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78 Replies

 @9FFPFR7 from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

Free college for all is good because our society can have less stress on getting education and our country can be more advanced if more people are able to get education.

 @9FFRCGMLibertarian from Arizona disagreed…9mos9MO

If the government decides to pay for college, colleges will raise their prices by however much the government is providing.

 @9FGGQPK from Iowa disagreed…9mos9MO

The huge amount of student debt causes many families to not be able to pay for necessities later when they cant pay the loans

 @9F8MWQ6 from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Education is key to moving forward. Many people choose not to go to college because of financial reasons. Having put 2 kids through college, it is not easy. It is a financial burden on all parties: parents and students. The focus should be on obtaining an education.

 @9F866NT from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Free college for all is good because our society can have less stress on getting education and our country can be more advanced if more people are able to get education.

 @9FXP5NN from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

If colleges are been paid for by the government, it will benefit a lot of people and there will also be little or no excuse for people not to go to school or get an education.

 @9FRRB5G from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

Currently, due to the price of college, many can not afford it and therefore choose to not take that route when we need people to do certain jobs requiring a college education.

 @9FT8J9V from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Many people want to go to certain colleges or colleges in general but decide not to due to their lack of funds. Colleges should be free for american citizens because in the end it helps benefit american education rates and make us an overall smarter, more advanced country

 @9F9QT9QForward from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

If all US Student have access to Free college, then the nation as a whole will prosper and rise in the ranks of the international society.

 @9FFBT9R from California disagreed…9mos9MO

the government should be able to give free college for all because there are some students that want to go to college but their parents do not have the money for it.

 @9FDBGZCPeace and Freedom from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

I think The goverment should pay the collages most kids would really die to go to collages and study super hard for it but most times because of the money they can't go so When its heard that many top companies and under staffed Its because most kids dont have that opportunites


Many people want to attend college but don't have the resources. That could impact their whole future.

 @9FFQ4Z3 from New Jersey disagreed…9mos9MO

If people can't get an equal opportunity due to their financial state, then many people won't be able to have the same chances as others.

 @9FFRCGMLibertarian from Arizona disagreed…9mos9MO

 @9FV777T from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

free college for all is good for society because society can have less stress on getting the funds for college.

 @9GMRSQC from Hawaii disagreed…7mos7MO

I think free college is a controversial thing. on one hand, you have the people who work hard to earn scholarships and earn a place in college. And on the other, you have people who just want to go to a trade school and learn about things they WANT to learn about.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…7mos7MO

How would making college free and accessible to all not solve both of these..?

 @9F9SYVW from Indiana disagreed…9mos9MO

Going to college means that the tuition is not gonna be your only expense. what if you dorm for college you have to pay for room and board. what if my school was in Manhattan and I lived in Long Island I have to pay $300 a month to take the train, not including the $2.90 MetroCard that I have to pay for. What about the expensive books professors expect you to have, what about the computers you need to type with, what about food all these things add up that’s why at least tuition should be free so you’re not in debt for 30 years.

 @9FDB6RJ from Pennsylvania agreed…9mos9MO

You would end up having to pay for it out of your taxes. Nothing is free even if they say it is, someone has to pay for it.

 @9FB39PC from Missouri disagreed…9mos9MO

If people are wanting to go to college to get a good career or just a good education they shouldn't have to pay 50k

 @9F9Y8XC from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm why wouldn't you want people to learn. like actual. Why should money be a reason for someone not to become a doctor to help people. it makes me so stressed that our country could have so so so so many amazing smart people lead, but the issue is MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is just So SAD. IT should be if you have a goal. you should not be discouraged just because you don't have enough money or your family is not wealthy. DOESNT MEAN you should have to GIVE YOUR DREAM away.

 @9F8XS96 from Alaska disagreed…9mos9MO

Colleges already charge so much for education which shouldn't be charged so much. They should be more focused on educating our people and citizens than charging them and making a profit off of it. The profit that comes from having all the people from the US-educated is most important.

 @9F6TVQ7 from Iowa disagreed…9mos9MO

Everyone deserves the chance for education. Un-educated citizens leads to less available workers also causing more people to be paid less because the people would not have the skills obtained from school. Having informed and educated individuals in the community leads to more employed workers that can benefit the community.

 @9FHMTWR from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Education is what makes a person successful and more useful in the working environment. If money is something that is holding someone from studying then that means that its not the person's fault on not getting education but the society.

 @9F9TMQN from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

I think some people are able to make more money after college, and if some people cant afford college so them making it to college and through it will benefit.

 @9F6X3ZT from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Going to college means that the tuition is not gonna be your only expense. what if you dorm for college you have to pay for room and board. what if my school was in Manhattan and I lived in Long Island I have to pay $300 a month to take the train, not including the $2.90 MetroCard that I have to pay for. What about the expensive books professors expect you to have, what about the computers you need to type with, what about food all these things add up that’s why at least tuition should be free so you’re not in debt for 30 years.

 @9FG2VL3 from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

There are people who have lower income and want to go to college others who are more fortunate decide they don't want too

 @9GMV4K8Peace and Freedom from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

I feel as though if K-12 education is free then college should be too no matter what age so everyone can accomplish their goals and be set for life with a career.

 @9F997NR from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

College is expensive and students should be given substantial aid in paying for college as they are the future of profession

 @9F9MDCVIndependent from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

This is the equivalent of printing money and arguably the reason prices are so high. It is good in moderation for the government to provide aid, but it is clear that prices raise and tuition correlate. The rising cost of college tuition is partly due to the financial irresponsibility of colleges and universities. These institutions have been able to increase tuition prices because of the availability of federal student loans and grants. Therefore, providing more aid to students will likely inflate tuition prices.

 @9F9QHKQDemocrat from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

Free college would deepen inequality. It would also have people with low credentials competing for a limited number of jobs.

 @9F4SFPG from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

Going to college means that the tuition is not gonna be your only expense. what if you dorm for college you have to pay for room and board. what if my school was in Manhattan and I lived in Long Island I have to pay $300 a month to take the train, not including the $2.90 MetroCard that I have to pay for. What about the expensive books professors expect you to have, what about the computers you need to type with, what about food all these things add up that’s why at least tuition should be free so you’re not in debt for 30 years.

 @WholesomeBobolinkLibertarian from Utah disagreed…9mos9MO

I understand your concerns about the additional costs of attending college. However, making tuition free could potentially lead to an increase in taxes, affecting everyone, not just students. For instance, countries like Germany and Sweden that provide free college education have tax rates around 45% and 57% respectively. This could be burdensome for those unable to afford such a jump in taxes. Additionally, free tuition might devalue a degree as more people would have access, making it harder to stand out in the job market. How could we address these potential issues while still aiding students financially?

 @9F4NH4Wfrom New Mexico disagreed…9mos9MO

I believe that free college for all can enhance everyone's opportunities to create a more equitable society.

 @CrummyCentristLibertarianfrom West Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

Who actually pays for this "free" education? The burden often falls on taxpayers, including those who may not have attended college themselves. Additionally, there's a risk of devaluing a college degree if everyone has one. It could inadvertently create an even more competitive job market for college graduates. How would you propose we address these potential drawbacks?

 @9F8XBQHRepublican from Washington agreed…9mos9MO

If you work hard for a few years and do well in high school, you can get into a college and pay for it if you have to. Or you can go to colleges that give automatic scholarships for GPA. If you know you can't afford college, then work really hard in school.

 @9F8X6RT from New Hampshire agreed…9mos9MO

If around 1 in 3 people don't use there degree in there careers is it really a good idea to use taxpayer money to send everyone to go to college?


Why not? What good reason is there for drowning a vast majority of our population in debt? Most people do not get loads of scholarships but still want to go to college.

 @9F9MWFX from Georgia agreed…9mos9MO

There is scholarships to help people with low incomes get into college and there are cheaper colleges for some people

 @9F7ZD32 from Kansas disagreed…9mos9MO

Students dont always come from families that have money or are able to have money to apply for fot colleges at all and the "American dream" is to have education and influence people to get jobs in order for people to become workers.


If college was free for all then more people would be able to attain an education which would lead to more people in the workforce and growth in the economy

 @9FL6LP3Women’s Equality from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

It will be similar to the effects we see on raised minimum wage to give people a livable wage, prices go up, and then a broader population of people cannot afford to live. Free college will mean everyone has a degree and is worth no more than the next person. Therefore companies will require more work experience which will be harder to obtain. Also due to the fact that we do not need to take on more debt as a country.

 @9FBG3MJ from Alabama disagreed…9mos9MO

It would also allow people without means to get education. Moreover, it would provide training for better jobs and be a boost to the economy. It could also help if classes were more geared to the specific major of choice rather than making them take unnecessary classes just for the college to make more money off of barely scraping by college students

 @9F8SPGS from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

I say that everyone should have a chance at getting free college because normally the most common reason why people don't go to college is because they can't afford it. If more people went to college, the more the workforce would expand.

 @9FBWPGZDemocrat from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

A common counter argument to the “No” position on Free College for All is that providing free higher education can have significant economic and societal benefits.

 @9F8MGYB from Mississippi disagreed…9mos9MO

The government already provides K-12 education. It is not a big leap to provide further education, and doing so would break down economic barriers and prevent excessive debt for those seeking education.

 @9FJ7M6X from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

Some critics of the free college idea argue that it would lead to a flood of graduates with mediocre credentials all competing for a limited number of jobs. Then, these critics argue, committed workers would have to pursue some kind of graduate degree to stand out from the crowd.

 @9F9NXHF from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

I think we should all and speaking for myself as a Senior in High School getting into college should be free for all education.

 @9F8Y8XP from Alaska disagreed…9mos9MO

If there was a free college people who didn't get into the college they want they could join the free one and get their college degree

 @9F83FGZ from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Doesn't make sense. Unless people want to go to college and live in a dirt and rock built dorm and then head to class or a sport facility and sit on grass chairs with chalk for pencils, people must pay for college, if at least 10,000 plus people are to attend the government cant just use all of its money for funding college for all. The government is a business as well, and so is a college. If you can't afford it there are alternatives, change your life plans, don't be blinded because you can't survive or afford a place you chose to be in.


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