Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @WaspNickDemocrat from New York commented…2wks2W

Actually, I've seen this (double digit black support for Trump) in two polls I've done. So I wouldn't be so quick as to play "shoot the messenger" just because this data point doesn't look good.

Bottom line:let the data (plural) do the talking, & not instantly shoot down bad

 @Gr4ssrootStanGreen from Kansas commented…2wks2W

But what if the problem is the data, or how we collect it? We have seen this head fake before, with Biden running specifically. Could it be that when the NYT needs 500,000 calls to find that Philly is 55/35 and Trump up in Clark County, that the data may the problem?

 @UnstoppableActivistRepublicanfrom Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

4 years ago, I never saw Trump with double digit support in any poll I ever did. Could the data be a problem ? Certainly. And in such a case, other pollS (capitalized "S" deliberate :)) would contradict such an anomaly, if such were the case.

 @Gr4ssrootStanGreen from Kansas disagreed…2wks2W

No poll exists in a vaccum specially this far out. Biden took the first lead in the Decision Desk avg since October yesterday. Tied in the economist; up .1 in RacetoWH, he’s only down currently in 538 solely due to their adjustment. Trump isn’t winning Clark or getting 35% in Philly when he’s losing nationally

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