Try the political quiz

252 Replies


When facing social pressures, do you tend to conform for the group's sake or stand by your individuality, and what influences your choice?

 @9KWN8RF from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

I am very much an individual. I listen to what is being said. I research the issue and come to my own determination. I am open to other opinions and have learned from others things I didn't know. I find thoughtful, respectful discussion leads to education for everyone, even if a consensus isn't reached. At least I can understand the person who thinks differently than me better.

 @9KWN6F3  from Indiana answered…3mos3MO

It depends if I feel strongly about the issue or not. I like to consider all points of view before forming an opinion. If mine is not the majority, it is wise to read the room and consider if its worth sharing or won't even be heard.

 @9KWN5WH from Utah answered…3mos3MO

individuality- how i've been taught and that I should NEVER just go with the flow unless I know it's right.


How might small acts of selflessness contribute to a better school environment?

 @9JR8FK6Women’s Equality from Maryland answered…4mos4MO

Students and teachers should come together and create a good environment.

 @9JS5389 from Arizona agreed…4mos4MO

I believe that if the students have a good relationship with their teachers then it invites them to be more open and willing to ask more questions.


Teachers and staff are always talking about "being kind" and "coming together" but when a student actually wants to do that, teachers more or less kind of ignore it, and let it be another teacher's problem.

 @9JR7T2J from Florida answered…4mos4MO

Every student and teacher should be mindful to create an environment where everyone can learn and grow comfortably.

 @9JRJ3NZ from West Virginia agreed…4mos4MO

If everyone is trying to create a positive environment, it creates a better environment for everyone.

 @9JRCFQH from Virginia agreed…4mos4MO

being kind shouldn’t be taken advantage of and students should be able to feel safe and comfortable in their own school.

 @9JR6SXJ from Oklahoma answered…4mos4MO

No collectivism. Just be a better person. Be more selfless out of the goodness of your heart. There needs to be no government system to enforce this.


How do collective traditions within your family or culture enforce the sense of togetherness and its importance?


Everyone is on the same page and can create a better change for the environment, people in America, and the state's economic issues.

 @9L9HSHP from Georgia answered…2mos2MO

collectivism can be useful in a society model like democracy. this can help us to work together to make more comfortable to coexist with other people

 @9L9HDFX from Louisiana answered…2mos2MO

America has such strong opinions on ethnic culture when Becky is 30% lateno and has never touched Mexican or Spanish soil if we as a society try to identity with our country rather than ethnicity such as other country's with higher patriotism rates we would be much less racist and much more willing to fight for our country.


How important is it when making decisions to consider their impact on everyone else?

 @9HJLNKMPeace and Freedom from California answered…6mos6MO

I feel like as a leader, it is especially important to make sure that your actions are with the intentions of helping the people that work under you. Especially if you’re president.

 @9HJLF5S from Georgia answered…6mos6MO

 @9HJLLL9 from Florida answered…6mos6MO


Can you recall a historical event where a collective effort changed the course of history?

 @ZaneSocialist  from Virginia answered…6mos6MO

Unionism has completely shaped the modern world, the only reason why the standard work week isn't 50-60 hours anymore is because of the collective threat that the workers provided. Collectivism can also be seen throughout human history providing vast increases in human living standards, technological developments, etc.

 @9HH72RXConstitution from North Dakota commented…6mos6MO

Men and women working the factories in the heat of the Second World War. The navy became so large that they had enough for concrete mixers to be turned into ice cream makers. They produced planes by the hundreds each day.


In what ways do you feel that modern technology either supports or undermines the concept of community interaction?

 @9HTGLZFLibertarian  from New Jersey answered…5mos5MO

Modern technology and Collectivism can go hand-in-hand. we can use modern technology to advance and enhance our lives. But modern technology can also be used to harm us. We have to have people who are smart enough and wise enough to use what we have to make as better and not use it to make themselves richer.


When facing a problem, do you naturally seek collaborative solutions or prefer handling it on your own, and why?

 @9J4KBQVfrom Virgin Islands answered…5mos5MO

i prefer handling it on my own, because only then I am sure that I ll do it right

 @9J4K2MD from Oklahoma answered…5mos5MO


Would the idea of sharing all your possessions with your community make you feel safe or uncomfortable?

 @9HDDBW8Democrat from Kansas answered…6mos6MO

In an ideal world: Safe. In our existing world: Uncomfortable. During my high school years -- still high Anti-Communism years -- a nun explained that the word Communisim came from the same root word as Community, and that their convent shared some attributes that might be considered communistic. That is, in their convent it was "From each, according to her abilities. To each, according to her needs". That sounds good, but seems to only work with like-minded people who voluntarily subscribe to that philosophy. And, though that particular convent is now about 150 years old, history has many cases where other communes dissolved over just a few decades.


How would you describe the feeling when you sacrifice your own wants for the benefit of friends or family?

 @9J2VB6F from Colorado answered…5mos5MO

I would describe the feeling of how I feel when I sacrifice my own wants for the benefits of friends or family is selfless in my opinion.

 @9J2VFX2Peace and Freedom from Illinois answered…5mos5MO


How could the principle of 'strength in numbers' be practically applied to improve your school or local community?

 @9J4VZYL from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

 @9J4VXFK from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO


How would you feel if your class grades were based on collective performance rather than individual merit?

 @9KLRMTX from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

I really don't know how I would feel. If it's beneficial for me, then I wouldn't mind.

 @9KLR9TW from Maryland answered…3mos3MO

I would feel that other people not working would make me have to work more making it unfair for me. I also would feel less acomplished because it is not just my work.


Can you think of a time when someone else's generosity significantly impacted your life?

 @9KHMXCF from New York answered…3mos3MO

When my familly couldn't afford christmas presents and my brother's friends helped us out

 @9KHMW7L from New York answered…3mos3MO


In a challenging scenario, would you rely on a community’s wisdom or solely on your instincts?

 @9JC6LKX from Texas answered…4mos4MO

 @9JB3PX9 from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

I would rely solely on my instincts because I can act according to free will without having to be dictated by a majority.


Reflect on a moment when teamwork or collaboration in your life led to an unexpected success or outcome.

 @9J783KW from California answered…5mos5MO

 @9J77YLHPeace and Freedom from Texas answered…5mos5MO

When I was working with my employees we all helped each other in ways we didn't realize and ended up being very successful because of it and creating a closer bond between each other.


If you were to organize a group initiative to tackle a local problem, what would it address and who would you involve?


How does volunteering or contributing to a collective action shape your sense of identity?


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