Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @9FDS8YX from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

There have been multiple studies showing that's not true. In addition, these policies only exist to discriminate against trans people

 @9LH5HWH from Connecticut commented…2mos2MO

Actually? I didn't know that. could you provide further information to verify?

 @9FFBFSL from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

All humans are genetically different, that is what makes us human. Everyone is capable in different ways. It's best to accept everyone fully and never discriminate.

 @9FF58H4 from New York agreed…9mos9MO

This is indisputably correct. Men and women are different on the genetic level, even if one is transgender.

 @9FF49RL  from Virginia agreed…9mos9MO

Cross competing between genders will be unfair for athletes that have worked hard and are still not better than someone of the opposite gender.

 @9FDRXSCIndependent from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

men and women being different athletically is beside the point, athletes no matter gender should be separated by weight class and max strength so that everyone has a fair chance

 @9FGF9VS  from South Dakota agreed…9mos9MO

He is right. They are. They should not compete with each other, and if they did. Men would demolish a biological female any day because of human nature and size difference.

 @9FFFCJ8 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Variation among genders is natural, and the very existence of sports encourages this disparity. People of different races, ability, education, income, and genetics are all equally encouraged to participate in sports, regardless of the fact that all these things make sports inherently unfair. These things could all be seen as an unfair advantage, but these things are natural as well. Transgender people have always existed, and deserve a space in sports. They are not wrong for using their bodies strength to its fullest. The separation of transgender athletes from cisgender athletes is discrimin…  Read more


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