Try the political quiz

223 Replies


What could be the impact on society if everyone adopted a holistic view on waste and consumption?

 @9JT3QQM from California answered…4mos4MO

Not good, no diversity in other peoples views on this topic so it would humans would be stuck and eventually wipe themselves of the planet.

 @9JT3G78 from Virginia answered…4mos4MO

I think that with Holism, we can understand people better and have mutual understanding.

 @9JT2VF8 from Virginia answered…4mos4MO

If everyone took this view, there would be an environmental increase within society.

 @9JT325BWomen’s Equality from Arizona answered…4mos4MO

I think the impact would be moderate to large and very positive, since viewing these problems as a whole reveals that corporations are behind most environmental damage, and we can begin to regulate them properly.


Have you experienced a time when considering the needs of many, rather than a few, led to a better outcome in a project?

 @9KWBZDZ from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO

I have not personally. Normally it should be the job of a government to look out for the minorities and marginalized parts of society, but when looking at say - the super rich verses the super poor, there are obviously more poor and the government should have policies and programs that support and protect the disadvantaged. In European countries that have greater social protections, it is more likely that a person will advance in social economic position than in the United States.

 @9KW6DNB from Hawaii answered…3mos3MO

 @9KW68P5 from Indiana answered…3mos3MO

Part of a democracy is representing all types of people, but also listening to the majority. Finding the balance between the two is key.


Why might holism be important in considerations of social justice and equality?

 @9H749PX from Connecticut answered…7mos7MO

Holism should be considered because these issues are far too complex to pick out different aspects that benefit or harm society.

 @9H745JL from Florida answered…7mos7MO

Holism is needed in social justice and equality issues to more accurately address all of the parts of the situation,


Would you say environmental initiatives are more effective when taking a holistic approach, and why or why not?

 @9HCTHXR from Ohio answered…6mos6MO


Environmental initiatives should be combined an a technological aspect, as well as with a ideological perspective.


How does the idea that 'no man is an island' resonate with you in terms of your place within your social circles?

 @9HTLFC7 from Pennsylvania commented…5mos5MO

It's sometimes easier to work with a group because everyone is coming up with ideas and working on different angles of the same problem.


How might the rise of technology and the internet have demonstrated holism in the modern world?

 @9HLTXRR from Texas answered…6mos6MO

 @9HLTMV7  from Tennessee answered…6mos6MO

The essence of how science and technology contributes to society is the creation of new knowledge, and then utilization of that knowledge to boost the prosperity of human lives, and to solve the various issues facing society.


When working on a challenging problem, how can seeking a variety of opinions lead to more comprehensive solutions?

 @9KG94P6  from Texas answered…3mos3MO

Different perspectives show light on aspects of an issue or problem that decreases the risk of failure and increases the efficiency of searching for a solution

 @9KG8YXW from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO


How can we better understand the importance of community well-being when making daily lifestyle choices?

 @9HYT8YB from Utah answered…5mos5MO


In what ways can prioritizing mental health in your community create benefits that extend beyond individual well-being?

 @9KSLRBNIndependent  from Texas answered…3mos3MO

If we prioritize mental health then every individual will be getting the help they need and we will all be better off as a nation.

 @9KSK237Democrat from Washington answered…3mos3MO

Prioritizing mental health is extremely beneficial- if most everyone is happy and stable then the world can run smoother


How can looking beyond first impressions in relationships reveal a deeper understanding of a person's actions?

 @9JSHF9BDemocrat from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

The topic of Holism is how one can look beyond first impressions like being respectful of people's ideology

 @9JSGH5P from California answered…4mos4MO

When you look beyond, you begin to see people who you wouldn't otherwise agree with.


When have you felt part of something larger than yourself and how did that influence your actions or feelings?

 @9HYNBRX from California answered…5mos5MO

While being apart of JROTC and marching in a platoon, marching and calling cadence, it fills you with a type of joy that is kind of indescribable.


Can social media campaigns be more influential when they address the broader social context rather than just one issue?

 @9HNCVCB from Illinois answered…6mos6MO


How do you think the concept of 'everything is connected' applies to relationships in your own life?

 @9HNCZS2Independent from Washington answered…6mos6MO

I have a lot of "small world" moments and so does my family. So maybe everything is connected some way some how.


What's a real-life scenario where you've seen a local issue had wider impact than initially expected?

 @9KMGFHWPeace and Freedom from California answered…3mos3MO

Homelessness. I live in Los Angeles and it's a major problem down here, as well as other parts of California


How does your choice of extracurricular activities reflect the idea that diverse experiences contribute to personal growth?

 @9KHMD26  from Texas answered…3mos3MO

My two extracurricular activities are exercising and playing tabletop games with my friends. Exercise keeps me active and fit. playing tabletop games with my friends fosters creativity, social well being, and improves mental health. All of this factors into my personal growth and I become a more well rounded and healthy person.


Have you seen a global issue differently after learning about its local impact on individuals or communities?

 @9KFHCJL from Ohio answered…3mos3MO

Understanding the local impact of global issues often reveals the nuanced challenges faced by individuals and communities, shedding light on the interconnected nature of problems and emphasizing the importance of holistic approaches to address them.


How does recognizing the value of everyone's input during a group discussion change the outcome?

 @9KN98SB from South Dakota answered…3mos3MO

The value of holism means everyone putting in their input during a group discussion means that not everyone has the same political views of what our country should be held and why politics should not be in charge of everything.


Can drawing on various subjects' knowledge when tackling a project lead to more innovative solutions?

 @9KGRPRM from Texas answered…3mos3MO

Holism means that the whole cannot exist without the combination of all of its parts, in this case If you have the ability to gain multiple sources of perspective and knowledge when developing a solution that solution will always be a more complete well rounded solution as opposed to a solution developed by an individual.


What does a balanced ecosystem in nature teach us about the importance of maintaining diverse elements for healthy societies?

 @9JQHPTH from Texas answered…4mos4MO

Balance is important to maintain diversity and allow societies to adapt to change rapidly.


Can a team’s success in sports offer insights into why holistic approaches might benefit wider community projects?


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