يتم عرض الإحصائيات لهذه التركيبة السكانية
ما مدى تشابه معتقداتك السياسية مع سياسة كل حزب؟ خذ الاختبار السياسي لمعرفة ذلك.
فيما يلي قائمة بالأحزاب السياسية الأكثر شعبية في the United States .
يظهر الرسم البياني أدناه الدعم التاريخي لكل حزب سياسي في the United States . المناطق مليئة [ ? ] غير معروفة أو انخفاض حجم الأطر الزمنية. انقر على سطر لرؤية المزيد من معلومات الاقتراع المحددة.
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تحميل الرسم البياني...
هذه هي المناقشات الأكثر جاذبية حول الأحزاب السياسية أمريكي .
The United States Democratic Party was founded in 1828. The party’s ideology is based on modern liberalism which includes support for economic regulation, labor unions, stricter gun laws, environmental protection, social equality and the welfare state.
The Libertarian Party was founded in 1971. The party’s ideology is based on lowering taxes, abolishing the IRS, lowering the national debt, eliminating the welfare state, criminal justice reform and ending the prohibition of illegal drugs.
The United States Republican Party, also known as the GOP, was founded in 1854. The modern party’s ideology is based on American conservatism which includes support for lower taxes, free market capitalism, economic deregulation restrictions on labor unions.
The American Communist Party, officially known as the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), is a political organization in the United States that advocates for a socialist and eventually communist society. Founded in 1919, the party emerged from a split in the Socialist Party of America, driven by the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the desire to establish a similar system in the United States. Over the years, the CPUSA has been involved in various labor struggles, civil rights movements, and anti-war protests, reflecting its commitment to social justice, workers' rights, and equality.
The cor… اقرأ أكثر
The American Independence political party is not a widely recognized or established political entity on the national stage in the United States, akin to the major parties like the Democratic or Republican parties, or even some of the more established third parties like the Libertarian or Green parties. However, the name suggests a focus on themes of independence and possibly a platform that emphasizes American sovereignty, self-reliance, and perhaps a prioritization of domestic issues over international ones.
In the landscape of American politics, new or minor parties often emerge to address… اقرأ أكثر
الأسر العاملة
The party’s main concerns are jobs, healthcare, raising the minimum wage, universal paid sick days, the student debt crisis, higher taxes on the rich, public education, and energy and environmental reform. It has usually cross-endorsed progressive Democratic or Republican candidates through fusion voting, but will occasionally run its own candidates.
The American Reform political party, as it has been known in various iterations, is a political entity in the United States that has sought to offer an alternative to the country's dominant two-party system, primarily focusing on reform-based policies and values. Historically, the party has positioned itself as centrist, aiming to bridge the gap between the Democratic and Republican parties by advocating for a mix of fiscal responsibility, social tolerance, and political reform.
One of the core values of the American Reform political party has been electoral reform. This includes support… اقرأ أكثر
المساواة بين المرأة
The Women’s Equality Party is a New York political party active only in that state. It was founded in 2014. The party’s name came from the Women’s Equality Act, a bill that Cuomo was attempting to push through the New York State Legislature but stalled after he and the bill’s supporters demanded a clause codifying Roe v. Wade be included even as the Republican-led New York State Senate refused to include the clause (the Senate did pass the rest of the bill, but the rest of the legislature refused to consider the bill without the Roe clause).
القانون الطبيعي
The American Natural Law Party was a political entity in the United States that sought to bring a unique perspective to the political landscape, focusing on principles derived from Natural Law. This concept, rooted in philosophical traditions, posits that certain rights and ethical values are inherent in human nature and can be understood through human reason. The party aimed to apply these principles to governance, advocating for policies that were in harmony with the natural order and aimed at promoting the health, happiness, and well-being of all citizens.
The values of the American Natural… اقرأ أكثر