZPF5R from Tennessee  answered…10mos10MO

 @9KZNJ7SWomen’s Equality from Louisiana  answered…10mos10MO

WASHINGTON – Today, Alejandro Mayorkas was officially sworn in as the seventh Secretary of Homeland Security. Secretary Mayorkas took the oath this afternoon after the Senate voted to confirm him. As Secretary of Homeland Security, Mayorkas now leads the third largest federal department in the United States, which includes the


In my opinion limiting freedoms is inherently anti-life. You cannot live a fulfilled life unless you are truly free so I would rather live in a risky world with absolute freedom


How would you ensure the accuracy of information in a system where the media was state-controlled?

 @9KK9TZDIndependent from California  answered…11mos11MO

If the government was in a state-controlled system with technology, we must do it in a way that is not too invasive to individuals.

 @9KJ2P32 from Virginia  answered…11mos11MO

Remove all government control over media and allow us to put out truthful information instead of being censored


In a system where the media was state controlled it would depend on the reliability of the state.

 @9KJ2CF3 from Ohio  answered…11mos11MO

Well I don't know because the government is corrupt as it is, and having it be the only one in control of news outlets sounds like a disaster.


If the music you love was deemed 'unacceptable,' how would that influence your perception of artistic freedom?

 @9HW45P2 from South Carolina  answered…1yr1Y

 @9HW3TF3 from Virginia  answered…1yr1Y

It depends on who is deeming it to be so if it is the government they have no say in what I listen to so there for I would not listen to.

 @9HZLSN2 from Minnesota  agreed…1yr1Y

If the government was restricting what music people listen to, I would argue it violates the right to privacy.

 @9HW43FC from Wisconsin  answered…1yr1Y

The music that I love it what I love.You can't call it unacceptable because it not your choice in what I like. that is not for you to decide so I would be very upset.

 @9HZ9KZ8Republican from Ohio  agreed…1yr1Y

Music is a First Amendment freedom of speech and expression. By labeling music you disagree with unacceptable you are saying that an individual does not deserve the same rights you exercise.

 @9HW3Q4V from Tennessee  answered…1yr1Y


How would your social interactions change if public conversations had to avoid a list of state-prohibited topics?

 @9KZNK8Z from Georgia  answered…10mos10MO

Our conversations would change because we would no longer have the freedom of speech that every American citizen has the right to.

 @9L36CSV from Indiana  agreed…10mos10MO

We all as Americans have the right to free speech but if we ended up with a list of what was okay and not okay to say then it would be annoying and frustrating to communicate.

 @9KZP3KB from Texas  answered…10mos10MO

There is a possibility of speech being limited and another possibility of violating peoples rights.


I would only avoid them when I knew I was being heard by someone who would report me


When, if ever, is it justified for the government to silence voices in the interest of national security?

 @9KLC84X from Illinois  answered…11mos11MO

I believe that it is vital we maintain the ability to speak and assemble freely. However, I do see how it may be useful in bettering society by eliminating hate speech or neutralizing those who intend to do harm.

 @9KL9S7S  from New York  answered…11mos11MO

 @9KL99GS from Ohio  answered…11mos11MO

Almost never. Giving away nuclear codes or outing current US troop locations to an enemy force for example that's about it. Certainly not for "hate speech" or supposed incitement.


As a high school student, how would you react if participation in extracurricular activities depended on your political stance?

 @9JJFTY9 from Texas  answered…12mos12MO

I would react frustrated and confused at first sight, due to the fact that playing sports depended on politics.

 @9JJMQNF from Georgia  answered…12mos12MO

It shouldn't matter what your political stance is to join a certain extracurricular activity.

 @9JJFR6F from Louisiana  answered…12mos12MO


How much of your personal freedom would you be willing to give up for a guarantee of comprehensive healthcare?

 @9HW4K8JWomen’s Equality from Kansas  answered…1yr1Y

I don't think we should have to give up any rights for comprehensive health care. Health care is a human right.


 @9HW5YSX from Maryland  answered…1yr1Y

Only what is required for effective treatment and contain or eliminate serious infectious disease such as measles, COVID, etc


I woulnd't mind giving up some freedom for free/more affordable health care


How would you feel if the government monitored all your online activities to ensure public safety?


I would feel this is a violation of my first amendment right.

 @9HCLN9P  from Ohio  commented…1yr1Y

texts and other things you may be doing on your phone should not be monitored unless the police or someone of higher authority is suspicious of a crime

 @9HDV8BX from Texas  answered…1yr1Y


 @9HDVDVJ from North Carolina  answered…1yr1Y


How might your daily life look different if you needed permission to move to a different city or country?

 @9HW2G64Democrat from South Carolina  answered…1yr1Y

It would be more stressful and chaotic. This would also put more on workers plates when they should be focused on other, more important things than being worried as to why I am moving to a different city.

 @9HXHLJMPeace and Freedom from Washington  agreed…1yr1Y

We should be free to move where we want to, this freedom of movement will benefit the economy considering that someone might be more productive with work in some places rather than others.

 @9HW2JL3Democrat from Illinois  answered…1yr1Y

very much different because if I had to have permission to move then I would get upset because I would have to wait before moving. My life would be different depending on the time.

 @9HW2X6B from North Carolina  answered…1yr1Y

If i needed permission to go somewhere I can agree because you never know if someone like a bomber or shooter might pull up


If you found out your conversations were being recorded for your 'safety,' how would you react?

 @9HYFW3P  from Washington D.C.  answered…1yr1Y

If I found out that my conversations were being recorded for my 'safety,' I would have mixed feelings about it. While I understand the importance of ensuring security, I also value privacy and the freedom to express myself without constant surveillance. It's crucial to strike a balance between safety and individual liberties. If such recording were to occur, I would hope that it is done with transparency, accountability, and respect for privacy rights.

 @9J3RTJF from Hawaii  agreed…1yr1Y

It’s an intrusion of my privacy, but at the same time could be necessary for certain information, decisions, or whatever else

 @9HZ2BVT from Arizona  answered…1yr1Y

 @9HYMJ5K from Maryland  answered…1yr1Y


Can a society truly be fair if individuals are allowed to do anything they want, regardless of how it affects others?

 @9H526X2 from Wisconsin  answered…1yr1Y

No, this is because there needs to be some sort of laws and order to keep people from doing bad things.

 @9H526T7 from Utah  answered…1yr1Y

Indifferent, everyone is going to have their own opinions and society just has to be taught to accept difference.

 @9H52CQWRepublican from Indiana  answered…1yr1Y

No, individuals should not be allowed to do anything that will put others in harm.

 @9H52JK6 from Indiana  answered…1yr1Y

Although there should be laws to make sure people cannot cause deliberate harm to people or their environment, our society has many minuscule laws that allow for people to be treated very unfairly.


Do you think a government should have the power to tell you whom you can or cannot marry?

 @9H4TNQR from Texas  answered…1yr1Y

No they should not because people should be able to pick their lover not the government.

 @9H4SDP6 from Minnesota  answered…1yr1Y

like any right there should be a limit animals objects if you're below 18 no children can be married. the government should have little say like in the right to free speech.


Yes, I think thew states should determine whether or not to allow same-sex marriage rather than the federal government. I think most states on the divided on the idea

 @9H4X37Y from Oregon  answered…1yr1Y

No, a government in which is in total control, especially over something as personal as marriage, only leads to tyranny and failure.


If cash transactions were banned to prevent illegal activity, how would you feel about the traceability of your purchases?

 @9HW4SJW from Georgia  answered…1yr1Y

i would feel very paranoid about my personal information on my card. i say this because you can;t use your card at everyplace you go to because you need to protect your info.

 @9HXK4QWWomen’s Equality from Washington  agreed…1yr1Y

theres some places or stores that i wouldnt feel comfortable using credit cards because of fear of identitiy theft.

 @9HXJCNC from Colorado  agreed…1yr1Y

if cash transactions were banned in these united states, i would move away. that is not freedom. money is money. if cash transactions were to be banned, that is entirely the governments problem.

 @9HXHWHKIndependent from Indiana  disagreed…1yr1Y

If cash transcactions were banned it would be a total different world because there are people that can hack into accounts and take personal information from people that do online purchases.

 @9HW4656 from South Carolina  answered…1yr1Y

I think it would be creepy to have people know what i buy. I think thats what that means

 @9HW482NRepublican from Tennessee  answered…1yr1Y

I think that if you do suspicious activity then they can look into there purchases


What would your schooling experience be like if curriculums were dictated solely by the current political leaders?

 @9HW6KHVJustice party member from North Carolina  answered…1yr1Y

Having tracked the libertarian “movement” for much of my life, I believe it is now pretty much hollowed out, at least in terms of flow

 @9HW468S from Tennessee  answered…1yr1Y

It would not be as good because they wont know what is going on in schools among other things


Imagine a world without anonymity on the internet; how would this affect your interactions online?


Many people would not say how they feel and say the things that just fit into others.

 @9HW4TDJ from Missouri  answered…1yr1Y

It wouldnt affect my interactions so much but it could affect many peoples interactions. Accounts that are private can now be known by others they dont want to see.

 @9HTRDRNDemocrat from Washington  commented…1yr1Y

I don't think many people would continue to hate like how they do online if there wasn't anonymity.


If self-driving cars were mandatory for safety and all manual driving was outlawed, how would your perception of control change?

 @9KZN4T4 from Nebraska  answered…10mos10MO

I don't think it would work out. Also what are you going to do with all the waste from the gas vechicles.

 @9KZMS4D from New York  answered…10mos10MO

I would believe that control is more of a mindset because although the car is physically controlling where to drive, the driver is also in control.

 @9KS2BX2 from Virginia  commented…10mos10MO

I'd feel very unsafe. I'd probably use a bike and never drive. I doubt self-driving cars can currently run smoothly.


Imagine a day without internet freedom; how would you adapt to communicate or gather information?

 @9KFLBW3  from North Carolina  answered…11mos11MO

I would likely return to sending letters or potentially creating a code to discuss sensitive topics with others, if I felt this was necessary.

 @9KFKBVTPeace and Freedom  from New York  answered…11mos11MO

news paper, we will go back to the 90s. We didn't had no internet, but we still has the news. The times of New York will provide all the news in the paper.


How would wearing a mandatory device that tracks all your movements change the way you live your life?


It would make me very un easy and not feel safe if I had a MANDATORY EVICE that TRACKS all MY movements.

 @9J9ZS9D from Georgia  answered…12mos12MO

How it changes my life between civil libertarianism which had Envolve and expanded by social movement


How might your sense of personal identity shift if your clothing and style had to conform to government-stipulated guidelines?

 @9KZNSSZ from Louisiana  answered…10mos10MO

I would have an identity crisis because why does the government want to control everything about people but claim we have freedom in the country. for all this might as well move to north Korea

 @9KZN6NP from Texas  answered…10mos10MO

Freedom of expression is explicitly laid out in the Bill of Rights and should not be regulated by the government in any way. It’s unconstitutional.


How would your perception of family values be affected if state-endorsed family structures were taught in schools?

 @9JHN8YM from Texas  answered…12mos12MO

 @9JHMXST from Ohio  answered…12mos12MO


How might your goals shift if pursuing certain careers required ideological alignment with government views?

 @9JP8762 from Utah  answered…12mos12MO

I believe that I have a right to my beliefs, so I would not agree that I need to have the same views as government leaders.

 @9JP6ZNF from Maryland  answered…12mos12MO


How would the meaning of community change for you if the government had the final say in defining 'community standards'?

 @9JP5Q6J from California  answered…12mos12MO

I don't care about community standards. The Federal Gov should create standards and the state should implement them.

 @9JP5PTVLibertarian from Ohio  answered…12mos12MO

Community isn't some set standard, it's a collection of those who get along and have similar interests, setting a standard would deplete the meaning of community.


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