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278 Replies


How would you build bridges between diverse communities in the absence of a national military?

 @9KYWQ5CWomen’s Equality from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

brute force should not be necessary to bring compromise to an issue. communication should prove to be effective between a responsible, and mature party.

 @9KZJ7VJ from Maine agreed…2mos2MO

It could be an abuse of power. The people that are protecting us should have the maturity and patience to be able to have constructive discussions with the people that they are having issues with. I believe that unless the people harm them, they should not harm the people.

 @9KYWK87 from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

I don’t like the use of the military but sometimes it is necessary to keep us safe.

 @9KZ5JSQ from California agreed…3mos3MO

While I don’t ever like hearing about military grade weapons being near civilians, or in general, I do believe that this would add some security.

 @9KYWJ8C from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

I think a government organization similar to the peace corps would be equally viable for this.


Can peace be achieved without the threat of military force?

 @9K753DK from Idaho answered…3mos3MO

This is a case-by-case question. Certainly some situations require threats of military force but definitely not all.

 @9KDTW46 from Illinois disagreed…3mos3MO

By scaring someone into agreement it might only make them retaliate more and then the peace will never actually be peaceful.

 @9K74MFN from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

idk, id be scared to live in a country with a weak military bc other countries will pose a threat for power. Gaza is proof of that.

 @9K74D8RLibertarian from Oregon answered…3mos3MO

No. Regardless of intent or other options, it always comes down to violence.


What do you think is the most powerful symbol of peace, and how could it inspire change in our world?

 @9JJMWKB from Michigan answered…4mos4MO

 @9JJMM3CRepublican from Pennsylvania answered…4mos4MO

I believe there will never be entire peace throughout the seperate countries. There will always be an issue that needs to be resolved, and I feel we need a leader to be able to run America and have someone on the front line making the calls.

 @9JJMJQJ from Indiana answered…4mos4MO

I think Anti-Militarism is a tough subject, because yes it would be great if we could always solve problems peacefully and without force. However, if a country attacks us and we still hold the idea of Anti-Militarism, how would our country fight back?


What emotions arise when you hear about casualties of war, and do you believe these losses justify military conflicts?

 @9J5QJSTfrom Virgin Islands answered…5mos5MO

Anger and disgust. Those who sacrificed themselves are the ones who make us enjoy the freedoom of todas.

 @9J63FYR from Indiana disagreed…5mos5MO

Citizens of the country have nothing to do with the wars most times and is unfair if they are put into harms way because of a few people of much higher power.

 @9J5QLQ2Democrat from Florida answered…5mos5MO

 @9J5QDJQ from Michigan answered…5mos5MO

Anger, we should be pulling away from violent war, and using economic and social tactics to damage the country.


How would society change if every war memorial was replaced with a monument to peace?

 @9KN2CCMRepublican from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

If we do something like that, it is a signal that our society is crumbling. Honoring those who sacrificed for the greater good (whether you agreed with the war or not, that is the point of them fighting) is something worthy of rememberance on a large scale.

 @9KPMK8H from New York agreed…3mos3MO

were gonna need more then just monument first we should identify why we are even having a war .situations going on in ALL of our lives isnt gonna be solved by not only killing innoceny lives but killing in general

 @9KNBDVJ from California disagreed…3mos3MO

If we replace these monuments the soldiers are still being honored -- these monuments would encourage peace and show that peace is more important to the U.S than war.

 @9KN2TSV from Kansas answered…3mos3MO

 @9KMZFBD  from Michigan answered…3mos3MO

I feel are society would change in so many positive ways i feel if every memorial for a person could just be brought to peace feel we would come together more


How might our daily lives be different if our society prioritized peace-building efforts over military actions?

 @9HTT2VW from Washington answered…5mos5MO

Peace is achieved by being dangerous but choosing not to use it. Peace can also he found in cultures without disagreement.
Multinational education on how to handle discourse. Seek truth and respect traditions of others woild be helpful in moving the needle towards more Peace

 @9HTSYNJ from Oregon answered…5mos5MO

There would be less order and control. The people would have to be responsible for their own safety.

 @9HTSM4Y from Utah answered…5mos5MO


What kind of world would we live in if every conflict could be solved with dialogue instead of weapons?

 @9HGVH8SDemocrat  from California answered…6mos6MO

In a world where talking, such as dialouge instead of weapons, solves problems, countries would focus on getting along instead of using weapons. This would mean more help for people in need, like tackling poverty and improving healthcare. Nations working together and talking it out would make the whole world more connected and better off.

 @9HGVVW9 from Georgia answered…6mos6MO

We would live in a dream, or a world with no humans. War is going to exist as long as humans do. If there was a push towards a Anti-Militarist world it would simply be whoever can mobilize a military first during peace that can defeat the rest.


Do you think a nation can be respected on the world stage without a strong military?

 @9HF2FRM from Louisiana answered…6mos6MO

 @9HF2BWBProgressive from Virginia answered…6mos6MO

A nation can certainly be respected without a strong military. The state must not rely solely on the military to earn the respect of others; it must also have strong domestic, international, and economic policies that benefit the people and thus earn the respect of other nations. To rely solely on the military as the indicator of respect is a form of soft, and even hard, imperialism.

 @9HF2F5K from Wisconsin answered…6mos6MO

I feel like some nations won't take them serious and take advantage of them


How would you feel about a friend who protests against military recruitment, and would you support them?

 @9HZWGMV from Oklahoma answered…5mos5MO

I would support them. Part of being an American is knowing that you are free. Free to live, free to speak and free to make choices. I would support anyone who wanted to join the military and serve our country and I would support anyone who doesn't want to join the military (based on their own reasoning).

 @9HZX2YB from Texas answered…5mos5MO

I would still be nice but I wouldn't support them because I believe it is important for the US to have a strong military to keep from terrorism, invasions and many more things.

 @9HZWT7B from Ohio answered…5mos5MO


How could the funds saved from cutting military spending positively impact your local community?

 @9HTXPJ2 from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

Living deep in the country, there are a lot of ways any kind of funding could help my community. Theres many roads, houses, buildings and businesses that need construction work, or just completely redone.


How would the world change if countries invested more in education and healthcare than in their militaries?

 @9HGW43Q from New York answered…6mos6MO

of cource less woul dbe in the military and everyting would be more converstary dissuciosn instead of fighting with arms and being physical. but when someoen does fire arms and guns, others pay not be prepaired with lack of military and power they now have

 @9HGVVW9 from Georgia answered…6mos6MO


If we imagine a world without armies, what kinds of challenges do you think we would face?

 @9J2DTVJ from California answered…5mos5MO

attacks from within and foreign groups posing as a danger to the people

 @9J2DTBX from Minnesota answered…5mos5MO

groups not supporting anti-militarism could protest, violently or not, and there will always be disagreements.


If you could reallocate your nation's defense budget, where would you choose to invest that money?


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