Try the political quiz

205 Replies


If your education path was set by the state to fit economic needs, how would that affect your sense of identity?

 @9KZP23RProgressive from New York answered…2mos2MO

I would absolutely be against this and it would destroy my sense of identity.

 @9L4TCRFRepublican from South Carolina agreed…2mos2MO

If we force individuals to go to career fields that are not meeting economic needs we are taking all sense of individuality away from the people now we should though increase incentives for fields that are hurting like the nursing field during Covid-19

 @9L4SZNXRepublican from Minnesota disagreed…2mos2MO

Educational needs vary depending on the needs of the student. For the average student, or for any of that matter, a state shouldn't necessarily go above and beyond for each and every student, especially those who don't prioritize academics. It should be the responsibility of the student to make certain investments if they want to exceed average for their education. Low-class families can request financial aid or apply for scholarships.


One would be in full support of capitalism. Capitalism gives the opportunity for anyone to create a life for themselves. Yet with the current minimum wage and rising living costs, this belief may be altered.

 @9L4YRH6Republican from Missouri disagreed…2mos2MO

My education should be set to how I want to spend my time studying on what I want my future career to be.

 @9KZP6GVDemocrat from Nebraska answered…2mos2MO

It would make me have an identity crisis, and I don’t think I could ever truly be happy.

 @9L4SDKK  from Nevada agreed…2mos2MO

It is hard to quantify every capability of every citizen, meaning that the government can make errors that land people in jobs they do not have the skills for or the desire to work in.


it would likely remove my sense of self in replacement of making me feel like a tool.


Imagine a future where job security is guaranteed; how would that influence your career aspirations?


It would make finding and keeping a job less stressful and would make me want to strive to have a job that i really want to do.

 @9L7XBSZ from Minnesota agreed…2mos2MO

It is more lucrative to go to a trade school. College is an expense that is not worth it for many majors, where jobs in the field just don’t pay an amount needed to get by.

 @4TGBF23Constitution disagreed…2mos2MO

This is a way too simple world view. You have to ask what kind of job will you get. Also, there are only so many employees a business can afford. Eventually, the business will shut down and people are back to square one. They'll either have to find another job or start their own business.


It would make me feel a lot more safe and comfortable with where I am working at.

 @9L4NZ7H from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

If job security was guaranteed I probably would be much more ambitious with my career choice

 @9L4NWFMGreen from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

I would definitely be changing my major for college if I knew what I actually wanted to do would give me a guaranteed job.


When is it justifiable for leaders to prioritize economic stability over transparency and accountability?

 @9KYFCK5 from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

 @9KY3P4KPeace and Freedom from Arizona answered…3mos3MO

It is justifiable when our country is in danger or is going through a depression, other than that they should focus on more than just the economy.

 @9KY3GXFRepublican from Texas answered…3mos3MO

If your government is in an obvious deficit and can no longer support its citizens

 @9KY4KHR from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

I feel like it should be an issues when it starts to affect the American people


How would you feel about your daily choices being influenced by government policies aimed at boosting the economy?

 @9KY4RVB from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

I feel that Governments shouldn't influence people to do stuff instead inspire them.

 @9KY4JDB from Colorado answered…3mos3MO

I wouldn't like it. I'm more than a profitable worker or consumer for someone else.

 @9KY4GDG from Arizona answered…3mos3MO

I mean I feel some time the government do a horrible job on boosting the economy instead of asking us what we need to do.


How does the idea of sacrificing personal privacy for the sake of national security sit with you, and why?

 @9JL3R2P from New Jersey answered…4mos4MO

It doesn't sit well with me. Taking away our citizen's rights, even with good intentions, should be unconstitutional especially since it can be abused. If you give someone an inch they will take a mile.

 @9JL2WKX from Kentucky answered…4mos4MO

When national security is truly at risk, yes I think it can be important/necessary for us to sacrifice personal privacy. As long as personal privacy isn't completely abused, it's fine.

 @9JL2STP from Virginia answered…4mos4MO


Considering your future family and job prospects, how important is having a say in government decisions that shape the economy?

 @9KHVTGM from Colorado answered…3mos3MO

 @9J4HMZY from Texas answered…5mos5MO

It is important for the government to be mindful of citizens making our life's fair and providing us our constitutional rights as humans and citizens. It is important so we have a say for our future.

 @9J4HNR2 from Texas answered…5mos5MO

it is very important because you should 100% have a say in what happens in the country you live in. if you don't feel something is right you should have a say in changing it.


Is there a scenario where you would find an authoritarian capitalist system appealing, and under what conditions?

 @9HKYYQVLibertarian from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

An authoritarian government is not appealing. The government must remain democratic

 @9HKYYW2 from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

No, the government should have no say in what we do with our economy. I believe it is only fair that the people should affect the economy unless the economy desperately needs the help of the government. During the great depression, we saw a massive deflation because people were selling their stocks and losing a lot of money when the stock markets crashed, and not only that but they weren't spending their money which caused less money to be in the economy which led to more price drops and worse. The government did step in and start to help slightly but it was during WWII that the governme…  Read more

 @9HKZSVQIndependent from New Hampshire answered…6mos6MO


If your favorite hobby was restricted by the government for economic reasons, would you find an alternative or fight for your right?

 @9J4GPMHCommunist from Maine answered…5mos5MO

I would unionize, convince other workers to join and start the revolution against the unfair corrupt system that is capitalism in any of its forms.


In your opinion, does economic efficiency justify a government's heavy-hand in personal and social matters?

 @9HSY5KG from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

Both yes and no. Economic efficiency does affect some parts of social matter as finance affects everyone however it does not affect other parts like how people act and the relationship among individuals.

 @9HSYTQ8Prohibition from California answered…5mos5MO

Never. Government intervention in matters beyond the scope of what is necessary to maintain efficiency and the welfare of its citizens is never justifiable.

 @9HSY49CRepublican from Texas answered…5mos5MO

No, it should be steady throughout no matter the economic success of current legislation.


Consider a time when you had more freedom to make choices; how did it affect your motivation and happiness?

 @9HL2FDF from Connecticut answered…6mos6MO

I have more freedom when im out at the mall or out in public compared to being in school.


Do you think sacrificing some personal liberties is worth the trade-off for more job opportunities and economic stability?

 @9HH3BBR from Maine answered…6mos6MO

No, as it will increase the amount of corruption among government officials. Also, the lack of civil liberties will hurt long-term stability of the regime


In your opinion, is it worth sacrificing individual freedoms for collective economic gains under authoritarian capitalism?

 @9H6SYPP from Kansas answered…6mos6MO

Depends on what you think freedom is I guess. Should someone have the freedom to have social dominance and subordination over another human being?

 @9H6T239Republican  from Missouri answered…6mos6MO


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