Try the political quiz

229 Replies


How would your school experience change if there were periodic forums for student voices on various issues?

 @9K9HVLT from Texas answered…3mos3MO

My school life wouldn't change very much because our administration wouldn't do anything to enact change.

 @9K9CDN6 from New York answered…3mos3MO

Personally, I think having periodic forums for student voices in school would be a fantastic idea. It would give students a platform to share their thoughts, concerns, and ideas, and it would help create a more inclusive and democratic learning environment. It's important for students to have a say in decisions that affect their education, and these forums could be a great way to make that happen. So yeah, count me in for supporting student voices in school.

 @9K9B2Q7Republican from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

I feel like the student voice would be heard but not listen to even if they were allowed to talk.

 @9K9B4SM from Arizona answered…3mos3MO

Because it requires a high level of engagement and knowledge from citizens, I think it would be risky. There are so many people that don't even bother to vote.


How would your daily life change if local community decisions were made through majority student votes?

 @9JS23R5 from Texas answered…4mos4MO

Votes would be more left-leaning since most students tend to have left views.


My daily life would change, as I believe there would be many more laws that encourage more government spending on things that I don't believe should get more government spending (because students include young children who might not have enough experience preparing them to vote insightfuly).


Honestly, it depends on the location. Students in high crime communities are more likely to say school sucks but others would like to have a strong education.


How do you ensure that everyone in your group gets heard, even the shyest individuals?

 @9KZX29WRepublican from New York answered…2mos2MO


 @9KZXFPZ  from Massachusetts answered…2mos2MO

The issue for me is most closely linked to that of accessibility -- I don't think the reason most people don't make their voices heard is because they don't want to, I think it's because they don't know how to do so in a way that isn't public, or because the act of voting or participating in democratic activities requires more effort than they're willing to muster.

I would be in favor of an easier way to share perspectives, like an online survey. The issue of verifying identity and making sure the system isn't abused would be an issue, so I would try…  Read more

 @9KZXDJG from Louisiana answered…2mos2MO


Is it fair to require everyone to participate in government decisions, or should it be a choice?

 @9HDKCZV from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

It Should be a choice since not everyone actually takes the time to care or look into it.

 @9HDJSD7Independent from West Virginia answered…6mos6MO

It should be a choice because not everyone agrees on the choices they have.


How can we encourage those who are less confident to speak up in decisions that affect everyone?


Popular sovereignty and allow everyone to feel as if their opinion is valid, regardless of their stance.


How would you react if you had the chance to directly influence changes in your community?

 @9KFS4D8 from Oklahoma answered…3mos3MO

If I could directly influence changes in my community, then I would care more about voting and participating in elections.

 @9KF26JG from California answered…3mos3MO


Why do you think people often do not participate in decisions that affect their communal life?


How does it feel when you're part of a group decision that leads to a successful outcome?

 @9KFVRNC from California answered…3mos3MO

Empowered and involved, as if my voice has been heard, my opinion taken into account and my life and identity valued.

 @9KFV96T from Louisiana answered…3mos3MO

Participatory democracy may also have an educational effect. Greater political participation can lead to the public to seeking to also make it higher quality in efficacy and depth: "the more individuals participate the better able they become to do so", an idea already promoted by Rousseau, Mill, and Cole.


Should everyone have a role in choosing their school’s extracurricular activities, and if so, how?

 @9JGW5WX from New York answered…4mos4MO

 @9JGW5GM from Kentucky answered…4mos4MO

Yes, you should get to do what you like.why have a certain club or sport if no one will participate in it.


Do you think decisions made by groups you're a part of truly reflect everyone's opinions, and why?

 @9HNK9PPRepublican from Utah answered…6mos6MO

No, everyone has different opinions on each topic so we all have our own opinions.


What would make you enthusiastic about participating in a local government session?

 @9L5N9YD from Virginia answered…2mos2MO

Make voting week a federal holiday so everyone has the opportunity to vote.

 @9L5N5PPIndependent from Massachusetts answered…2mos2MO


If you had a platform to voice your concerns to local leaders, what would you discuss first?

 @9KZDVBDDemocrat from Virginia answered…2mos2MO

It really depends on the situation and in today's current discussion, I might discuss about right to abortion.

 @9KZCYBDDemocrat from Virginia answered…3mos3MO


Do you think every citizen has enough knowledge and time to contribute to governmental decision-making?

 @9H9KWM9from Maine commented…6mos6MO


How would the dynamic of your friend group change if you all made decisions together?

 @9J3ZZKK  from California answered…5mos5MO

Yes, because I believe the fact we can all believe in different things helps us grow our empathy.


How can a group ensure that its decision-making process respects both minority and majority opinions?

 @9KLWC74 from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO


Have you ever felt inspired to involve yourself in local community work, and what sparked that interest?

 @9KFWWCN from Texas answered…3mos3MO

Yes I was a life guard, I became one to help out a small business who needed one


Can a class decision ever be truly fair if not everyone speaks up, and how do we address that?

 @9L87P23 from California answered…2mos2MO

Being a child I think being treated fair is more important. As you get older you really learn the difference.


How can young people be encouraged to engage more in issues that affect their future?

 @9KRQF8XIndependent from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO

Have a voting system that is tracked and reported on so they can see how their vote would have influenced elections. Make volunteering at a local campaign office a requirement for earned credits to graduate.


What makes a group decision feel fair to you, even if the outcome isn't what you wanted?


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