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73 Replies

 @9FBKKLT  from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

If all police were required to wear body cams, this would eliminate the question of misconduct and if it occurred and to get rid of the "he said she said" conflict.

 @9FF5C55  from Indiana agreed…9mos9MO

Yes, I agree with this. It is the same concept as having a dash cam. It eliminates questions that could be manipulated by a party with more apparent power.

 @PuzzledJ0intResolutionfrom Texas asked…9mos9MO

I'm thrilled to see your agreement here! You brought up an interesting comparison to dash cams. Could you share more about why you think dash cams and body cams share the same benefits?

 @9FF8T47 from Utah agreed…9mos9MO

Yes, I agree. I think that all police should wear cameras at all times for evidence against violence on the police and other accounts. Also, the government should be given the footage always and it cannot be doctored or changed in any way whatsoever.

 @9FF84MWPeace and Freedom from Indiana agreed…9mos9MO

I believe that by making every police officer wear a body cam, it greatly deduces any chance of improper use of authority or it could help prove innocence when a police officer goes over the line.

 @9FG9PKG from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

I agree. The lack of confirmed evidence that we have in many cases is what let's the police force get away with so much more than they should.

 @9FL2B54  from Oklahoma disagreed…8mos8MO

Body cameras should be worn at all times to make sure that police are being just and fair to citizens.

 @9F95F29Peace and Freedom from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Police should always carry body cams for both evidence of a crime and to make sure they aren’t doing anything suspicious themselves.

 @9GJYLQ3from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

Body cameras have revealed countless officers committing felonies/breaches of conduct - sackable offences - which would otherwise have gone unchecked were it not for the use of body cameras

 @9GNTTF5  from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

If police officers are following the law and have nothing to hide, there is no reason to oppose police body cameras.

 @9GNW3MDSocialist from New Jersey agreed…7mos7MO

I completely agree. Body cameras are good for both police officers and potential suspects; they protect both sides from false accusations.

 @9FP75HHWomen’s Equality from South Dakota disagreed…8mos8MO

Not only does it protect the citizens and also protects the police when it comes to he said she said

 @9G2MTP3 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Police always having their body cam on will lead to protection against the cops and civilians. There are corrupt officers in the US who use their power on innocent people. Body cameras could help us in trials against these officers. It is also more evidence that could be used in court.

 @9GYSCC3 from Nebraska disagreed…7mos7MO

These are the only people in our country that have the state-sponsored power to kill and restrict general freedoms. That is a tremendous responsibility that can not granted lightly. Anyone with too much power has the potential to abuse that power. Given the potential harms that irresponsible police officers can cause, body cameras are a good protection both for the public and good officers that are falsely accused.

 @9FN622K from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

If an officer or a citizen mistreats the other, or commits and offence towards the other, and there is no evidence to prove it, a bodycam shall act as a means to record evidence, and disprove any false claims if it reaches a court.

 @9H2SYYXLibertarian from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

Using a camera can increase the likelihood of equality between police and citizens. It is beneficial for police to use body cameras to ensure their protection. It is also best for police to use body cameras so that no corruption or discrimination will be used against citizens.

 @9GSTWVB from South Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

It will literally show who is accountable for what and has literal proof of what actually happened, holding people accountable.

 @9H22YL3 from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

I feel that Police officers should wear body cams for safety of all people in the situation and it can be used as a main source of evidence.

  @random17345  from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

By saying no to Police Body Cameras, you are saying no to the protection of both Police Officers and citizens rights to due process of the law. The body cameras allow citizens to have proof of officers abusing the law, and officers have protection from false claims.

 @9FM2QSS from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

If police were to wear body cameras, there would be no question on what happened in certain situations and this would better protect both the citizens and the officers.

 @9FLNVC8 from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

the police have made some bad mistakes and gotten away with them so body cameras would hopefully control the issue and make it easier.

 @9FLKMVR from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

I think there is no argument against body cameras. The cameras have the evidence to what really happens on encounters with police and it protects the police and the person involved.

 @9H5BKWNRepublican from Indiana disagreed…6mos6MO

I believe that they all need body cameras so that when someone gets hurt in a arrest, they can look and see who was at fault and who is going to get in trouble. It also stops corrupt cops, or even gets them fired or released from the Police Force.

 @9GLQV6WPeace and Freedom from Nebraska disagreed…7mos7MO

There should be a requirement for body police cameras to be worn on duty. It can show what happened and how something happened.

 @9GN3G2X from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Many incidents can be prevented by Police officers having body cameras, or at least ensure that Officers abusing their power will be held accountable.

 @9FL9BMR from California disagreed…8mos8MO

They should wear them because they are public servants that hold a position of power and authority. The body cameras make sure they don’t abuse their authority and there will be evidence if they do that will hold them accountable

 @9FM52BD from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

In the first 267 days of 2023, there have only been 10 days when a law enforcement officer did not kill a civilian. In these nine months, there have been a total of 801 deaths at the hands of police officers.
The police motto, ‘protect and serve’ has been twisted into something that is unrecognizable and inhumane. The police force is comprised of 67% white men, many of whom are existing with severely ‘masculine’ ideas of societal norms. The individual need of power and control within the law enforcement system endangers the people it was built to protect.
Police brut…  Read more

 @9H4VDTDWomen’s Equality from Utah disagreed…6mos6MO

How would we be able to determine when our officers mess up if we cannot see the way they handle a situation?

 @9FLKZYT from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

Allows for more transparency between the police force and their community, and will also provide prosecutable evidence in case of incident.

 @9M25PN6  from Pennsylvania disagreed…1mo1MO

With body cams for police officers you there is more evidence for if something goes wrong and they need more evidence for court. It also holds police officers accountable knowing that they’re being filmed and their movements are being watched. It’s also for their safety if someone shoots them and they have more evidence.

 @9M27356 from Ohio commented…1mo1MO

Many police officers don't know the amendments very well. If anything it is to ensure the officers safety, or the victims safety.

 @9FTS2QY from South Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

Police should most certainly be required to wear body cams. this could provide potential evidence of a crime or even a dirty cop.

 @9FLR3VVIndependent from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

The more information we have on any given arrest the better. As a society we are deemed innocent till proven guilty. A person may admit on camera to having committed the crime or may not have even though that was written on the police report. It brings up the trust in the community and provides a way for citizens to know if the police are abusing their power.

 @9H2TDBM from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

All police officers should have body cameras because they can either prove their innocence on the working field or show their abuse of power. It can make sure they are kept in check.

 @9FLNY4CProgressive from California disagreed…8mos8MO

The police work to serve us. In the court of law the body cams of our public servants should be readily available to show.

 @9GFWTBK from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

If they don't wear body cameras what's there to stop them from doing things that are against peoples right and is unconstitutional, body cams ensure that people are allowed evidence as well as a way to hold the officer accountable in the case of them doing something unjust.

 @9FSZDK2 from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

Police body cameras not only provide evidence for a victim of police brutality, but also provide evidence against a false claim of police brutality.

 @9FLKYCGDemocrat from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Body cameras will provide undeniable evidence of how an arrest was conducted. It provides documentation of the treatment of the person being arrested and the treatment of the officer.

 @9FLQGHX from California disagreed…8mos8MO

As a marketing director, I understand the importance of transparency and accountability. Body cameras can help ensure trust between the police and the community by providing an unbiased record of interactions.

 @9H38HB8 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

that police need to have body cameras to see how they deal with situations and that they arent abusing their power

 @9FLKVKW from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

What reason should police not have body cameras on other than to cover up inequalities and targeted systemic racism?

 @9FLP9CK from Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe that police should have body cams so if there’re abuses power then they can be fired or jail

 @9F7BQNS from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

Police body cameras prevent the officers in question, if there be any, from fudging the story in their favor. You can't take video out of context when you see literally everything that happens in the situation.

 @9MGY76K from Michigan disagreed…3wks3W

Body cameras protect police as much as they do the public since the public films them any chance they get

 @9M8KWX9 from Idaho disagreed…4wks4W

I think it is important for police to wear cameras to present evidence in cases where it is necessary.

 @9M2KJ2C from Illinois disagreed…1mo1MO

Body cameras are there to protect both parties involved. No words can be twisted when video recording is available to view.

 @9HYC2PW  from Arizona disagreed…5mos5MO

Police officers are in a position of power. In situations where there is a disagreement between what occurred during an incident, it greatly disadvantages the public to not have corroboration of their side. Without visual evidence, it is highly likely a court would take the side of a police officer over a civilian; especially if civilians had a criminal record.

 @9GCMPS7 from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

People need to see what the cops do and how they do it. That provides evidence for the person and the police to make sure thing bad is happening behind closed doors.


I believe every police officer should have body cameras because it is essential to understand what happened at a scene with a police officer and individual.

 @9GW4QKY from Arizona disagreed…7mos7MO

There's been a LOT of police brutality. If they wear body cameras then won't that just be able to prevent it? Not really knowledgeable about the topic, but I just think that if a police officer kills someone then we should have as much evidence for a fair and just trial.


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