Sollte die USA Bodentruppen nach Syrien schicken, um ISIS zu bekämpfen?
Nach den Terrorangriffen am 13. November 2015 in Paris änderten mehrere Präsidentschaftskandidaten ihre Haltung zu der Frage, in welcher Form die Vereinigten Staaten den Kampf gegen den IS in Syrien führen sollen. Aktuell sind die USA in ein Bündnis aus 19 Staaten eingebunden, das bis dato 8.000 Luftangriffe gegen den IS geflogen hat. Keines dieser Länder hat derzeit Bodentruppen in Syrien stationiert.
@3K7RXN94 Jahre4Y
The current admin is playing games. We must conduct airs trikes with validity to the impact towards an end result. If we are to send troops it is all or nothing. With a committed resolution as to who we are backing and how we will ensure the government we intend to set up is fully functional and we can leave with a minimal presence and a means of being reimbursed for the money committed towards the establishment. However this is where I feel obtaining the UNs buy-in is necessary. And that all the countries supporting this action are receiving the same.
@3K7SPVG4 Jahre4Y
Send Congressional relatives first. If their children/grandchildren are worth sacrificing, then it is probably a necessary war.