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 @9GWDZ64  from Michigan agreed…7mos7MO

There are better options that should be prioritized over abortion. For those undergoing an 'unwanted pregnancy', they should be allowed to give birth as a 'surrogate' with the understanding that a want-to-be mother who cannot survive pregnancy and/or childbirth would be best served through adoption.

 @9GWMWKX from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

If you do not support abortion, do not get one. The living person should be prioritized over the potential life. A mother or birthing person has a life that they have the right to continue. It may be selfish but they have the right to decide how their life is altered and that is THEIR business.

 @9GWL26P from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

Abortion is a human right and bodily autonomy. There are many factors that lead to an unwanted pregnancy, and many of those are restrictions put on the people who are able to get pregnant. Often consultations to get one’s tubes tied are turned down for lack of discussion with a partner or requirement for children. Birth control, condoms, and other contraceptive products are not full proof. Biologically humans are a species that have sex for pleasure, not just procreation. Until there are full proof ways to prevent pregnancy by the choice of a single person, the person who is able to get…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…6mos6MO

You should never require that someone gives birth. That is a human rights violation.

"A human rights violation"? For the love of High Heaven, MURDER is more of a human rights violation!


Pregnancy is not only a huge emotional tole but also a huge hormonal tole. It is not easy to be a surrogate, to make someone who already does not want to be pregnant stay pregnant then deal with the hormonal aspect from it would just be cruel. If abortion is wanted or needed, then that is not only the woman's choice but also her right.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…6mos6MO

Where'd that right come from? Who could have given it to her but a Creator? And wouldn't then the Creator have valued all human beings equal? Before you talk about "human rights" I need an explanation of from whom or from whence those rights are derived.

  @9J2FMT7 from Arkansas commented…5mos5MO

  @9J2FMT7  from Arkansas commented…5mos5MO

Having an abortion also has an affect on your hormones, not just your pregnancy. Having an abortion would not fix the problem. In fact, it does not fix any problems. It is also not your right to end someone's life because they make your life less convenient.

 @9GXB5M3  from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

Pregnancy can be dangerous for a woman’s health, a woman shouldn’t risk her life for a child she knows she won’t care for or want, therefore abortion is necessary.

 @9M785QQ  from Missouri disagreed…4wks4W

i disagree with that because what did the baby do to deserve death.

what if i was your mother and i gave up on you how would you feel dying at a young age for no reason

also women shouldn't give up their baby because of their health they should at least put it up for adoption so the baby can have a family that actually wants it

 @9GH3KPS  from Tennessee agreed…7mos7MO

I think life begins at conception, so any killing of a baby, no matter the circumstances or development is urder

 @9GK6YFK from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

We don't know what individuals are going through financially or mentally, thus I believe that everyone should be free to make their own decisions without interference from others. And by the way, some people are not financially able to support themselves and a child. Some people may drive themselves nuts because they lack the mental fortitude to raise a

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…6mos6MO

There's a line of people ten-million long looking to adopt children who will be spared from abortion. It's stupid to murder someone because you can't afford to take care of him. That's not compassionate or even distantly human.

 @9GHBSKSWomen’s Equality from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

I think abortiion should be allowed. For example, if a family isn't financially stable and the mother happens to get pregnant even after using protection, she should be allowed to abort and prevent her family from going really unfinancially stable. Also, if a women was to get sexually abused and ends up concieviing a baby without consent, she should be allowed to abort the fetus to prevent from furthermore trauma from the saxual abuse.

 @9GH3KPS  from Tennessee commented…7mos7MO

No, it’s a human being. You shouldn’t murder an innocent person. End of story

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…6mos6MO

If the baby comes from consensual circumstances or not is absolutely beside the point. It's a baby. It's a human. It reveals the utter blackness and depravity of human nature that this is even a debatable proposition. God save us all.

 @9GHDXDWPeace and Freedom from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Many children and women in deep and horrible situations should be given the opportunity to do what they prefer with their own bodies just like all men are.

 @9GHCGHW from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

Why does it matter what one does with their body, there are to many unwanted children, abused children & low income family’s in this nation. Why keep adding to the mess. Birth control isn’t always a option to rape or incest victims.
Stop making a woman’s body some one else’s buisness.

 @9GH3KPS from Tennessee commented…7mos7MO

It’s not a woman’s choice. She’s carrying another human being. It’s no longer “her body”. It’s hers and another human being. And none of that is a reason to murder someone.

 @9H8R5ZQ  from Iowa agreed…6mos6MO

I am against abortion because a fetus is still a human being. They are a living thing. There are some exceptions; there could be a time when a young girl is abused sexually and ends up pregnant. She shouldn't have to deliver the baby at such a young age.

 @9H9J3SG from Georgia disagreed…6mos6MO

Whether you agree with abortion or not is irrelevant due to the fact that you weren't apart of it being conceived nor are you carrying it. Not everybody has the financial ability to take care of a child, and foster care and adoption rises the problem of the child being mistreated or brought up with life effecting trauma.

 @9HDJWK3 from New Hampshire disagreed…6mos6MO

The person who is pregnant should have a choice. Their body their choice. They may not be able to give the baby the life it deserves either. Especially when a girl is sexually abused and the pregnancy was forced upon them. They could have PTSD and once the child is born they could have resentment towards that child due to PTSD. No uterus no voice.


Every women should have the choice to decided what to do with their body and should be treated with respect.

 @9H8SRBV from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

The abortion is the mothers choice. Some women are unready for such an important role in life, to raise a human being.

 @9G2Q328  from California agreed…8mos8MO

All human life is significant, so abortion is inherently wrong. Regardless of the situation a person is being born into, they have a right to life until they give it up. There should also be increases in funding to foster systems and better requirements for foster families.

 @9G3WXM7 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

There are various situations regarding to health problems as well as emergency life situations that cannot go to full term, meaning there are many abortions that are necessary. Regardless, any reason for abortion is valid since any human deserves control of life altering decisions to their body.


There are many reasons as to why women become pregnant and sometimes getting pregnant wasn't a choice it was by force and rape. You should not shame a woman because she does not want the product of that abuse to be born. In other instances woman become pregnant but are not ready to be a mother. There is no shame in having sex because it is a normal part of life. However if a woman becomes pregnant it is the her right to decide what happens with the outcome of that choice. Whenever abortions happen the baby has barely developed.

 @9G3Q8XL from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Pregnancy is also a big decision for many people and not some casual decision. Especially for teenage pregnancies, pregnancies through rape, etc. It’s immoral to bring a child into the world that is surely not going to have a good life.

 @9G52J8YDemocrat from California disagreed…8mos8MO

In my opinion I don’t think abortion is wrong because if someone knows they are not capable of having a baby and raise it and they know they’re are not going to be financially stable and support it. So they get an abortion or they put it up for adoption but there is a lot of things that go behind certain businesses. For example there is abuse and sexual abuse, people think abortion is so bad but when it comes to young kids like blm a lot of lives have been taken

 @9GGHH6H  from Maryland agreed…7mos7MO

There is no biological difference between a new born baby and a baby who is about to be born, meaning birth does not determine personhood. If it does not there must be some other point at which the fetus becomes human. While I could see an argument that this should be heartbeat/brain activity, in my opinion the best candidate is conception, since this is the moment the fetus comes into existence genetically.

 @9GJ2F8CDemocrat from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

A woman who is alive and living should have the right to choose what happens to her body and this should come before an unborn fetus. As well as most abortions happen early on in pregnancy before the fetus would be able to feel anything. Also a woman's body and right to choose.

 @9GGHH6H from Maryland commented…7mos7MO

A woman has a right to bodily autonomy, but the child has an even more important right to life

 @9GH2GXX from Colorado disagreed…7mos7MO

When a person becomes pregnant from rape, unwanted pregnancy, or just does not have the money or time to care for a baby in the way it should be, if the child has been conceived the mother should still have the choice to have the baby or not.

 @9GGHH6H from Maryland commented…7mos7MO

But by "not having the baby" you mean "murdering her own child". That is the entire Pro-life argument

 @9GJZRDY from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

A woman is usually only made aware that she is pregnant after several weeks. At this point, a fetus is still a clump of cells that certainly has no thoughts or feelings. Even if the fetus were considered a living human at this point, the government should not force women to go through with a pregnancy; if a person was going to die if you didn't donate your kidney to them, you should not be forced to do so. Therefore, a woman should be able to terminate a pregnancy in the first trimester.

 @9GGRCLG from West Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

The status of a fetus determines the level of personhood. When birthed and close to full term, a baby is a person, but other than that, the baby is a clump of cells that cannot feel or do anything.

 @9GGHH6H from Maryland commented…7mos7MO

What do you mean by "status" though? The only substantial change that happens between conception and birth is the beginning of a heartbeat, and I would assume you don't support heartbeat laws.

 @AfroPelican  from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

All human life is sacred and begins at conception. The rise in contraception over the course of the 20th century has led to increased irresponsibility related to sex which is leading to many growing up without their fathers present and many single mothers. I also believe that we need distributist economic principles and a strong social safety net to help support mothers to choose life. I want to see a world where abortion is unthinkable and we have much work to do to in order for this to happen. The money and effort that is going towards increasing access to abortion should instead go towards supporting women to choose life.

 @9GRZ6XQDemocrat from California disagreed…7mos7MO

the person who is growing the fetus should be the one that decides if life is sacred, the mother doesn't have to have a baby if she doesn't feel she's ready even despite the fact that she was irresponsible. With abortion being removed as an option will create more of "support" system for struggling mothers and even if life is so sacred their will still be judgment toward a mother that cant take care of her baby but didn't have the option to not have it. The mother knows best if she cant take care of a baby then she should have the right to abort it, if she doesn't then is poor mother cant give her baby the best life.

 @9GRX8DH from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

Women should be able to choose what they do to their bodies. If they want to get an abortion let them.

 @9GRYR62 from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

I believe that abortion should not be aloud. You are basically killing a human. If you get 2 charges for killing a pregnant women than how is having an abortion any different?

 @9GRYQY4 from Indiana disagreed…7mos7MO

That there should be a decision on if women should have the child or get rid of it because what is something had happen to them like rape and they don't want to have the child and or so they has a miscarriage or a still birth you could easily blame it on abortion and get the mother in trouble and possibly make them go to jail and it not be there fault about any of it. I think as women we shall have the choice to keep a child and or abort it

 @9HN2GZ7  from Nebraska agreed…6mos6MO

God made us to have intercourse for two reasons: to become closer with our partner, and to reproduce. Hookup culture has ruined this and we are taking away the most innocent lives of all, the unborn. I know you might say my body my choice, but you did make your choice, and this is the consequence of your unholy action. This is not a bad consequence, raising a child can be an amazing learning experience that will help you grow and mature as a person. The small innocent child, who may have been an accident, doesn't deserve to die for your mistakes, it isn't your body, yes your body is holding it, but in the end, you are murdering another life.

 @9HNKJGSProgressive  from South Carolina disagreed…6mos6MO

Religion is separate from political and federal rulings. At the end of the day, your religious and moral beliefs are your own opinion and forcing it onto others is against their constitutional rights. Even other groups of Christians have varying beliefs on abortion and there are texts regarding how to have an abortion/miscarriage. Pro-Choice. It's your choice to not want to have an abortion and not want others to have an abortion but it's someone else's choice to support abortion and want to have one themselves.

 @9HP67VN from California disagreed…6mos6MO

If a woman does become pregnant then it should be up to her to choose what to do because if she is pregnant then the child isn't formed yet it's just a bunch of cells it doesn't have a heartbeat, no brain, no lungs nothing. Not to mention it depends on the situation too like what if a woman was raped and got pregnant she wasn't and isn't ready to have a child. What about financial issues a lot of people can't afford to keep their child or take care of them.

 @9HP6B9Pfrom Washington disagreed…6mos6MO

This is a stance from your religion, not the religion of the world. You can not inflict your religious morals on everyone else, that invalidates the right to religious freedoms.

A child should not be brought into this world unless the parent is ready. So many children suffer needlessly because of this stance, brought into the world either by unprepared parents or shuffled off into a historically abusive foster care and adoption system.
In addition to this, you would protest your rights if the government intervened without your permission and took one of your kidneys to save another persons…  Read more


Abortion is a human right. Simply put if you don't like abortion don't get one. I mightv'e tried to be on birth control, i might've tried using protection but not 100% of the time it works. If you are not in the right place to raise a child mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, that child will grow up with not sucha good life.

 @9H4B3MJWorking Family  from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

The baby in the womb is 50 percent mom and 50 percent dad. Why is the decision 100% the women's? If there is a heart beat it is murder- at 4 weeks the baby has a heart beat by 6 weeks the heart is beating with s steady rate of around 110 beats per minute. Only 22 days after conception there is a heart beat.

 @9H4HXZ8 from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

it is undeniable that the woman is carrying the child. it is HER health and life at risk when carrying that child. if there is detrimental risk at play, then she should always have the choice to terminate, which does happen even further along in the pregnancy.

 @9H4THYN from Arizona disagreed…7mos7MO

What about for the women who were involuntarily impregnated, or for those who cannot withstand the insufferable day by night pain? Those who within their life decided they simply were not ready for it and they have the opportunity to start over before the unborn being ever has enough recollection to of self to be considered "human".


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