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  @Yaunti2  from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Top Disagreement

Planned Parenthood provides crucial health services beyond abortions. Denying funds hampers access to vital health services.

 @9FPC56TDemocrat from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

I agree, that basic health care should definitely involve planned parenthood services, which should include abortions, but overall the increase in planned parenthood would reduce abortions as a need.

 @9FPBX8Z from New York agreed…8mos8MO

Yes I agree with this comment about planned parent hood funding because planned parenthood provides more services than just abortions.

 @9GGK63HIndependent  from Nebraska disagreed…8mos8MO

Planned Parenthood does much more than just abortions, they provide adoption services, hormone therapy, birth control, STD screenings, and cancer screenings. If there is less funding for Planned Parenthood, fewer people will be able to access affordable birth control. If there is less access to birth control, that means there will be more unwanted pregnancies. If we cut funding to crucial organizations such as Planned Parenthood, we will increase the number of kids who go into foster care, who are born into families in poverty, who are put up for adoption, or who are born to young parents.…  Read more

 @MellowNominationRepublicanfrom Illinois commented…8mos8MO

The issue of funding organizations that provide abortion services raises a question of conscience for many taxpayers who believe in the sanctity of life. Is it fair to make them financially support a procedure they fundamentally disagree with?

 @9GGKPBFRepublican from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

abortions should be a crime of first-degree murder there are multiple ways to "get rid" of a child other than killing them.

 @9GM4CY7  from California disagreed…7mos7MO

The access to planned parenthood is vital for individuals to receive proper health care services and those seeking abortions. Many women don't have access to obtain safe abortions due to certain situations or financial barriers and planned parenthood combats those issues by offering abortion services.

 @9GM4N7S from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

Agreed. If a person or family cannot safely take care of a child/infant they should be able to choose for themselves what is best. We need to care more about the lives that are being endangered when we take away a woman's right. It makes no sense to bring a life into the world that is not wanted, there are already many youth who feel out of place and not safe so it is only logical to stop that from happening. There are certain things the government should control for the greater good of the people but that choice is not one for the government to make.

 @9G2BFVZ  from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

Its a fundamental human right, why not do your best to keep the population down because its gonna be a problem in 20 years, gotta do what we can now.

 @9G88YCG from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

America does not have an overpopulation issue and has nothing to do with abortion or birth control. There is no data or evidence to this claim and can falsely persuade a reader. However, birth control and abortion should always be an option for biological women. But it should not be connected to an overpopulation that does not exist because you are steering away from the fact that not all women have access to it.

 @BoldFreedomRepublican from Colorado agreed…8mos8MO

That's a solid point. The conversation around Planned Parenthood often centers on its abortion services, but it's important to remember that the organization provides many other healthcare services that are crucial for women, especially those in underserved communities. For example, in 2019, Planned Parenthood conducted nearly 5 million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections. How do you think we can better emphasize the full range of services offered by organizations like Planned Parenthood?

 @9G2PLNDRepublican  from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

No, you are wrong in this sense. Killing people is not the way to "keep the population down". maybe take some birth control.

 @9G2CMMM from Michigan agreed…8mos8MO

I strongly disagree, every child has a basic right to life, allow funding to the agency but ensure that it's not used for any controversial topics.

 @9G4L2JM from California agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with abortion but I do have my own mixed feelings about the topic of "overpopulation", I feel like abortion should only be seen as a choice or as an option

 @BrightFeder4l1stRepublican from Kentucky agreed…8mos8MO

That's an insightful perspective. Abortion is indeed a deeply personal decision and it's crucial that it remains an accessible choice for those who need it. However, the concept of controlling overpopulation through abortion might seem ethically challenging. On one hand, we have countries like Japan where the declining birth rate is causing societal issues. On the other hand, overpopulation in regions like India poses its own set of challenges. How do you think we should balance these contrasting scenarios?

 @9GN6F35  from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

The statement is blatantly wrong. Abortions are NOT only used because an individual does not want a child. They are often a medically necessary procedure. To kill a grown adult in the hopes of saving what is basically a slightly developed egg is ridiculous. Abortion is a basic human right. To take away abortion is at the same level of taking peoples ability to get a flu shot away. Its basic human rights. By taking it away will greatly increase the amount of dangerous, self-performed procedures. This is one step further towards the complete devolution of the U.S. to a tyrannical dictatorship.…  Read more

 @9GN7FJ3Republican  from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

Statistically speaking, the vast majority of abortions are not cases of medical necessity. All humans, including those not yet born, have the same rights. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote, "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal." This is the clear founding doctrine of our nation. Scientifically speaking, almost all scientists recognize that life begins at conception, making it a person with rights, not a slightly developed egg. The right of a child to live is a human right, a woman being able to eliminate a human life for…  Read more

 @9GN789Q from New York agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this statement entirely. Abortions should absolutely be legal and are a basic human right. When there is an adult life in danger, it is never right to save an unborn fetus that doesn't even know of its own existence. The bible is a terrible way to make beliefs about the real world. The bible is an old book. That is the reason we have a secular government, and our laws should be absolutely forbidden from following anything from that book.

 @9GN5V3QWomen’s Equality from Kentucky disagreed…7mos7MO

Abortions should be allowed, not everyone can take care of a baby, and death could increase based on the no abortions law. Plus, with the bill, the baby would be at risk because of debt.

 @9GN7FJ3Republican from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

"(13)For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.(14) I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:13-14 (ESV 2016)

Pray to end abortion.

 @9GN7FJ3Republican  from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

Abortions should only be allowed when there is no other option. 98 percent of abortions are elective, without rape, incest, or medical necessity. If you are not ready to have a child you should not engage in sexual relations. Engaging in immoral and/or reprehensible acts is not a valid reason or excuse to take the life of an innocent child. If you cannot take care of the child there are many charities and opportunities that will help you do just that. This bill is an important step towards ending the child holocaust currently occurring in America. "(13)For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.(14) I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:13-14 (ESV 2016)

Pray to end abortion.

 @9GN789Q from New York agreed…7mos7MO

I do agree with this comment. The decision to have an abortion should be a choice up to a certain point. If the parents can't take care of a baby, why let it suffer?

 @9GGXZT7Socialist  from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

If we ban all abortions, people will just find unsafe/harmful ways to do it. And, if that child is birthed in the wrong conditions, who will be to blame for how that kid was raised? The parent who attempted to find the safest option for their unborn child, or the people who rejected their ideals?

 @9GGYR5X from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

I feel that we should keep funding planned parent hood not only for the right of women to chose what they want to do with their own body as well as just the distribution of birth control and other things they support. If we defund them we are essentially letting men have the final say over something that they barley contribute in. It is not murder if the child haven’t even had any life outside of the womb plus women usually gets apportions before the child is even fully developed making it just the termination of a couple cells.

 @9GGYGM2 from New Jersey agreed…8mos8MO

This is very true! Currently, our adoption system is deeply corrupted. In all other countries that have banned abortion, surprisingly, abortion rates remain the same. This shows that banning abortions does nearly nothing

 @9G3B2SRDemocrat  from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

What about the women who have miscarriages and their body can't get rid of the leftover product and need surgery like abortions that can help with that? Abortions aren't just about getting rid of a baby, its about helping the women whose bodies can't do the actions their body needs to do.

 @9G3HL6Y from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

I absolutely agree. Abortion is a health concern just as much as it is a life choice, and should be accessible to all given that it is a form of healthcare. It is additionally very traumatizing as well as dangerous to be forced to deliver the remains of a fetus or a stillborn.

 @9G3J8G3 from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

I agree , people only think about the possible child's life, and not the mother who has to carry. What about her body?

 @9G3JJKK from Connecticut agreed…8mos8MO

I strongly agree that women have the right to dictate what happens in their own bodies it is not the governments place to decide what you do with your physical self.

  @KAYTEELYNN77 from New Jersey agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this statement. Although I do not personally believe in getting an abortion just because you got pregnant on accident, I do believe there are certain circumstances where it is the only viable option, and I am pro-choice.

 @9GDXC46  from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

Again, Planned Parenthood does not just offer abortions! They also offer birth control to many women who other wise many not be able to get it or afford it, and if you take away abortions and then also birth control what will protect young women who are sexually abused and raped. Young women would no longer be able to protect themselves sexually. Planned Parenthood also offers cancer and STD screenings to everyone not just women. Which can be life saving and very important for those who can otherwise not afford these services. Which is why it is vital to keep Planned Parenthood's open and running and affordable to all even if they aren't giving services of abortion.

 @9GDYDL8 from Iowa agreed…8mos8MO

Again, Planned Parenthood does not just offer abortions! They also offer birth control to many women who other wise many not be able to get it or afford it, and if you take away abortions and then also birth control what will protect young women who are sexually

 @J0intCommitt3eGregRepublicanfrom Montana disagreed…8mos8MO

Planned Parenthood indeed offers a broad range of services. However, it's crucial to note that there are over 13,000 Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) in the U.S. that provide similar, if not more comprehensive, services than the roughly 600 Planned Parenthood locations. These FQHCs provide care regardless of the patient's ability to pay, making them accessible for low income individuals.

FQHCs must provide prenatal, baby delivery, and postnatal services, which are not required at Planned Parenthood centers. They also offer more comprehensive primary care compared to Planned Parenthood.

If the government funding shifted from Planned Parenthood to FQHCs, could this be a viable solution to ensure women still receive the necessary health services they need without crossing the controversial line of abortion?

 @9GDY4KW  from West Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

I believe 100% it is your choice and you have a right. It is your body. But if you were raped or SA'd in any way there no one will look down apon you if you decided to get an abortion

  @KristinaMarie  from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Do you have a little sister, a girlfriend, a girl best friend? Has she ever been hurt by a man.. maybe she didn't wan to tell you. It happens a lot more often than you could imagine. But those who tend to think "no", don't think of this scenario. Girls are raped, some at a very vulnerable age and end up pregnant. Would you want any of them to have that child? I don't think so. PP deserves to be funded and that's just one of the reasons why.

 @9GK6RRR  from Maryland disagreed…7mos7MO

If the government is going to refuse to uphold access to certain forms of reproductive care, then the least they can do is make sure the people unable to make those specific decisions with their bodies are taken care of in the other lanes of care available. If someone felt they needed/wanted an abortion and was not legally allowed to get one, no matter the reasons, their prenatal care should be covered. To prevent unwanted pregnancies, especially if abstinence is not an option, people should have access to free std screenings, cervical exams, routine health exams/physicals either for themsel…  Read more

 @9H3M94Q  from California disagreed…7mos7MO

By providing family planning, contraception, and other reproductive services without cost barriers, we empower individuals to make informed choices about their health. This isn't just about personal freedom; it's a matter of public health. Offering these services for free helps prevent unintended pregnancies, contributing to overall well-being and reducing economic disparities in healthcare access. Plus, investing in preventive care now can save money in the long run for both individuals and the healthcare system.

 @9H3MQS9  from Montana agreed…7mos7MO

I agree, it is so important that we empower our community to make informed decisions about their health. Financial barriers are so wide spread through everything in life, the personal freedom to family planning is so important.

 @9HYFW3P  from Washington D.C. disagreed…5mos5MO

Some people believe that the government shouldn't give funds to organizations that perform abortions. But it's important to know that most of the federal funding for Planned Parenthood is used for preventive care, not abortion. Planned Parenthood provides essential healthcare services to many individuals who rely on them. Supporting funding for Planned Parenthood ensures access to important healthcare services and promotes well-being.

 @9HYRCFP  from Nevada agreed…5mos5MO

I believe they should not allow abortions just because it is cruel and you are killing another human being who could possibly be the next albert Einstein. You could at least put the kid up for adoption at a young age so they would hopefully have a better life.

 @9HZ2SLQ from West Virginia agreed…5mos5MO

I agree that we should continue to fund those organizations because they do more than just abortions and if we take away funding for things like that we might as well take away women's healthcare as a whole.

 @9HZ2R9N from Pennsylvania agreed…5mos5MO

I disagree with this. I disagree because individuals should be open to the option of being able to get an abortion if needed.

 @9HZ27SB from Indiana agreed…5mos5MO

I agree, even though Planned Parenthood doesnt fund abortions there is healthcare in Planned Parenthood that is far more important, People should think beyond just watching what a women does and how many kids she has or doesnt have.

 @9F846JT from Nevada disagreed…9mos9MO

Abortion is one’s right to liberty, the government should not involve religion when it comes to a large republic that is diverse in beliefs and culture

 @9HKRGBYProgressive  from Michigan disagreed…6mos6MO

Abortions are a small part of what Planned Parenthood does, so the idea of taking away/cutting funding to a low-cost medical facility is narrow-minded at best and deadly at worst.

 @9HKSBBR from California agreed…6mos6MO

I agree because parenthood is a way to encourage the help of others when its not given from the most important people and then they feel trapped and do unspeakable things.

 @9GHZR36Democrat  from California disagreed…8mos8MO

If they stop funding safe abortions, women are going to find ways to do unsafe at-home abortions which could potentially lead to death for them. Planned parenthood is also so much more than just abortions.

 @9GJ6N7Q from Michigan agreed…8mos8MO

This is true. In the past women died from trying to abort their fetus themselves or going to get them in dangerous situations.

 @9F86YC9Democrat from California disagreed…9mos9MO

it shouldn't be the governments (who is mostly comprised of old white men) choice what happens to women

 @9F7NZR9 from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

Abortions are medically necessary to save the mother's life in some cases. A victim of rape should not be forced to carry the child of the rapist. It it up to the woman to decide what to do with her body, no one else.


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