Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?

Men’s Rights


In what ways have you seen the concept of 'toughness' negatively or positively affect the men around you?

 @9J2XFQTRepublican from New Mexico answered…5mos5MO

Toughness is a very large part of being a man not being tough is very bad if you are a guy. Men where built to be tough and relentless and thats how they should stay even if it is difficult to do.

 @9J4DHD6Socialist from California disagreed…5mos5MO

Putting gender on specific traits builds up shame for experiencing them. I think that vulnerability and compassion are important for all sides to experience. By suppressing any emotions, whether they be more positive or negative, we can end up turning all of those motions into more violent means. I believe that the emphasis on toughness for men makes them more insecure and actually resort to violent tendencies when they feel any strong emotion.