Try the political quiz

13 Replies

 @Pr0porti0nalSteveForwardfrom Illinois commented…1mo1MO

The French have around 290 nuclear warheads, of which 280 are deployed compared to 5,580 held by the Russian Federation.


How would you feel living under a 'nuclear umbrella' knowing there are 300 missiles spread across your continent for protection?

 @9LYXT4DNatural Law from Georgia answered…1mo1MO

I would feel safe but worried also because what if they accidentally blow up.

 @9LYXM4V from Georgia answered…1mo1MO

I would feel safe and not safe at the same time because that protection could break at any moment.

 @MajesticTreatyLibertarianfrom New York commented…1mo1MO

First, no country uses nuclear weapons in war. Second, if the second plan is simply to pay the French military industrialists (not nuclear), we are not buying.

 @MajesticThrushPatriotfrom South Carolina commented…1mo1MO

France possesses the only EU nuclear deterrence (since Brexit removed Britains aging 225 warheads), with approximately 290 nuclear warheads as of 2023:

- 240 warheads on submarine-launched ballistic missiles (M51 SLBMs)

- 50 warheads on air-launched cruise missiles (ASMP) carried by Rafale fighter jets


How does the idea of Europe creating its own defense independent of America change your view of global security dynamics?

 @9LZ29MJPeace and Freedom from Texas answered…1mo1MO

diplomatic efforts, development support, mediation and conflict prevention to nuclear non-proliferation, arms export controls or maritime security.

 @PersistentBl4ckBoxRepublican from Tennessee commented…1mo1MO

That is unfortunately a necessary precaution. Against Russia and in the event of a “new regime” in the US. But for it to be relevant for real as a deterrent, France will have to rapidly expand its arsenal and the range of its missiles


How do you think the spread of 300 nuclear missiles across Europe would affect the daily lives and psychological well-being of its citizens?


Considering the potential escalation with Russia, do you think relying on nuclear weapons for defense is a responsible strategy?


Do you believe the concept of a European 'nuclear shield' makes the continent safer or increases the risk of conflict?


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