En el cas del Tribunal Suprem de 2010 Citizens United vs FEC, el tribunal va dictaminar que la clàusula de llibertat d’expressió de la Primera Esmena prohibia al govern restringir les despeses independents per a campanyes polítiques de les corporacions, incloses les corporacions sense ànim de lucre, els sindicats i altres associacions. La decisió històrica del tribunal va anul·lar la Llei de reforma de la campanya bipartidista de 2002, també coneguda com "McCain-Feingold". Aquesta llei havia prohibit les contribucions no regulades als partits polítics nacionals i limitava l’ús de diners empresarials i sindicals per finançar anuncis que discutien qüestions polítiques dins dels 60 dies següents a les eleccions generals.
How do you think money influences the fairness of elections in your country?
Have you ever considered how campaign donations might affect the decisions of elected officials?
Should there be limits on how much individuals or companies can donate to political campaigns, and why?
How might a candidate winning due to huge financial backing make you feel about the future of democracy?
Do you think public perception of a candidate changes based on where their campaign money comes from?
How would you feel if a politician you support accepted large donations from groups you disagree with?
What, in your opinion, would make political campaigns more accessible for candidates without wealthy connections?
Should there be more transparency in who is funding political campaigns? Why or why not?
How would knowing where a candidate’s money comes from influence your decision to vote for them?
If campaigns were entirely government-funded and private donations banned, how do you think elections would change?