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282 Replies

 @9GGD5TP agreed…7mos7MO

Top Agreement

Yes, Public Transportation is essential its more sustainable than cars, not saying I don't like cars, and it will actually be more helpful to our city and surrounding cities and even states to travel on a more affordable and faster level like trains.

 @VisionaryDiplom4cyLibertarian from Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

In 2019, the New York City Subway system required nearly $17 billion in operating expenses, which was heavily subsidized by taxpayers. The increased spending did no lead to improved services. Between 1996 and 2015, despite a 25% increase in spending, the U.S. public transit saw a decrease in ridership by about 6%.

 @9KSYZK2Independent from North Carolina commented…3mos3MO

That is because US public transportation is highly inefficient due to car dependency. Cars aren't bad, but relying on them creates problems. We need to give people viable alternative transportation options.

 @9GGDQPC from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

I am also of the belief that free college should be an option given to all potential students as every individual has the right to have resources to better their qaulity of life or simply be able to pursue an education because they want to.

 @9H83MWG from Ohio disagreed…6mos6MO

You do have the right to have resource to better your quality of life. This resource is called a job. It is very much possible to go to an in state college and live at home while working and still be debt free afterward. Even not debt free almost everyone still has a chance to pursue education if they want to.

 @9GGF3GT from Colorado disagreed…7mos7MO

use a car, but it can be valid yet youre probably spendin more money on public transportation tan you are on usin a car

 @9GYYPY3  from California agreed…7mos7MO

Funding for public transportation can help improve the other issues as well. For example, it helps with the issue of climate change. According to 𝘜𝘊𝘓𝘈 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, "Every vehicle on the road releases an average of one pound of CO2 per mile driven. Compared with driving alone, taking public transportation reduces CO2 emissions by 45%, decreasing pollutants in the atmosphere and improving air quality. It's estimated that public transportation in the U.S. saves 37 million metric tons of carbon dioxide annually..." (Pei).

Work Cited:

Pei, Andy. “5 Environmental Benefits of Sustainable Transportation.” UCLA Transportation, 7 Oct 2021, Accessed 14 November 2023.

 @9GYZQP7 from California disagreed…7mos7MO

help people afford electric vehicles at the same price as a cheap car cause then theyll release less gas emmisions in the future and theyd be able to get around better or convert public transit electric

 @9KSYZK2Independent from North Carolina commented…3mos3MO

Haha, right. More lithium mined for batteries sounds WAY more sustainable. Besides climate change, it should be known that car dependency regardless if the cars are electric or not is bad for city economies and the mental health of people.

 @9GJTZNX agreed…7mos7MO

Cars produce smog, and regardless of your views on climate change, it is not good for our health to be inhaling lots of it. Reducing cars on the road by increasing investment in public transport will give those who do not want to drive the option to take other forms of transport and it will give those who cannot afford a car a reliable option. Most citizens will benefit, even those not intending on taking public transport as their travel times will decrease. Public transport investment will also make cities a source of pride and strength, and it will also increase economic activity in a city.

 @9GLC2BV  from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

If we give citizens viable options for alternative transportation, they will choose what works best for themselves. The problem is there aren’t great options for alternatives. We invest heavily in cars in this country while we should have affordable options for not just inner city travel, but also commuting from suburbian areas and cross-country high speed rail systems. We are a nation of innovation and it’s time we start behaving as one instead of just claiming it. Building greater transportation systems that don’t just rely on cars will enable better access to work, childc…  Read more

 @9GL96ZNWomen’s Equality from Michigan agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this, i think there should be more available bus routes that travel all over the city, as well and trains, the United kingdom has trains that travel through all their cities and it is very beneficial to them

 @9JDB9JC from Oklahoma commented…4mos4MO

The U.S. isn't the Uk though at all. Just because it worked for the UK doesn't mean the same implementation of utilizing trains alongside buses wouldn't work for the U.S. as our land is much greater, state and federal government operates differently, etc.

 @9KSYZK2Independent from North Carolina commented…3mos3MO

America is big, but that doesn't mean you're traveling from Seattle to Miami weekly. Rail has worked efficiently before and was very widespread (especially in the North,) and with enough determination, it can now work as well.

 @9GLD9Y9 from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

I agree having a more functional interstate and local road systems as well as a more developed bus and train system would greatly benefit the lower to middle class and cut down on fuel spending on just cars.

 @9GFT64JSocialist from Connecticut agreed…7mos7MO

Public transportation budgets should be increased because with the American car centered infrastructure that we currently have public transportation is a necessity that a lot of lower class people rely on for their day to day life. Increasing public transportation budgets would also help in climate control by reducing the number of people who need to take cars everywhere because that’s the only way to get places.

 @9GG4RKM from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

It helps reduce traffic congestion on roads, which in turn reduces air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

 @9GHCC2V from California agreed…7mos7MO

Public Transportation is a key factor in allowing people who can't transport themselves to places that they are needed. Therefore, we should increase spendings on making sure that everyone, gets to these places that they cannot afford to get their themselves.


By switching from car-dependency to public transportation, we can save money on expensive and redundant highway infrastructure, slow climate change by reducing the amount of combustion-engines on the road, oil prices won't impact citizens as much, and our cities are better off for it. Many people believe that it won't be possible for the U.S. to have extensive public transportation but they forget that the United States was built by railroads and there have been several cities with efficient tram-lines but most have been removed in favor of private automobiles.

 @9G8F33P from Wyoming agreed…8mos8MO

The current public transportation system is extremely underfunded, it is missing some of the key components that a public transportation system needs to be viable. It leaves little to no options for transportation for those who are low income, therefore resulting in more unnecessary costs that could in turn lead to poverty, homelessness, starvation, or worse. Simply all because of an outdated, underfunded system.

 @9GRV52KWomen’s Equality from Massachusetts agreed…7mos7MO

people that dont have cars might have a more diffucult time getting to tehir jobs. Whithout a car in this country you can't move or do anyhting.

 @9GRVS5Y from Louisiana agreed…7mos7MO

I agree because with more cars there is more traffic, so many forms of transportation are held up. This also doesn't take into account the other stops that must be made first

 @9GRVZ95 from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

I agree, and I believe we should have a good transportation system in every American city, so that no one is forced to buy a car, especially in car-dependent suburbs.

 @9GSL8RM from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

Besides creating more opportunities, public transit and carpooling also means less cars on the road, therefore leading to less congestion and emissions. This all helps to reduce travel times while also benefitting the environment.

 @9G69TFB from Pennsylvania agreed…8mos8MO

Most directly, trains and buses create less pollution-causing emissions than would be created if the same transit riders traveled in individual cars or even carpooled. Transit also reduces air pollution by reducing congestion for the remaining cars on the road, thus polluting less to make the same trips.

 @9FRGZBV from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

It would heavily decrease the use of cars and even the need for it which would cut emissions, cut gas prices, and be way cheaper for the impoverished Americans. It would also reduce the need for roads and make cities more walk-able which would create a stronger community which would make it safer to go out even if you were a kid by yourself.

 @9GVSZNHPeace and Freedomfrom Maine agreed…7mos7MO

Public transportation offers a multitude of compelling benefits, supported by data and statistics. Environmentally, it significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions per passenger mile compared to individual cars, contributing to the fight against climate change. Economically, investments in public transit stimulate job creation and promote business development. Individually, it proves more cost-effective than private car ownership, saving commuters thousands of dollars annually. Safety statistics demonstrate that public transit is a safer mode of transportation than private vehicles. Additio…  Read more

 @9GQ4T2S from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

Providing low cost resources for transportation assists the economy, and empowers more people to lower their emissions. We should also fund for public transportation using renewable resources for energy.

 @9GMV78Z from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

Especially in big cities, public transport is incredibly important! In cities in Europe and most countries as well, there are huge nets of public transport that span the country. Its easy to get by and better for the environment than cars.

 @9H3NBF3Independent from Nebraska agreed…7mos7MO

public transportation is important for people who can't afford cars or need to go a short distance. this can help enable people to work who didn't have the opportunity before

 @9GYSDSS from Idaho agreed…7mos7MO

Public transportation is a great way to reduce a large amount of our emissions, will boost our economy, and support low-income individuals.


Public transportation reduces congestion (therefore reducing CO2 emissions). It also connects rural counties with other areas. In addition, it makes major cities safer.

 @9FPNWZP from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Public Transport is the most efficient way to transport large amounts of people going between two locations with frequent traffic, freeing up roadways for freight transport, and for those who are unable to conveniently access public transport


Once they help improve public transportation it will only better the lives of everyone that uses public trasnportation because it will help them in getting to places faster.

 @9FQ9BDM from Wisconsin agreed…8mos8MO

Public transportation, not only makes it easier for people to travel between areas within a country. It also can make it cheaper and more effective to travel.

 @9GHRY4Z from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

In cities like Chicago and New York City, an est. 32% of the population uses the subway every single day. Using that metric, we have determined that around 4.2 billion gallons of gasoline get saved every year as a result. The amount saved would be drastically higher if numbers in the 50s and 60s would be using the train daily, and funding was improved for bandwidth and efficiency of transport.


An extensive public transportation system would reduce carbon emissions, and would reduce the worry of gas prices. The US should stop favoring big car companies and should favor the common people and there needs.


A lot of people rely on public transportation to be able to get to work, school, or buisness attendees. I do not think we should remove public transportation as well simply because it holds so much power with climate change as well.

 @9GSVCQ3 from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

public transportation helps decrease the global gasses in the atmosphere, we have too many cars on the road with unnecessary waste


It would help people to be able to have more jobs or better jobs if they had more axcess to different types of transportation.

 @9GSRPTFfrom Guam agreed…7mos7MO

Say a country like Japan uses more public transportation than a major metropolitan city in the US or any small town in the US. In 2019 the amount of people using just the train in Japan was 25.19 billion. However the US was 32.5 million. Given how much larger the US is compared to Japan the numbers are shocking showing how much more used and better Japan is at innovating for the people.

 @9GWKF48Progressive from Minnesota agreed…7mos7MO

For one, shifting from a car to public transit will reduce up to 2.2 tons of CO2 annually per individual.

 @9GJGDZ5 from Colorado agreed…7mos7MO

America is too focused on using cars to get around you can't get to basic places without one. so more public transportation would help us reduce emissions and help younger people get around.

 @9GVHJSNPeace and Freedom from Arkansas agreed…7mos7MO

Yes we should we should spend more on public transportation because if a person doesn’t have a way to get someone they could always go to the transportation place and get a ride.

 @9GMSFHK from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

Most of American is completely car reliant and unwalkable, which contributes to our obesity rates. Public transportation would reduce carbon emissions and make for a healthier population.

 @9FLBD97from Maine agreed…8mos8MO

Public transportation is a lot more efficient than cars and produce less waste. If we manage to make the public transit better for the environment and make it more appealing, a lot less people would need to use their cars.

 @9H234FWDemocrat from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

If we give citizens viable options for alternative transportation, they will choose what works best for themselves. The problem is there aren’t great options for alternatives. We invest heavily in cars in this country while we should have affordable options for not just inner city travel, but also commuting from suburbian areas and cross-country high speed rail systems. We are a nation of innovation and it’s time we start behaving as one instead of just claiming it. Building greater transportation systems that don’t just rely on cars will enable better access to work, childc…  Read more


User penetration is projected to be 35.7% in 2023 and 35.4% by 2027. Americans use public transportation 34 million times a day. Public transportation is a $79 billion industry that employs more than 430,000 people. Approximately 6,800 organizations provide public transportation in the United States.

 @9FT6JH7 from Georgia agreed…8mos8MO

By switching to a less car dependent culture it would decrease the amount of carbon emissions that are released, improving the environment, as well as providing easier more safe transportation that is widely accessible to everyone.

 @9GJFH8H from New York agreed…7mos7MO

Look at the maps of our smallest and biggest towns and cities. Most provide little to no access to public transportation. If we can build sidewalks change design of roads we can find a way to provide more public transportation.


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