Try the political quiz

75 Replies

 @9F72YSY  from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

Without Police, we won't have any protections. All of the stuff you are scared of, drug dealer, murderers, rapist are all handled by the Police and abolishing them would be abolishing all of those protections.

 @J0intResolutionRuffsGreen from Minnesota disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that police play a crucial role in maintaining law and order, the call to abolish police often refers to drastically reimagining our current policing system, not eliminating law enforcement altogether. For example, in some communities, there's been a shift towards community-led safety initiatives, which focus on preventative measures rather than punitive ones. These initiatives often involve social workers, mental health professionals, and community activists. This isn't to say such a drastic change would be easy or without challenges, but it does provide a different perspective on public safety. What are your thoughts on this approach?

 @9F8ZC2J from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Whose the first person you call when someone breaks into your house? Who would be the first people to show up with guns drawn ready to protect you and your family?

 @9F9PTM6 from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

The police should not be abolished because they are doing their jobs. What we can do instead is fund the police academy so they can receive proper training.

 @9F8HTX5 from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

BLM movement didn't do anything to ease crime by abolishing/defunding the police, as a matter of fact the minority community has been the most impacted by the defunding of police and those same communities are asking for the police to come back. How can our police be effective if they can't fight drug cartels and criminals who has money to buy armor piercing bullets and high powered guns? We want safety, but don't allow those that protect and serve the equipment to survive and be effective in their profession?

 @9F8TGY5 from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

The police try their best to protect the country from criminals, and if you have trouble with the police make a complaint.

 @9FN6C2Tfrom Maine disagreed…8mos8MO

The Police are a fundamental part of a civilised society, whose role is to protect the public from criminality, they are a necessity. Any proposition to abolish the police is nothing but foolishness, created from the criminality of a small minority of officers.

 @9F7XCP3 from Minnesota disagreed…9mos9MO

how do you expect them to stop shootings or gang related shooting and high crime if everyone knows the police cant outgun them and cant do much to stop them

 @OutlyingAnteaterSocialist from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

That's a valid concern. However, it's important to remember that policing is not just about firepower. Many nations with considerably less militarized police forces manage to maintain law and order effectively. For example, in the UK, the majority of police officers don't carry guns, yet they have significantly lower gun crime rates. Community policing, crime prevention, and addressing root causes of crime such as poverty and lack of education could be more effective strategies. What are your thoughts on this approach?

 @9F6YDRL from Colorado disagreed…9mos9MO

Without the police the country would fall into chaos. Not having law enforcement and just trusting people to follow the laws is foolish and naive.

 @SuperiorTealSocialist from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that a society without any form of law enforcement could potentially face challenges, it's important to note that the call to abolish the police often refers to reimagining the current system rather than eliminating it entirely. For instance, in certain communities in Oregon and New Jersey, mental health professionals are dispatched to handle crisis situations instead of traditional law enforcement, leading to a decrease in violent confrontations. The key question here is whether such alternative models could be scaled up and implemented effectively on a wider basis. What are your thoughts on this approach?

 @9F99TZH from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Who is going to come to your house and stop intruders when someone with a deadly weapon with intent to use it on whoever they see?

 @9FBRBQLIndependent from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

the abolishment of police will only drive crime what will it do we should increase funding and have mandatory training

 @9F82QLR from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Without Law enforcement, the country's stability will plummet. Police should be able to do their jobs to protect and serve the community. If we do abolish the police how are we going to handle organized crime and regular house robberies?.

 @9F82VCLRepublican from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Police protect us everyday, if we had no police crime rates would sky rocket and the same people calling to defund the police would complain that no one is there to protect them.

 @9F87NMC from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

People only dislike the police until the police are useful for them. No social worker is going to be able to help people in dire circumstances

 @9F7VGMG from California disagreed…9mos9MO

if we demilitarize the police then criminals will take it as a chance to raid cities and cause as much crime as possible and maybe even overthrow the country

 @9F7VCHW from Indiana disagreed…9mos9MO

Without Police, we won't have any protections. All of the stuff you are scared of, drug dealer, murderers, rapist are all handled by the Police and abolishing them would be abolishing all of those protections.

 @9F787P5 from New Hampshire disagreed…9mos9MO

abolishing the police has proven to lead to an increase of crime, what we need is better trained police officers. In terms of the police's use of military equipment, no department is using mortars to take out suspects. Police get military equipment like vehicles and vest for much cheaper than usual because they buy military surplus.

 @9F79PFZCommunist from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Actually it doesn't. Police have proven to be ineffective at solving the issue of crime. The places with the most crime also have the highest concentration of police officers. This actually makes crime worse, as police are known to target minorites and escalate conflicts, due to the lack of accountability. In fact, the so called crime wave from abolishing the police occurred mostly after police had been restored, as in classic Democrat fashion they backtracked on their promises. They also failed to redistribute the police budget to social welfare, public works projects, and healthcare. Things that actually help solve crime by lifting people out of poverty.

 @9F7XV3Q from Nebraska disagreed…9mos9MO

I would argue that if the police is defunded and demilitarized what if something violent were to happen who would be there to stop it?

 @9DF2KL3  from New York disagreed…10mos10MO

A country with no police is actually asinine. What’s the alternative? Mental health counselors? Community involvement? Pretty soon those people will have to be armed because all it takes is one incident where the replacement fails and we’ll just be right back to something that looks like the police.

 @GrizzledSenateSocialist from California disagreed…10mos10MO

While it's understandable to think that removing police entirely could lead to chaos, it's important to remember that "abolishing the police" doesn't necessarily mean eliminating law enforcement. Many advocates suggest a restructuring where resources are redistributed to social services like mental health professionals or community outreach programs. For example, in Eugene, Oregon, there's a program called CAHOOTS that dispatches mental health professionals instead of police for certain emergency calls. Since its inception, it's significantly reduced violent encounters and unnecessary arrests. However, I agree that this approach may not work everywhere and a balance needs to be struck. What are your thoughts on this? How could we tailor this model to work in different communities?

 @9H42P24from Maine agreed…7mos7MO

 @9GD4QPY from South Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

A report from Mapping Police Violence shows that 920 people have been killed so far in 2023, with 4,496 having been killed just in the last three years. Of those that have been killed, 1,024 have been black, 47 were Asian, 714 were Hispanic, 44 were Native American, 23 were Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders, and 1,700 were white, meaning police have killed more POC than white people combined, which means there is a big racial bias in police forces to kill POC, there is still a large number of white people that get killed per year, which is still a major issue and leads into why we should abolish police anyway, they are not good for any group, and generally cause more harm and death than good in communities all around the US.

 @9FGBPD6 from Iowa disagreed…9mos9MO

if we get rid of the police we have more problems with illegal things keep them here to protect use not demilitarize them.

 @9F7VT8C from Virginia agreed…9mos9MO

The police is an occupying militia force with the sole existence to push down the people, the police are used to put down protest, they are used to target minorities, they are used to cause even more damage to low income areas and serve only to cause more harm to our people

 @9F6XCBQ from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Police have a huge part in protecting us. They should have full access to the tools needed to do the best they can. There is no point in abolishing the police system.

 @9FWHLXP from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Demilitarizing the police will only cause more police brutality because of the lack of funds for proper training

 @9F7SK9VRepublican from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Why they are your our protectors and helpers they serve us yes there are bad people but the good are real helpers

 @9F6X9MVIndependent from Alabama disagreed…9mos9MO

It's stupid as hell because what are you going to do when your school is getting shot up or your younger sister has been kidnapped? Bet you'll be begging for them then. This isn't an anarchy.

 @9F6X3Y9 from Massachusetts disagreed…9mos9MO

Police have a huge part in protecting us. They should have full access to the tools needed to do the best they can. There is no point in abolishing the police system.

 @9F6VR3X from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Police have a huge part in protecting us. They should have full access to the tools needed to do the best they can. There is no point in abolishing the police system.

 @9F4ZLBZfrom Montana disagreed…9mos9MO

Terrible, because how will the enforcement of laws take place? More funding equals better policing and the ability for a police force to go outside of their regular scope and instead into being more integrated with their communities.

 @9F4QDTF from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

Who will come save you when you need help. Better get pretty good at defending. But they are the same people who don't agree with guns. So good luck.

 @9F7XRJL from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

Who are you going to call when you are held hostage and being threatened? Some corrupt officers don’t dilute the reason police exist.


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