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22 Replies

 @9FJ94FYLibertarian from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

If they are proven to be a danger to the citizens of the united states, then why wait for people to die before taking action?

 @9FRNDPDWorkers from Michigan  agreed…1yr1Y

if we just go assassinate any and all suspected terrorists, we will find ourselves in a problem of eventually killing an innocent civilian.

 @9FQ2P9WRepublican from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

We all have natural rights and everyone is human and we shouldn't change the rules of our country for one person.

 @9GL8292 from Georgia  agreed…1yr1Y

Your life is something that should never be threatened, regardless of whether or not you are a US citizen. If we are granted life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, then others around the world should too.

 @9GDKDTNCommunist from Washington  agreed…1yr1Y

We cannot intervene in any foreign nation. Only peace and development for the world, not war and murder.

 @9GRCHDQ from California  agreed…1yr1Y

During the attack at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, in 1999, police could only surrounded the building and didn't go inside. Students were inside with no help or aid and this should be prevented in the future.

 @9GMN3LV from North Carolina  agreed…1yr1Y

I would like someone to be proven a terrorist, not suspected, before assassination. Innocent until proven guilty is the foundation of our justice system.

 @9GP4ZHFPeace and Freedom from Illinois  agreed…1yr1Y

It should be illegal to murder someone who is suspected of foreign assassination and should be over all illegal to murder someone because your taking someones life for an in the moment choice. Instead just make them serve a long time in jail, if you think about it hurting your child will do nothing but make them turn more bad but putting them in time out will help them think about their bad choices.

 @9GC8FXR from Georgia  agreed…1yr1Y

many people are craeting fake documents and possibly incrimination photos of different people and celebrities.

 @9GBC7DRDemocrat from California  agreed…1yr1Y

Foreign assaination in the country have only led to problem,you get rid of one but there always another no matter what.

 @9LYFNQB from Texas  disagreed…10mos10MO

Assassinations of known criminals and possibly dangerous people would benefit many people being tormented under them

 @9FJ9NCFRepublican from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

Assassination of suspected terrorists should only take place preceding a fair and just trial within the united states. This is what is due to humans and is found within our constitution

 @9FJ86BR from Rhode Island  agreed…1yr1Y

the government can use the terrorist assassination to assasinate someone who isnt a terrorist, but simply doesnt go by there ideals

 @9FJ697LPeace and Freedom from California  agreed…1yr1Y

If you vote no, then you agree that you would not like to start any conflicts with foreign countries or states.

 @9FFHB8VLibertarian from Colorado  disagreed…1yr1Y

Terrorist attack not only the U.S. but our allies, look at Afghanistan, we were there to help those people maintain their country and once we left the Taliban A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION TOOK OVER. We must help our fellow allies not destroy them.

 @9FQW25DRepublicanfrom Guam  agreed…1yr1Y

If we say no to foreign assassination, it’s because we don’t want the US to get in a war with any country.

 @98T99QD from West Virginia  disagreed…2yrs2Y

 @9G2763Jfrom Maine  agreed…1yr1Y

You should kill no one, even if that person killed someone you love. A good revenge would be that they are locked up, and not killed. Otherwise they will not feel guilty and can't feel guilty.


We should not go for foreign assassination, because we might kill foreigners who have no criminal records, be part of a dangerous organization, or more. Meaning if we killed a innocent or member of a dangerous organization, we will end up in bad situations.

 @9FY47NJ from Massachusetts  agreed…1yr1Y

Was Castro ever *really* a threat to the US? Really? Enough that we tried to assassinate him over 600 times? Get **** ing real. If Cuba ever tried to invade the US they would be crushed, Castro was never a real threat on his own. We wanted a vassal state to exploit.

 @9FWLRCL from Washington  agreed…1yr1Y

there are numerous examples of the US killing foreign leaders in the name of "suppressing terrorism"

 @9GK2JZP from New York  agreed…1yr1Y

Some opponents of free college argue that the government shouldn't be subsidizing people's degrees in majors that aren't likely to lead to a good job


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