Lobbying describes paid activity in which special interest groups hire well-connected professional advocates, often lawyers, to argue for specific legislation in decision-making bodies such as the United States Congress. Analysts estimate that there are over 100,000 working lobbyists in Washington D.C. who bring in a combined revenue of over $9 billion annually. In 2007 the U.S. Congress passed the “Honest Leadership and Open Government Act” which placed lobbying “cooling off” periods for members of Congress and their staff. Senators and their staff were now prohibited from registering as lobbyists for 1-2 years after they left office.
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Voting for candidate:
Yes, and ban all forms of lobbying
I only think that there should be a ban of foreign lobbyists because they are doing stuff for a country they are not a part of.
No, the current two-year ban is sufficient
If that were the case there would be less collusion between lobbyists that worked in government prior to their time as a lobbyist.
Yes, and ban all forms of capitalist and corporate lobbying. However let other groups, such as advocacy groups, for example, remain.
The advocacy groups will be hijacked by capitalists. Let’s just ban all money lobbying in general and publicly fund elections, then destroy the electoral college and make a ranked-voting system instead.
No, but people should not be allowed to lobby if they are receiving taxpayer money for their organization. Anyone should be allowed to advocate for their beliefs with their own money, not with federal funds.
Yes, and limit the current lobbying to non corporate entities pursuing public interests.
No lobbying is a part of politics.
Yes, nobody should be able to buy an election.
I do not understand the question
I don’t have an opinion on this.
I think if they are trying to influence them for things that will help, then it's okay. However, I feel many people misuse lobbying to get personal gain.
i wish for any government to not exist. I am an anarchist, but if it continues to exist then absolutely make it a lifetime ban.
A 5 year ban is important, but to go further make the amount of lobbying contributions unimpressive and thus not be a temptation for politicians to become corrupt and selling their votes
Yes, and ban all forms of lobbying in which congressional and white house officials receive money, stock shares, etc.
No, but all Public office should be a voluntary gig.
It doesn’t matter they have ways of getting around it.
Well I don't like it government shouldn't ban it
Yes, in fact, it should be a lifetime ban and the system should be reformed to counter lobbying corruption directly
Doesn't matter, dissolve the government
Abolish the lobbying act or stop lobbyists from giving money, favors, gifts, or giving lucrative job offers.
Yes, make it a lifetime ban and reform the system of lobbying to fight corruption
I am stuck between what we should do
No, the ban should be longer than five years.
I do not really have a stance on this question
Don't have enough knowledge to provide an answer.
Yes, but make it 10 years to decrease possible political connections within Congress.
Government should not exist.
not entirely sure what this is asking.
@8VGYZK8 1yr1Y
No, but contractually require companies that recieve government contracts, along with their executives and significant shareholders from donating to politicians and PACs
I'm uninformed on the issue.
No, but lobbyists should be able to be prosecuted for purgery while lobbying
Yes but make it a 10 year ban
No. And it should be a 10 years.
Yes, and make it a lifetime ban and reform the system of lobbying to fight corruption
No, because this is practically unenforceable.
Yes, and make it a 7 year ban
Yes in a lead role, but as a member of a board, I think that's the whole point. Do you want ZERO lobbyist from congress? Yes or No, but we need direction from those who were just up to their necks in it.
No, any former political leader, regardless of their party, should be allowed to donate towards an upcoming candidate if they would like to express support.
No, the current two-year bean is sufficient and their lobbying instead should be made public and widely accessible.
@9W9Q47R 3mos3MO
We should eliminate lobbying in general. But no pacs at all. And they have to revise all the bills they passed, if they passed a bill that benefits a company or entity directly then they can not work there, you are no longer a private citizen anymore
I believe that lobbying should be legal at should be rendered impotent by not allowing groups, organizations or corporations from donating money to political entities. All political contributions should be private and individual.
Badgering others into supporting a specific candidate or bribing them should not be allowed in general.
Yes. Make it a lifetime Ban and no lobbying should be done by any business, corporations, nonprofit organizations or union. Lobbying was created for the individual within the general public and it should go back to that.
@9TL54R5 4mos4MO
Yes, and ban the revolving door, and all lobbying groups, PACs, etc. should have a name that reflects their actual goals instead of being deceptively named to trick the public.
I think it depends on who they are lobbying on behalf of and if it's in the best interests of the public. Advocacy groups, sure. Corporations or large entities? I'd question the motives.
The is good and bad lobbying so banning all lobbying is not good in my opinion. I guess it would depend on if they got a job in return for certain favors
There should be no lobbying allowed for any "for profit" industry, only allow lobbying for non profit, unions or other organizations representing disadvantaged citizens and marginalized groups
Yes, all White House and Congressional officials should have a lifetime ban on all types of lobbying, and lobbyists should not be allowed to run for office
Former government employees should be forever banned from lobbying government for anybody but themselves.
No, but remove any monetary persuasion from lobbying, limiting a lobbyists' tools to their speech and debate skills
Yes, in fact all lobbying and lobbyists should be abolished. You should not be able to BUY influence in the government. The will of the people should be what influences the senators and representatives, NOT the whll of the corporations.
@9RJH6B8 6mos6MO
professional lobbying should not be allowed. Politicians should seek to learn more about issues and pending legislation and to understand public opinion in order to make the most informed decisions on policy, whether through public panels, calling on experts, and/or fund studies to better understand potential issues and outcomes.
Maintain current two-year ban with enhanced reporting for ethical conflicts and some measures to enforce violations
@9R7QJ29 6mos6MO
Lobbying on behalf of things like cancer research, civil rights should be allowed but lobbying on behalf of corporations should be banned. A five-year ban on lobbying for elected officials.
@9R7PQT9 6mos6MO
No, but steps besides a ban should be taken to ensure government officials are not unduly influenced.
Yes, as well a a ban on accepting payment of any kind from a lobbying group for 5 years after leaving office as well
@davecaro 6mos6MO
Lobbying in its current form is massively corrupt. Any lobbyist, interest group, or politician proven to engage in any personal or campaign financial transactions should be prosecuted criminally.
There should be a ban but I think a shorter term and other laws currently and potentially in place addressing wrongdoing via other means is sufficient. 5 years is unduly restrictive.
Yes, and all elected officials should be subject to this upon leaving office, local, state, and federal
No, people are people and should do what they want. As in the three unalienable liberties of the U.S., life, liberty, and happiness unless if the persons' life, liberty, and happiness tramples over in respect to the law.
No. But they should not be able to receive any government aid during that time. Including any pension.
@JcawolfsonIndependent 9mos9MO
Yes, but there should be consideration for a ban on lobbyists from becoming White House and Congressional officials
@JcawolfsonIndependent 9mos9MO
No, but there should be consideration for a ban on lobbyists from becoming White House and Congressional officials
yes, there should be at least a 2 or more year banned because lobbying creates political division in an already divided government
Yes, there should be a 10-year ban on White House and Congressional officials from becoming lobbyists after they leave the government
Yes and make it a lifetime ban because they are elected by the citizens and it should serve anything for the interests of its citizens and not their own political desires.
The issue with lobbying is the rampant corruption by fascists, democrats and republicans abusing their wealth and power to influence the world en-masse. Lobbying should be reformed as a group commitment to a cause and be investigated every year for fraud, false information, and discrimination.
Yes, and there should be a lifetime ban on former military officers above the rank of Colonel and former DoD employees working for defense/weapons manufacturers. Furthermore, there should also be a ban on former employees of defense manufacturers serving in appointed political positions in the DoD.
Yes. Most non-disclosures last this long and if we don't do 5 years, lobbyists can withhold vital information
I feel they should have a 3-5 year ban so they have time to reflet on what they have done in their time in office
@B.W.-Byars 11mos11MO
Yes, with an emphasis on the reasoning that such a policy could help align government actions more closely with the public good by addressing the fundamental needs for transparency, fairness, and the well-being of society.
Only ban lobbyists if their negotiation with other people in the government leads to negative outcomes.
No, the current two-year ban is sufficient as it allows the government a "grace period" where these former government officials cannot influence policy
No, it is a violation of the 1st Amendment to ban political figures from continuing to have influence in politics.
@charlie3sticks 12mos12MO
how about a lifetime? or, if not, a broad extension of FOIA requirement that records instantly releases all meetings and discussions.
No, the two-year ban is sufficient, however large corporations and special interest parties involved with corporations or individuals/leaders with a criminal record should be permanently banned.
I think if an individual administration wanted to set this rule for its officials and employees, it would be a very good idea.
There should be a ban on persons that serve the government in a capacity of making laws from becoming lobbyists. It feels too much like insider trading.
Put regulations in place for which industries are allowed to hire lobbyists. Lobbyists should be reserved for specific industries that hold interest to the betterment of the public, for companies who pride themselves in paying thriving wages and contribute a specific percentage of funds to communities.
@9CM996SIndependent 1yr1Y
Ban professional lobbyists, PACS, Super PACS, and foreign country lobbyists. It is simply institutionalized bribery.
Yes and they shouldn't really have any major favoritism or favors in their stances and should be treated as if they were a working class citizen for no less than 10 years.
Yes, make it a lifetime ban and crack down on all forms of lobbying to prevent outsize influence from more powerful interest groups
Dissolve all lobbyists, tar/feather them and make them write a thank you card to their next of kin of choice.
Yes, and make it a longer ban
Any and all lobbing should be banned!
Lobbyists should be outlawed and any politician caught dealing with lobbyists should be charged and convicted of treason
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