Windenergie war die Quelle von etwa 9,2 % der gesamten Stromerzeugung in den USA und etwa 46 % der Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energien im Jahr 2021. Windkraftanlagen wandeln Windenergie in Strom um. Der Infrastrukturplan von Präsident Biden für 2021 in Höhe von 2,3 Billionen US-Dollar beinhaltete eine zehnjährige Verlängerung der Steuergutschriften für Wind- und Solarenergie. Qualifizierte Windparks erhalten Steuervorteile basierend auf ihrer Leistung für einen Zeitraum von 10 Jahren. Die Gutschriften, die mit Investitionspartnern geteilt werden k&oum…
Weiterlesen@8PYF6754 Jahre4Y
Zu einem gewissen Grad ja. Es sollte jedoch mehr in die Erforschung der sauberen Energiequelle Wasserstoff investiert werden.
@8M9FZ5CPatriotische Völker4 Jahre4Y
Nein stattdessen große Investionen für die Erforschung der Kernfusion und der nachhaltigen Energiequelle Wasserstoff.
@MGKMYB4 Jahre4Y
Provide tax credits and subsidies for several alternative energy sources, not just wind power.
@LL3MFK4 Jahre4Y
If it is made ot be more efficient, such as micro wind farms that can be placed on the tops of buildings, coupled with solar panels, and be less hazardous to wildlife, then yes. However wind power in its current form is ineffective as a replacement for oil, gas, and coal. New technologies need to be explored and supported.
@KHGHX84 Jahre4Y
The ability to create power should be available to the consumer, who could use the tax credit as capital investment on the project. Alternative energy should not be under the heavy hand of industry. Enough is enough!
@LTMCSK4 Jahre4Y
Yes, Wind energy, as all renewable / non-traditional energy sources should be subsidized to encourage research and development. Traditional fossil fuel sources are finite and additional energy sources will need to come on-stream to continue economic and (anticipated) population growth.
@LT4JCN4 Jahre4Y
Wind and Nuclear power I believe are the most efficient forms of energy. Coal and oil power are inefficient and will die as industries within a short while, but efforts should be taken to prepare for that eventuality, like investing in other forms of energy like wind and nuclear power.
@GK7GG24 Jahre4Y
Yes, but change the incentive structure to force competition among alt energy providers to increase the cost efficiency of their technology
@N3CVLM4 Jahre4Y
No, but there should also be an end to tax incentives and subsidies across the energy sector, including oil and gas, coal, nuclear, and hydro. Research and development grants should be available and encouraged, but stop subsidies to existing technology.
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