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60 Replies

 @9GTMQ8Y  from Massachusetts agreed…7mos7MO

Top Agreement

If a trans woman's hormone levels are equal to that of a cisgender woman's hormone levels (and visa-versa for men) then there is no reason as to why they shouldn't be able to compete, for there is no unfair advantage or imbalance.

 @9GVBW8B from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

Transgenders women should not compete in women's sports. Transgender men should not compete in men's sports.

 @9GVCK9C from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

A transgender women is still different biologically than a cisgender women Besides hormones levels there are other factors that affect someone's performance that can be better in men or women. There are many cases were transgender people are competing in a sport and dominating because of their biological advantages. Transgenders should have their own category of sports and shouldn't have to infringe on men and women's sports.

 @9GVCYRZ from Utah disagreed…7mos7MO

A man's body is built different than a woman's body. It has very little to do with the hormones and more about the actual structure difference in the two bodies.

 @9GV84MN  from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

Agree. Hormone levels can give athletes an advantage, but so long as they are equal there is no unfair advantage and no reason to have gendered competitions.

 @9FXBRVN  from New York agreed…8mos8MO

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Effectiveness:
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a common medical intervention for transgender individuals. It involves taking hormones (e.g., testosterone or estrogen) to align an individual's physical characteristics with their gender identity. Studies have shown that HRT leads to significant changes in muscle mass, bone density, and other physical attributes over time.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in 2017 found that transgender women (assigned male at birth) who underwent HRT had a decrease in muscle…  Read more

 @9FXJYGB from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Transgenger athletes have an unfair advantage over cisgender athletes, and that their participation in sports is unfair to cisgender athletes. Transgender athletes have an unfair advantage because of their physical characteristics. For example, a transgender woman who was assigned male at birth may have more muscle mass or bone density than a cisgender woman. This could give her an advantage in sports that require strength or power. For example, a transgender man who was assigned female at birth may have grown up playing sports with other boys. This could give him an advantage in sports that…  Read more

 @9FXJRXS from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

Males have an undeniable physical advantage on average over females regardless of hormone treatment. Muscle and bone density, lung capacity

 @9GF6JK6 from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this, while Trans people are in highschool, I believe it doesn't matter, we should let them, play without making their hormones equal because they might not be able to afford that, but on a professional level I see the argument and that is when hormones should be tested.

 @9FV7QWH from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

They have advantages from having the increased hormones earlier in their life, so it still isn't fair. That takes away the fairness of womens sports.

 @9H548XJ from Nevada agreed…6mos6MO

Based on personal experience, I have taken part in similar tests administered by the researcher Jonna Harper, in which I came to the same conclusion that physical speed and strength has decreased drastically since two years ago. At the time that I started hormone therapy, I was 16, I am now 18, and my aerobic capacity is equivalent to cisgender women I compete against.

 @9GD2M2R from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

i myself am trans, i believe that if anyone is gonna compete they should be transitioned for 4 years at least and undergo a medical evaluation, including measuring hormone levels.

 @9G933DGSocialist from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Because there are biological differences between males and females and the way our bodies properties and muscles are built up are different making it an unfair playing field if the transgender people do not have the same hormonal levels as the others competing

 @9G5JP5W from West Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

That does not matter. They still have the chromosomes as a man, they could also get off their hormone medicine after they have been tested and they could strike back up to a man or woman hormone level.

 @9MBM5BLProgressive from Texas agreed…3wks3W

if you have the same hormone levels as those born of that sex, the only thing separating you from them is your genitalia.

 @9L5TWYXfrom New Jersey disagreed…2mos2MO

Trans athletes should be restricted to compete against the gender that was assigned to them at birth, in order for a more even playing field in Olympic competitions

 @9KHQ6CPRepublican from Texas disagreed…3mos3MO

My stance is this. A man and women are genetically different and should not be competing against each in sports. Also too we don’t have the same built and you can’t change change show your DNA is no matter how hard you try.

 @9KDWXDX from Kentucky disagreed…3mos3MO

No I still wouldn't allow it because of the genetics they were born with either men hormones and women's hormones because they are both different and men are typically stronger than women.

 @9JLSTTNPeace and Freedom from Kansas agreed…4mos4MO

If a trans man wants to compete in the mens event and their hormone levels are equal, they should be allowed to compete. Beginning testosterone will make that athlete's body grow/function more like a cisgender man's body would function. Therefore, there is no reason they should not be allowed to compete in the men's event.

 @9J222LK from Arizona agreed…5mos5MO

A transgender man may take testosterone, and over time he's going to grow facial hair, get broader shoulders, gain a deeper voice, and so on. He'll get the same qualities that other men have but all of a sudden it matters, because he wasn't born that way. A transgender woman may take estrogen, and over time she'll to be able to grow their hair longer, grow breasts, and gain a higher voice. She'll get the same qualities that other women have but all of a sudden it matters, because she wasn't born that way. If transgender people were forced to compete on the same…  Read more

 @9HQCDXC from Michigan agreed…5mos5MO

I mean, being on hrt significantly changes your body and bone density and all that goes into the whole natural "men vs women" thing

 @9HPDYH7 from Minnesota disagreed…6mos6MO

After 2 years of taking feminising hormones, the push-up and sit-up differences disappeared but transwomen were still 12% faster. A year is whats recomend before transwomen start competing with women there is still a stamina/speed advantage which is huge in sports also the data is from british medical journal

 @9HCNV5K from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

no because then it caps women who may have higher horomone counts, and just makes an exception for someone who shouldnt be in that competition.

 @9FMZHJM from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

The only reason athletes are separated by sex is because someone assigned male at birth will have higher testosterone levels, which make it easier for muscles to develop faster.

 @9JBHBWV from Indiana disagreed…4mos4MO

A transexual woman that has gone through male puberty still reaps benefits physically, chemically, mentally and emotionally whereas a biological woman who has gone through female puberty will likewise suffer in those categories in comparison to their competitors who have gone through male puberty and likewise almost all competitive sports with the exception of Motorsport and Equestrian based sports.

 @9FPZDZC from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I would say no, because God made a man and a women, that is why we don't see any co-ed professional sports

 @9GYXJJWfrom Maine agreed…7mos7MO

Transgender athletes should not be allowed to compete with "natural" collegues of the same sex (such as transgender women with biological women), because the lattea will never be strong enough to compete with someone who was originally a man.

 @9FV7K8C from Iowa disagreed…8mos8MO

No, they should not be able to play. it would end up with all of injuries and more arguments about pay


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