You believe in achieving gender equality and empowering all individuals, regardless of their sex, to have equal opportunities and rights in society.
Feminism is a political ideology that advocates for the social, political, and economic equality of all genders. It is a movement that seeks to challenge and change the patriarchal systems and structures that have historically marginalized and oppressed women and other gender minorities. Feminism is not a monolithic ideology, but rather a collection of diverse perspectives and theories that share a common goal of gender equality.
The history of feminism can be traced back to the late 18th century, although the term "feminism" itself was not coined until the late 19th century…
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What challenges do you foresee for the next generation when it comes to gender equality, and how might they overcome them?
I think that there are a lot of different ways that people are discriminated against for and I think that equal pay and rights for women is just another way that needs to be improved.
Women have the same rights as men, and they are not paid less. They accumulate less money over time due to less hours worked overall and a the personal choice to peruse lower paying careers.
that we have created a society that is split on gender lines due to feminism and anti feminism, instead of trying to bridge the gap between us
Females have more leniency on the law especially when it’s involved with a male
There are going to be more challenges on females in the future based on the current challenges, and our rights may eventually be taken completely
Can you share an instance where someone's gender expectations of you felt limiting or empowering?
My opinion/stance is always overlooked or completely ignored when I express it; or I'm called a 'b*tch'.. which I prefer since at least they're hearing me.
No. I respect the limits and roles of both genders as created by God in His wisdom. To reject these is to embrace social anarchy and the destruction of the nuclear family.
there are misogynistic people everywhere so when you have the power to say no that is nice but there's also a feeling of disappointment that comes along with it in numerous aspects.
Yes everyone should be equal but the. You are not allowed to go back and say you cant because im a woman or such or complain that now you have to work cause we all do
How do you handle situations where you feel like your gender is being used to define your abilities or potential?
i feel like anything a boy can do a girl can do it to
Girls are more emotional & sensitive than boys
Its not okay to say that boys are stronger than girls, girls are more flexible than boys and boys are stronger
When comparing men to women, it feels unfair for a gender that is seen as fragile and dainty be seen as less and weak compared to the opposite sex because of assigned gender and social norm.
handle them by proving your abilities or potential
How can we contribute to a culture that celebrates gender diversity in our everyday lives?
@9J6WL7X 1yr1Y
You shouldn’t judge by their gender orientation or sexuality or race and you should not chastise them for it it’s their buissness not yours you should leave it alone if that’s their choice that’s their choice period point blank.
By being more inclusive and actually knowing the facts.
Gender diversity is a ridiculous concept that should not be enshrined in our government or culture. It divides our people even further into different marginalized labels that hurts our culture by promoting false ideas of human sex and the nature of man and woman.
We can have an open mindset regarding gender diversity, and continue to be up to date with politics and our government.
Why would I want to contribute to something so horrible?
In what ways do you believe men can also benefit from feminism?
Feminism isn't about women being better than men, it's about true equality. Feminism promotes more mental health resources for men and fights against double standards for men and women.
They can't, most feminists are lesbian and that means fewer potential girlfriends and/or wives for straight guys
They learn more about woman, more than they normally do
Destigmatizing mental health, developing healthy romance
What would an ideal gender-equal educational system look like to you?
Equal rights, equal pay, equal insurance, equal life.
A system where regardless of gender everyone is offered the same opportunities.
Everyone is given the same education, with the same opportunities
Ever one is treated the same but in our schools now the women are proatiesed which is bad
In what ways have you seen gender equality improve in your lifetime, and what hopes do you have for its future?
I have seen more women get higher paying jobs than what we have had in the past. I have also seen some women getting the chance to have a job that normally only men would have (as our standard would think). For the future I hope that more women can get higher positions and they can have more of a voice than what we do now.
women are more respected today than they were 100 years ago
women can do the same thing men do In the workforce and are valued just as much i hope in the future it improves even more like getting a female president
How would worldwide gender equality alter the current state of global politics and leadership?
The feminist movement has effected change in Western society, including women's suffrage; greater access to education; more equitable pay with men; the right to initiate divorce proceedings.
We are already equal as men and women, Women usually don't take the work that pays more and is harder to do.
Feminism should be more important, Women still get the same rights as men but they have less opportunity to be hired for the same position as a man . Or get paid less etc.
By significantly worsening it
If you had the power to change one thing to make the world more gender-equal, what would it be and why?
Women have the right to make their own decisions about their healthcare.
Equality in court, women can lie and accuse an innocent man of rape and ruin that man's life, and then that same woman can get away without penalty. More women are trusted rather than men in domestic disputes, court cases, and many other occurrences. This needs to end, for women, and men to be equal, there needs to be complete equality in all aspects of our society.
having media and entertainment have a feminists advisor around to look at what their going to produce
If given the chance, what message about gender equality would you want to broadcast to the world?
Gender is a manmade concept made to bend the power structure anyway they can
Women can do everything that men can do, so they should have the same rights.
What's one gender stereotype that you wish would disappear, and why?
one gender stereotype that i would like to disappear are that women and men should both be held accountable if one was to falsely accuse someone of sexual assault
toxic masculine men, such as andrew tate, hurt not only women and their rights, but promotes hurtful, dangerous mentalities in men.
How has a personal experience influenced your understanding of why gender equality is important?
I think that there shouldn't be restrictions for each gender to do what the other can, as it would be unfair if a male doctor doesn't earn the same as a female doctor that do the same thing.
I am a woman in America so I have had experiences that a man could never have. Women are simply treated differently. A much older man in a position of power has taken advantage of me before in what started in the workplace and even if I tried to speak up about the situation nothing was done. That man lives life completely free of any consequences regarding his behavior towards children and his abuse of power, and I have to live with the trauma he caused me for the rest of my life. This is so much more common than people realize and women are constantly being taken advantage of and treated as beneath men.
Do you think feminism is still relevant today, and why or why not?
yes it is relevant today because women to this day still don't get treated equally
Yes, it still is because woman should be treated equally as men in a lot of ways.
Not today, but it was relevant back then.
Have you ever questioned a tradition or custom because it seemed to favor one gender over another?
What role do you think men should play in the feminist movement?
They should do everything in their power to debunk it
Women have the same God-given natural rights to life, liberty, and property, as men do. But they also have different roles in society than men do. God created them to be mothers, and homemakers, and that's where most would find maximum fulfilment. God designed men to be the workers, the farmers, the leaders, of a free society. Men and women have equal rights, but it's only in that sense that they're equal. They have different roles, different talents, strengths, and weaknesses. Feminism is a scam – women cannot find true fulfilment in it.
What's one story from your own life that illustrates the need for gender equality?
There is no need to separate rights just because of someone’s gender; male or female, we are all people made of flesh and blood who are here to enjoy life to the fullest. (Other than assigned bathrooms and stuff of course, but I’m talking about rights and stuff like that.)
Reflect on a time when you supported a friend or peer in overcoming a gender-based challenge; what was the outcome?
How can awareness of gender issues be increased in industries that are traditionally male or female-dominated?
Communicating more to industries to show the difference in pay and positions will allow for more awareness in the problems at hand.
What's one act of gender-based injustice that you feel needs more attention?
Not being able to choose what we do with our body.
Have you ever witnessed or experienced gender inequality, and how did it make you feel?
Every day, in every country in the world, women are confronted by discrimination and inequality. They face violence, abuse and unequal treatment at home, at work and in their wider communities – and are denied opportunities to learn, to earn and to lead. Feminism has also succeeded in challenging pervasive cultural norms about women.
What changes would you make in your school or community to promote feminism?
No more excuses for bad behavior of men and boys. Women still have a responsibility to compete. No free rides because of gender.
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