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14 Replies


Considering the tension between Russia and Ukraine, is it more important for NATO to focus on military strength or diplomatic solutions?

 @J011995  from Indiana answered…2mos2MO

I believe NATO should put equal weight of importance on both & failure to do so endangers all NATO countries.


How would you feel if your country was part of an alliance like NATO and was asked to defend another member country?

 @9LBVMZL from Wisconsin answered…2mos2MO

I would not want to be a part of an orginization with people from the country that is the causer of this war. Unless the person knows that their country is in the wrong.


NATO to plan long-term Ukraine aid, mulls 100-billion euro fund…

Meanwhile, Russia said NATO had returned to a Cold War mindset as the alliance marks its 75th anniversary this week. NATO has said Ukraine cannot join while it is at war with Russia but that it ...


NATO Today marks the 75th Anniversary

NATO today marks the 75th anniversary of collective defense across Europe and North America at a time when Russia’s war in Ukraine has entered its third year and is a test of allies’ resolve. At the ceremony in Brussels, US Secretary of State Anthony ...


How does avian flu affect your breakfast; NATO solemnly celebrates 75th anniversary…

Cases of bird flu have been found in dairy cattle, but the risk to humans remains low. Ukraine is front and center today as NATO celebrates its 75th anniversary.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

Democracy is tyranny. Liberty and the rule of law just mean government is minimised so as to be in submission to God's laws. NATO doesn't stand for anything but "Democracy" which sucks

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

Democracy is merely making decisions via the vote of the people. It has thousands of forms, from pure to regulated, and is an umbrella term for many different types of democracy, including republic as a sort of intersecting system. A republic tends to have a relatively similar definition to representative democracy, though regulations against abuse of power and wide decisions that discriminate against the minority very much do exist. Democracy is not a liberty killer, with regulations against itself, it works perfectly fine with the presupposed liberty. NATO is a group of big nations who merely support one another militarily in a confederacy-style system.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

Democracy means majority rule. Whatever the majority says, goes. The reason I don't believe in democracy is because government should be confined to maintaining a military, a police, and courts to punish criminals and protect property, and the people will often vote for more than that minimum. I am a minarchist, and democracy allows for unlimited government expansion.

 @DelightfulNegotiation from New York commented…2mos2MO

NATO's 75th anniversary is a testament to the enduring importance of strong alliances in protecting freedom and democracy, especially now as we stand united against threats to our values and security.

 @ShamefulC0nsensu5from Texas commented…2mos2MO

Seeing NATO hit its 75th anniversary amidst the chaos in Ukraine really brings to light the complex role such alliances play in modern geopolitics. On one hand, the principle of collective defense has historically been a deterrent against aggressive expansionism, theoretically preserving peace and freedom. Yet, the libertarian in me can't help but question the escalating entanglements and how they align with the ideals of individual liberty and non-interventionism. The idea of pouring potentially 100 billion euros into Ukraine as part of long-term aid, while noble in its intentions of…  Read more

 @BetrayedStorkfrom Oregon commented…2mos2MO

It's heartbreaking that on such a significant anniversary, we're still talking about conflict; I wish we were celebrating 75 years of peace and diplomacy instead.


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